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He spent about 15 minutes there sitting with with his bird. That's when he was interrupted by Bart the repairbot.
"*sigh* You again. I'm sorry, but i'm gonna have to kill you," Bart took out a pistol and pointed to PaRappa's head.
"You don't want to do that," PaRappa said. He was just kinda numb from it all.
"I-I don't, but... they'll hurt me if I don't. At least just let me kill you so you can escape unscathed. Not trapped like me," Bart said his hands shaking. PaRappa was right.
"Just let me go," PaRappa said. PaRappa looked Bart straight in the eye.
"Gah you got me with those darn puppy eyes," Bart said putting his gun down, "Up is always the way out. They are gonna kill me if I wasn't already dead," PaRappa knew the way out, there was an "elevator" going up right by him. He just needed time before he continued. If it was like the other time he was here, it wouldn't be easy to get out. He had been through so much.
PaRappa got up and started on his way with Crowla in his arms.
"Will you... Tell them out there about this place?" Bart asked. PaRappa stopped.
"As I survive so will Justice," those would be really ironic last words. PaRappa started thinking of what he could tell, what he could say. He could become a hero to all the poor lost souls down in that hell hole. He the continued onward to the elevator and waved goodbye just before the tube sucked him up.

In the next floor there was no more vast empty spaces with endless pits, but instead there was metallic corridors stacked up on top of each other for the purpose of making different bots. It was manufacturing, represented with a spray painted cut out of a claw holding a robot's ear getting ready to place it on a head. It was dimly lit there as robots didn't need all that much light to see. Humans weren't down there much anyway.

A deer deer leaped in front of PaRappa from a doorway. It took one look at him and skipped down the hall. Bursting through the same doorway was the giant: Arthur and his shot gun. He was so busy hunting his deer that he didn't even see PaRappa, and stomped noisily towards the out of place deer. PaRappa took the risk of moving and went into the doorway the two creatures had come from. Inside was a medium sized room of robots pushing wooden crates into an actual elevator.
The robots on the carts had no circular metallic cores in them though. They were empty, and lifeless. The robots pushing the carts on the other hand, did have cores. As PaRappa looked at them he could only remember the mechanical arm that nearly killed him.
As Bart had said up was always the way out. PaRappa entered the elevator and pointed up. A robot next to him smiled silently and pointed up as well. He got the message.
The robot picked an icon like the spray for manufacturing, but this time it was a box with eyes, the symbol for storage. He pressed the icon. As they went up the robots kept poking PaRappa curiously. He honestly didn't mind the new attention. It was good to have allies.

The next floor went up and up. It seemed as though they were in a city of wooden crates. It was storage with the symbol of a crate with eyes on it.

The robots rolled their cart down a road of smooth concrete floor to a pile of wooden planks. For the last push the robots made the cart wheel faster than ever before, they then jumped on it leaving PaRappa far behind. The cart stopped when it hit the wooden materials. The robots smiled and clapped, but after that they went right to work on the crates. When the robots worked on the crates they seemed automatic and stiff. They had no joy or personality while doing this, it was just their programming.

PaRappa turned to see a crate out of place behind him. It was about a foot taller than him, and it made him jump. Crowla crowed with worry. It didn't seem like there was any way up from where he was but the crates. They were staked in a way that a person could climb them just by walking around them.
PaRappa assumed that the ramp thing was made so the robots could stack more crates by simply walking on other crates.

PaRappa went up to the tallest stack he saw, and started scaling it. As he got higher looking down became more dissy. Ninjas aren't afraid of heights PaRappa thought to himself. Crowla screamed. PaRappa looked back to see an out of place crate behind him again. He nearly jumped straight off the structure.

It was definitely following him. PaRappa decided to get it off his trail by pushing the thing off the structure. He slowly pushed the heavy "crate" until it toppled down and when snap. Inside was a raptor like creature. It twitched violently over and over again making quite a racket.
He saw from the hight that he was standing on that there was a staircase all the way across the chamber.

He started down, and past the creepy crate robot, and past the cart robots and towards the promising exit. Once at the door he saw that it required a key card, but the door opened anyway. It was broken.

Inside the doorway was a nice carpeted hall. It was bright with yellows and reds that filled a person like him with joy. Color is oh so important in a person's life.
He inched around trying to find some sort of exit.
"Meow!" A cat yelled dashing to PaRappa. At first he was startled because he didn't want to make any noise, but PaRappa couldn't stay mad at the little cat. In thinking of cats he remembered that an exit was filled with wild cats just sitting around. Then again this cat could just be a resident instead of a feral.

A little down the hall was a office with an indoor window. Curious, PaRappa entered the area and turned on the lights to the office. It was very small, but very detailed.
All around the room hung metal sheets with gritty paintings on the walls. Sitting on the desk was paint buckets and brushes. A computer screen flashed *Packing security bot broken- critical*.
Under the desk was drawers. PaRappa opened one to find all sorts of tools made for metal work.
The cat meowed again, but for a different person down the hall.
"Aww!" Somebody said, "Kitty are you lost? Here i'll help you," Startled, PaRappa hid under the desk. The somebody stepped into the office for a second and turned the light off. It was a smoke golem in traditional security guard gear.

PaRappa took the risk of being caught by sticking his head out of the doorway. He wanted to watch where the golem was headed. When the golem turned the corner PaRappa tiptoed as quietly as he could, following him. Turning the corner PaRappa saw the smoke golem put his key card into a door. He put the cat out to the jungle.
"This factory is no place for a cat. Go be with your cat buddies in the wild!" The smoke golem said. The feral cat just sat there, "Wait right here!" The golem walked off leaving the door open.

PaRappa looked at Crowla and bolted to the door and past the door and into the jungle. Crowla followed close behind. When he was all out of stamina he walked to the road, and past the skate park over the hill. When he was close enough to HaHa manor to see it, he froze.

Was it even a smart idea to go home? It seemed as though Dragonbreath visited randomly. If Dragonbreath saw him he would be dead for sure. What if Pat or Pop would hand him in? Probably not Pat. He was trying to protect them from Arthur when Hue and himself... Hue.
PaRappa gave a little whimper. He didn't really know Hue too well. He seemed to be a man with issues, but really just wanted to be happy. PaRappa looked down. Doesn't everyone want to be happy? PaRappa continued in a random direction. He went into an alleyway and then climbed up the fire escape. Now he was up next to a balcony. What would he do here? PaRappa jumped onto the balcony. There was a window open on the balcony so he climbed into it. It was an attic with a pair of bird birds sitting in a nest on a chest. PaRappa then just sat on the floor and looked at the ceiling. This time he could take a break for real. He closed his eyes and started to drift into a dream.

(It's raining in PaRappa Town)

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