Robots are suicidal

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When the cops and the firemen arrived on the scene they took all of the teens home. PaRappa arrived home to a vast empty space. It was dark.
“Seems no one’s home,” PaRappa said to himself. He was chilly from the water he was drenched in. It seemed that fancy clothes didn’t like water. He followed the same path he always had to his room. Sunny had said she wanted to go to Katy’s hotel. She offered PaRappa a seat on the further night journey, but he just wanted to go home. He got himself into his Pajamas and laid himself down on his back. PaRappa stared at the ceiling.
This whole PaRappa thing was a little overwhelming to him. He saw the entity of PaRappa being some dead guy sleeping in his brain. What if he woke up? Who would he be then? Would Putt go to sleep? PaRappa wished he didn't have to think about this. Atop his dresser his phone rang. PaRappa looked in his pocket. He thought his phone was there, but it was the chisel from before. He took the chisel out of his pocket and went to answer the incoming call.  
“Putt where are you?!” It was Pat.
“I’m at home. I was just hanging out with friends before,” PaRappa said. Pat sighed.
“You should really tell me when you’re going out. I called you like 6 times,” Pat said.
“Sorry! I forgot to bring my phone. Well it probably would've gotten scolded or water logged if I had brought it,” 
“Were you hanging out at Henry Jump?”
“How’d you know?” PaRappa was surprised Pat knew this place.
“I used to go there when I was younger. They always have a fire right next to a lake. I don’t go there often anymore. Different crowds,” Pat said.
“Heh. I caught on fire,” PaRappa said whimsically.
“Oh wow, you ok?” Pat wondered how PaRappa caught on fire.
“I think so,” PaRappa had a couple burns on his shoulders and legs. They stung “We were chased by this giant metal dragon thing and I caught on fire. I jumped into the lake. He had eyes like flashlights,” PaRappa said like it was nothing.
“A giant robot chased you?! That’s awful! You sure you’re ok? Sounds like you had a real panic back there!” Pat said.
“Yep! I’m totally fine. GAH!” The lemonade robot was in his doorway just... staring at him. PaRappa didn’t notice until now.
“What!? WHAT!?” Pat wanted to know what all the screaming was about.
“The robot that gives us lemonade is at my doorway looking at me,” PaRappa said not keeping an eye off the bot. 
“Don’t be scared. Just walk up to him and tell him that he’s dismissed,” Pat said. PaRappa cringed, he really didn’t want to go up to the robot. He did anyway and half expected the creep to jump out at him.
“You are dismissed,” PaRappa said.
“No,” The robot replied. PaRappa was so startled it felt like water went down his spine.
“He said ‘no’!” PaRappa yelled back into the phone.
“Ok. Hold on! I’m coming over ok? Stay there,” Pat said.
“What?!” PaRappa wasn’t being told something. That’s when Pat hung up. He looked at the robot again.
“Oops, it’s broken. Oops it’s broken. Do not worry, it’s free!” the robot chatted. His shadow loomed over PaRappa’s room, “Oh, you’ve got it?”
“I’ve got it?” PaRappa asked hoping that talking would calm his nerves.
“It’s broken, broken, broken, broken, broken-” the robot repeated.
“What is?” PaRappa was curious.
“Broken- it’s free- broken, free. Broken,free,” The robot’s arm suddenly pointed to the chisel.
“You want this?” PaRappa asked.
“It’s lemonade. It’s free,” said the bot. PaRappa brought the chisel over to him. The robot immediately stabbed the chisel right in his own chest. It caught PaRappa by surprise. Lifeless, the bot fell forwards. PaRappa moved out of the way as it slammed into the ground. Rolling over on it’s side PaRappa could see that It had stabbed straight in the center of a circular shape on his chest. PaRappa crawled back into his bed and laid himself under the covers. He kept his light on, and tried to go to sleep.
A little while later Pat arrived and saw the scene. PaRappa was so tired he barely noticed that Pat had come in at all. Pat took the chisel out of the bot’s core and placed it on top of PaRappa’s dresser. He then dragged the robot out of his room, and turned his lights off. Just before he left he gave PaRappa a peck on the cheek and closed the door.

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