Manufacturing's core

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Bugger Plus stomped off from the door. He turned around to look at it one more time and then continued grumbling something to himself. He went downstairs to a floor that had enough space to actually do walk around.

Arthur was cooking a deer he had shot over a fire he created with wood. He had chopped it outside with an axe that was given to him by Dragonbreath himself. In eating, Arthur had to take his helmet off. Arthur's face was covered with an ungroomed beard, and his greasy hair was flattened by his helmet.

Bugger Plus went to look at the antlers when Arthur let out a deep growl. He showed his teeth. They were sharpened like a gators. Bugger backed off and just sorta sat there and breathed. He felt a prang of uselessness, but then it was filled with determination. He'll be back. We'll get him. He started to feel better. He just had to be patient.

A stack of metal plates was just sitting around on the floor. Bugger Plus found that the best way to relieve heavy stress was to do what he was good at. He went over to them and looked around. He had metal, but nothing to mold it with. He decided to take a look around and see if there was anything he could use to mold it with. Finding more scraps of metal around he discovered a blowtorch nearby some robot molds. A robot was sitting in there. They were probably the one in charge of these molds. The robot closed it's eyes. It didn't even care anymore. This let Bugger Plus have access to everything in there. That included a forge and a blow torch. What luck! What to make what to make.. Ohh! Maybe something for that really big guy Eh? We can please him with toys. Someone like that must not have a diverse array of things to do. We must appease this predator into a cooperative relationship! Good thinking. We will be irreplaceable to him. I'm glad to be plus-ed with you. Oh, well thank you.

Bugger Plus started to create a dart board. Using metal and wood.

At the same time PaRappa was still going down the trapdoor ladder.

"Does any air even get down here?" He asked, paranoid. Crowla cawed worriedly, "I probably shouldn't think about that too much," PaRappa needed to focus on the task at hand. Despite him trying to think about what he had to do, he was mostly focused on all the ways he could die during this mission. Death was mysterious and he didn't want to find out what it was all about so soon. He was only 18 years old now. Thinking about it in dog years, he wondered if as a dog he was an adolescent or an adult. He would have to ask Pat. He would surely know.

Thinking about Pat made PaRappa miss him. He hadn't really had his mind on him all day. Was he ok? He wasn't dead as Pat Picked up when PaRappa called. Did Pat think he was dead. PaRappa hoped not. He didn't want any drama.

Jumping off of the last part of the ladder, PaRappa entered the hallway depicted in Brethda's vision song. It was filled with little red lights that didn't do a very good job illuminating the place. There was only one way to go. He stepped around wisely because he felt as if he was being watched. Starting up a robo monster would surely kill him in these close corners.

Up ahead was a camera looking at a specific area. He went under it without getting caught. After the camera was the door to the chamber to the mega core. He opened it without too much effort into the room.

"Woah," PaRappa said in awe. The song had not given the place justice. It almost looked like a muscle or some sort of artery. Especially with all of the red lights. PaRappa took out his chisel and approached the mega core. Crowla jumped off of his head and nodded.

"Let's do this," PaRappa said. He then finally jabbed the chisel into the core. Immediately an alarm went off. The electrical system of the entire manufacturing zone went haywire, and some parts blew up and became enflamed. Robots were deactivated and freed by the hundreds. The door that PaRappa had come out of closed, and in minutes smoke golem smoke filled the room, "Well that was quick..." He said standing completely still. Crowla crowed worriedly. Even he wasn't immune to the smoke.

A speaker and a camera that PaRappa hadn't noticed before suddenly stuttered to his direction.

"Gotcha!" Someone said on the speaker. The locked door opened, "You're coming with ME,"

"Oh great," PaRappa said not knowing what else he expected. Walk forward. Even Clowla did this action despite the fact that flying would be better. Unexpectedly they fell in a hole that had opened up under the cloak of smoke. The security operating the cameras looked in the hallway where they should have emerged from, but found nobody there.

"Where'd you go!?" The someone said. PaRappa and Crowla had fallen down one floor and continued to walk into a wall like a stupid NPC. The hole in the ceiling that they fell into shut and a light turned on illuminating the place.

"Thank goodness you're ok!" It was Brethda, "You've done a lot of good PaRappa! What a hero!" She was speaking through a speaker in the ceiling. PaRappa and Crowla shook off the smoke.

"Heh thanks. Uh, What do I do now?" PaRappa entrusted her with his decision making.

"Um. Well you must be very tired. You can go on to wherever you like to relax, just as long as you'll show up again. I'll have a memory for you when you come back!" She teased.

"Well I am very tired. Ok. I think i'll come back the day after tomorrow,"

"Sounds like a plan! Here, i'll help you out," A door opened up in front of them to a dirt tunnel.

"Am I.. in the mines?" PaRappa did not know of how far down he really went.

"Well yeah. If you weren't in the mines I wouldn't of been able to save you. I can't control anything up above me," Brethda explained.

"Oh," PaRappa realized that his friend's powers were very limited.

"I can still send my miner robots to you. I hacked the program so they won't deactivate up there anymore. They don't have cores so you don't need to smash em. They only have me being broadcast to their systems from my source,"

"So eventually I'll need to break you..." PaRappa didn't want her to leave just yet.

"Oh, we'll worry about that later, OW!"

"What's wrong,"

"Some water must of dropped down into the mine floor. It feels really cold. I'll be alright though. Now go on home before the sun goes down! You'll miss a beautiful sunset!" Brethda said.

"Yes ma'am!" PaRappa went a short distance to a 'elevator' and went up with Crowla along with him. Some drops of water also hit him in the head. It was only clear what it was when PaRappa was shot back up to manufacturing to find the whole place flooded in shallow water.

"Woah," Crowla said cocking his head in the most crow way possible. A pipe had burst. Going down a hall they looked over manufacturing to see a giant hole in the ceiling. The hole was pouring in an entire lake from the surface. Down below them Bugger Plus and Arthur were riding a wooden raft with Bugger pushing them along with a metal rod. PaRappa wished he could take a picture. The sun was finally touching down on this hell with it's golden fingertips. What color, what grand tranquility! The only problem was that he was still stuck down there. He couldn't reach the hole, so he had to find another way out.

Taking Bart's advice from before, PaRappa just found ways of getting higher in the facility until he found a malfunctioning exit door. He dashed off to Spaghetti Dinner, ate a celebratory bread, drank a celebratory juice box that Crowla found, read a celebratory chapter of a cool book, looked at the sunset, and took a very well deserved rest throughout the night.

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