Matt strikes up a random conversation in the dark

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Pat had taken PaRappa attraction hunting for the rest of the day that day. They went to a roller coaster park and an indoor ski resort, and that was their day. During the afternoon they went to an outdoor burger place/bar. It was called The Spin. 
“That was really brave what you did back there, but do you even know what you’re gonna do for your presentation?” Pat asked sipping a coke.
“Uh, I’m not too sure. I think I should do something about rap because i’m good at that, but I don’t know how to turn that into something for HaHa,” PaRappa said.
“Well you have plenty of time to think about ideas. I’d only start to worry after this week, if you still don’t have an idea. That way you can think for a week and do for the other week,” Pat said. The sun was starting to set. The rides in the distance were starting to glow along with Pat’s eyes.
“Woah,” PaRappa looked at it in awe. Pat Remembered when he once looked out of his bedroom window in amazement at the blazing ferris wheels. “Well Putt I think I'm gonna go home. I've got a surprise for you tomorrow. You don’t have to come home with me if you don't want to,” Pat said.
“Ok. I think I'll explore a bit,” PaRappa said.
“Alright! It'll see you later. You got your cell?” Pat asked.
“Yeah,” PaRappa said taking it out of his pocket and spinning it slightly.
“Ok. Don’t go too far, and don't go on any rides you're not comfortable with. I don’t really care when you get back but just keep in mind the fact that the party is tomorrow,”
“Ok dad,” PaRappa said. Pat smiled and got up.
“Enjoy your stay at HaHa Land,” Pat bowed and walked away. That line was something he was taught to say often as a kid, and mascot to HaHa.
“Bye,” Parappa waved.
He got up from his stool and put his hands in his pockets. PaRappa did not plan on going on any rides, he was exhausted from snowboarding. He instead wanted to just sort’ve observe people’s lives on the ground, in the dark.
He was curious. In walking around crowded blocks with people crammed in them and alleyways with homeless drunkards sleeping on the ground. PaRappa often poked those people with sticks. Wandering around like this reminded him of him of his dog dog days. Searching for food around places he really shouldn't be allowed to go. He didn’t need to find food anymore, he still kept finding it though. Out of all of his new mental capacity there wasn't much to miss about being a dog dog, but there was one thing; smell. The world seemed so much more dynamic and alive with the powerful sense he had. It practically replaced color.
PaRappa was sitting up in a fire escape at the edge of  town when his ears pricked up at some interesting sound. It was coming from the forest. He climbed down the fire escape into an alley, and into the woods to try and find the source of the sound. It was most definitely whistling. PaRappa thought to himself that this was probably one of the places that Pat wouldn’t like him to go, but Pat wasn’t there right then was he? PaRappa pushed through some bushes to the source of the sound. It was Matt sitting on a rather large rock whistling as he lightly strummed a ukulele. He was illuminated by an electric lantern sitting near the rocks of a stream that he was sitting by.
When PaRappa came into Matt’s view he was very shaken. He had not heard PaRappa walk up to him, so it seemed like he had just appeared there… staring. PaRappa was also hard to see in the darkness all Matt could see was the shape of a person, and eyes. Matt didn’t say anything and got up frantically to get away. He assumed what he saw was false, but was really freaked out nonetheless.
“Wait!” PaRappa shouted from out of the dark. Matt stopped, realizing he was not dealing with the supernatural. “Heh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” PaRappa joked.
“Don’t scare me like that!” Matt yelled, “What are you even doing over here watching me?!”
“Oh uh, I was listening to your music. It’s very calming,” PaRappa tried to calm Matt down.
“Oh, well thanks. I've only been doing it for a little while,” Matt said jumping into a hole that had him underground except for his neck and head.
“What are you doing?” PaRappa asked approaching the head sticking out of the ground.
“If I ain’t a bush I ain’t no one,” Matt said randomly. He then made a confused face and climbed out of the hole.
“Are you ok?” PaRappa asked.
“Eh no. Not really. I got struck by lightning two days ago, my first hotel room caught on fire, and I threw up on a rollercoaster! Now it keep thinking I'm a bush!” Matt said. Sit Com laughter could be heard, “WHAT THE HELL?” Matt turned around terrified. PaRappa couldn’t hear it.
“Oh well,” PaRappa said, “Weird stuff happens to us all. I used to be a dog!” Matt gave PaRappa an odd look. Weird stuff happens to everyone? I GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!
“You used to be a dog? but you are a dog!” Matt shouted.
“No, I mean a dog dog,” PaRappa explained.
“Oh pst duh,” Matt felt kinda stupid now. What do you think he meant?! “Well how did you become a person then? There has to be an explanation,”
“I actually don’t know,” PaRappa said sitting on a rock.
“Don’t you want to know? What if you just turn back into a dog dog? If I were you I would want to know so that I can prevent that,” Matt said,“Oo a die,” Matt picked up a 6 sided die covered in dirt. He put it in his pocket.
“I guess that makes sense. I definitely don’t want to turn back into a dog dog,” PaRappa said.
“Well, I think your first move would be to retrace your steps. Maybe you can find out something,” Matt said taking out the die and scraping dirt off it.
“Thanks. I think i’ll go now. What’s your name?” PaRappa said getting up.
“Matt Major,” Matt put his hand out for a handshake. PaRappa grabbed it firmly and shook, like he had been told. At that point Matt was close enough to PaRappa that he could see his face. For a second he quaked… like he’d seen a ghost. “UHh Hopefully we’ll meet again under less dark circumstances,” Matt continued.
“Yeah. I live around here so i’m sure i’ll see you again,” PaRappa ended the handshake.

PaRappa walked out from where he came and decided that he would be tired soon. Maybe it would be good to come home early. The wind was coming in and it was getting chilly. What else was there left to do? He was just wandering around anyway. PaRappa started on his way home.

(The mushroom whistler)

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