Chaos at 2% and decreasing

116 4 2

The phone started ringing while everyone was sleeping in HaHa manor. Matt got up from the couch he was sleeping on to go answer it, as it seemed nobody else was going to at 11:38 PM.

"Hello?" He asked wishing he could do this while he slept.

"Hi Matt! Um we've got some bad news," Katy said on the other side.

"What's wrong? Why are you calling me so late?"

"So we're back in PaRappa town and nobody's around right? We got back around 9 so it was a little late. Some cop stops his car while we're walking and he says we better get on home. I was like, there's a curfew now? He's like yeah you better run on home or i'm gonna have to arrest you. So we were just all went our separate ways home. I call Lammy about it and guess what?"

"No guess," Katy said.

"Oh my gosh Katy just tell me," Matt said slightly annoyed.

"Ok, ok! There is a WEREWOLF academic in PaRappa town! Isn't that weird! It kinda makes me scared just sitting here in my apartment," Katy said even though academic was not the right word to use (epidemic).

"Werewolves are real?" Matt told himself he shouldn't be surprised.

"Yeah. Lammy said she even saw one dash across the road one night. She's terrified of em. The mayor doesn't know what to do, and now we aren't allowed to leave PaRappa town," Katy explained.

"You guys aren't allowed to leave?"

"Yeah. They're trying to contain it! But guess who got away?"


"PaRappa's family. Nobody's home! I sure hope they found PaRappa before just skipping town like that, but we're still gonna keep looking for him just in case he's still wondering around. We even go to the police everyday to see if they found him wandering the night,"

"Did you ask about where his family might of gone?"

"They said they left about 5 weeks ago,"

"5 weeks! That's a little over a month! We were still in PaRappa town then,"

"Ooh. What if Mr. Rappa had anything to do with the werewolf thing? What if he is the first werewolf and Pinto is just hiding? Or maybe Pinto is the first werewolf and Mr. Rappa is hiding,"

"Well I sure hope that they aren't a part of it. If I was responsible of the deaths of a million people I probably wouldn't forgive myself," Matt said ironically.

"Well I don't think there were that many casualties. I sure hope not," Katy said.

"I'm just stating a possible number after it is all finished. Definitely not a number today. If that was the numbers now then the entire government would be in on it,"

"True. I haven't seen any jeeps throwing cake so I guess it isn't that bad. To be honest they don't need a curfew to keep me inside anyway. I'm terrified to go out," Katy said.

"I understand you, but I really need to-"

"OH MY GOSH!" Katy shouted interrupting Matt.

"What is it?!" Matt was curious.

"There's a werewolf outside of my apartment!" Katy shouted.

"What's it doing?" Matt asked.

"Walking around *GASP!*"


"I think it looked at me. Should I call the police?"

"Um YES! I gotta go to sleep anyway, so you just make sure you're safe. We'll talk more tomorrow ok?"

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