Doctor's vist

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Papa scheduled a doctor’s appointment 2 days since then. PaRappa urged it to be soon, very soon. He was afraid, but he also kind of ignored it like it didn’t exist. He just didn’t really get what was going on so he decided that worrying about it was a waste of energy. This didn’t stop him from feeling self conscious about his size though. Especially around Sunny who in fact found him cuter being smaller. He didn’t tell anyone that he was shrinking, but everyone could see it. He didn’t even show any sign of worry whatsoever.
Except for when he finally went to go and see what was wrong. He became short of breath, and very shivery about it, but that was just worry build up releasing itself into a slight panic.When Papa, Pinto, and PaRappa were waiting in the waiting room he couldn’t help chattering his teeth.
“What’s wrong with you PaRappa?” Pinto asked. She was holding Uee who was staring into the distance.
“i’M NeRvOuS,” PaRappa replied. He cleared his throat and tried to relax his mouth for a moment,“I mEan, what if I shrink forEVer?”
“Then i’ll be the big brother, well big sister,” Pinto said. 
“I doN’t think tHat hElps,” PaRappa said.
“PaRappa er... Rappa?” the doctor said looking at her clipboard. PaRappa screamed and fell over in response. He then immediately got up as to not let the moment linger. “You wanna bring them?” The doctor pointed to PaRappa’s fam.
“YEs,” PaRappa said. They walked through a strange hall. At one point it looked like a dead end, but in fact you had to rock climb up. Once they were on the second floor they all sat down in the brightly colored room. The window was not actually a window but a giant screen playing Jet Baby vs Superman. The doctor turned it off via remote that was lying on the patient bed.
“Now what are we here for today?” The doctor asked.
“I’m uh, uh,um… I’m shrinking... rapidly,” PaRappa saying it for himself made it seem even more true.
“Hmm,” The doctor said in interest.
“Is there anything you could diagnose doctor?” Papa asked.
“Well people are known to shrink, but not at PaRappa’s age. Not even close. This seems to be an oddity of genetics. How much have you shrunk since your last measurement?” The doctor asked.
“Five inches,” PaRappa said grimly.
“Did you say five inches?!” The doctor was shocked,“That’s impossible…Are you sure that is accurate?”
“Yes it is. I checked just a couple days ago. It surprised me too,” Papa said.
“Well i’m sorry but I don’t have anything on that unless we had more data to use. Perhaps we could take a blood sample and look at your DNA for any errors, but I’ve never seen or heard anything like this in my life,” The doctor said. She started to go, disappointed with herself.
“WAIT!” PaRappa said to the doctor,“ I have eh, one more thing you need to know,” He turned around to reveal a tail. Papa and Pinto gasped. PaRappa went red in the face. His hat slumped over his eyes.
“I’m guessing from their reactions that... GASP! This changes everything,” She said.
    The doctor led them down into an underground cave via a rickety work elevator. She held with her a torch of flame. This made PaRappa nervous to go to such extremes. He just wanted to know what his diagnosis was. The stress from wondering was killing him. “Ah, there it is!” The doctor said. She ran over to an ancient book.
“What’s that?” Pinto asked.
“A book of curses,” The doctor said.
“GAHHH! Curses!? I’m cused?!” PaRappa fell on his knees and whimpered.
“Well, curses are just one term for it. Magic can start all sorts of chain reactions causing problems in the body . We don’t usually learn about these because ‘They’re not science’ or whatever. Luckily we have this book that talks about all sorts of magical do dads from the olden days. Book, Show me werewolf,” the doc said. The book started flipping around until it found the tan withered page on werewolves.
“I’M A WEREWOLF!?” PaRappa panicked.
“Well I don’t really know. We’d have to compare symptoms,” The doctor cleared her throat,“‘Lycanthropy Starts out by being infected with a bite from another lycanthrope. Transformation occurs on nights when the moon is full, or when in emotional destress. symptoms include caving of meat, hair increasing, and midnight drunkard memories ’- have you been bitten by any sort of monster recently? Or ya know...any of these symptoms?”
“No,” PaRappa hoped that that meant this was the end of that prediction.
“Hmm. I totally thought It was gonna be that one. Book! Is there anything in here about shrinking?” The doctor asked. The book opened up to a shrinking spell and the rest of the pages on shrinking started to glow bright blue. The doctor skimmed through ‘The shrinking spell’. “Eh there’s nothing about growing any tails in this one. Hmm no not that one either. Ah check this one out! It’s called ‘hat ties’. You seem to be fond of hats. Let’s see ‘cursed hats are hats that need constant wear in order to keep symptoms from happening. Symptoms are growing or shrinking, fever, memory loss, transformation. If patient doesn’t get his/her cused hat back on they will fully turn into their object\animal counterpart as in elephant, ant, lamp, chair, etc.’ Ohh! Says here It was used by dogs to weaken cat armines and that for cats the spell goes into effect faster than dogs who created the spell. Neat! Did you lose any hats that you’ve worn practically your whole life?” She asked.
“yEs…. I’m gonna lie down now,” PaRappa said as he got on the cave floor.
“What are our treatment options?” Papa asked.
“Put the hat back on. that’s the only cure,” The doctor said. The Rappa’s started sprinting to the end of the cave to get home to try and find his hat when the doctor stopped them.
“Wait, what was the condition of the hat when you last saw it?”
“Split in half…” PaRappa whimpered on the ground.
“Then it won't work. The future is sealed… YOU PARAPPA C. RAPPA WILL BE A PRIMITIVE DOG IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS. Live the rest of your anthro days in peace,” The doctor shouted.

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