The (much more fun) After party

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Sunny started marching down the hall and, then outside. She gabbed her bike off of a bike rack and saw a problem. “You don’t have a bike do you?” She said expecting the negative response. PaRappa shook his head. Sunny sighed looked at a teen toon wolf smoking in business casual clothes. He looked straight out of a 1920’s cartoon. “Hey Hue,”
“Hey Sunny,” Hue said, well he didn’t really say it. A fancy floating card appeared in front of Hue depicting what he said. His mouth still moved though.
“Who’s that?” PaRappa asked Sunny.
“That’s Hue, Hue-”
“Don’t say it!”
“-Jass,” Sunny completed what she was going to say.
“His name’s Hue Jass and he can never get away from it. It’s hilarious.” Sunny smiled.
“It’s true. I am Hue the toony wolf Jass. Don’t repeat it kids,” Hue’s card depicted. He slumped over on it.
“I don’t get what’s wrong with it,” PaRappa said.
“Heh, maybe you’ll understand someday,” Sunny chuckled. PaRappa didn’t like being left in the dark.
“Seriously, What’s wrong with his name?!” He wanted to know.
“Don’t tell him please,” Hue’s card said. Sunny fell over.
“Hahe ok, OK. Could Pa- I mean Putt please use your bike?” Sunny asked Hue.
“No,” Hue said holding his cigarette.
“Why not?!” Sunny shouted.
“Because I’m not gonna give some random my bike. You can borrow my board though. I’m getting a new one tomarro,”
“You spelled tomorrow wrong,” Sunny mentioned.
“Whatever. Just take my board,” Hue said tossing the board over to sunny.
“Thanks,” Sunny said, “Um, why do you have this with you if you came with your bike?”
“I wanted to go skating later but there’s no one around and it’s too chilly,”
“You can come with us if you want,”
“Nah, I just want to go home and sleep now,” Hue said taking another puff. With that Hue walked away flicking a cigarette butt beside him. Sunny looked at PaRappa.
“Do you even know how to skate?” She asked.
“No,” PaRappa said.
Sunny sighed.
“Let’s just walk,” She said. They both started on their way. Crowla flew off.screaming crows and cries. PaRappa looked at the bottom of the skateboard he had been given. It had some scratch marks, but what was most unordinary about it was the music notes on the back. They were done in a style that mimicked graffiti, but Parappa didn’t know anything about graffiti.
“Your bird flew away,” Sunny said. She expected him to panic or something.
“He does his own thing,” PaRappa said, “He followed me all the way from the mainland. I'm sure he'll come back,”

Crowla flicked and flapped as fast as he could to PJ who was helping Katy bring her mini AMP up to the same place Sunny and PaRappa were going. The sun had gone down, the two friends were trudging through the woods.
“WA WA WA!” Crowla screamed with his eyes wide. PJ was startled, which was a bad thing to be when you’re balancing a mini AMP on your head. PJ didn’t move anything but his eyes thought.
“Wow what’s that all about? Oh, isn’t that you’re bird friend?” Katy asked.
“Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with him,” PJ said, “Are they any snacks at this ‘Henry Jump’? I’m really up for something salty, like pretzels,” Crowla was getting frustrated.
“UN UN RRRRRRUN! RAW RAW ROON!” Crowla screamed.
“Run?” The shift from random noises to a legible word left a deeper meaning on PJ, “Did you hear that? Maybe we shouldn’t be here,”
“But Sunny said she would be here. The bird probably saw a fox or something,”
“NEN!” Crowla said right in Katy’s face.
“Wow ok not a fox huh?” Katy asked.
“Neooo,” Crowla cooed.
“Than what?”
“GAHH RAAGA ROOOO!” Crowla said while pretending to be a monster. He tried his best to walk on his feet and wings at the same time. He then flew over to a stick and put it on this back like a tail. He then did the same eerie crawl he did before.
“A wolf with a really long tail?” PJ asked.
“Baa!” Crowla gave a negative response. 
“Come on bird. Henry Jump is right over there. I can hear the people and the waterfall. If anything happens I have my cell ready to call 121 and there are plenty of people here that can help us out in an emergency situation OK? We’re just gonna chill and have a good time. Relax, we’ve got your back,” Katy said trying to reassure Crowla. This didn’t work, Crowla knew the truth. He flew up into the sky to try and find PaRappa who was going to the same place from a different path.
“Where is this place?” PaRappa asked keeping close to himself.
“Just some place where the cool kids go,” Sunny said. They were following a lake. All of a sudden they were overlooking a lower level. The lake they were following had fallen into a waterfall. Around the basin was teenagers hanging around eating food and chatting around a fire.
“Ooh! What’s this place?” It peaked PaRappa’s interest.
“It’s called Henry Jump,” Sunny said.
“Why?” PaRappa asked.
“Some dude took suicide here,” Sunny said.
“Oh,” A man floated past PaRappa screaming yelling and twirling.
“Ha! He’s so high,” A teenager said from the fire.
“Noo. Why would we ever do that?” The teenager said sarcastically.
“I hate yo-” The man said as he plunged into the basin. The teens around the fire chuckled. When the man burst from the water’s top the teen floated over to him without much effort. He booped the man’s nose. “You’re awful,” The man chuckled.
“Thank you,” The teen said. He let his hand down and lifted the man out of the water and floated him over to the shore. While all this was happening PaRappa was wondering if Sunny was born or grown. He didn’t want to ask.
Crowla circled down onto PaRappa’s head. He didn’t expect them to arrive this quick. PaRappa Putt Crowla had gone back in forth on the path looking for them when they were already there. It was like listening to someone read and then losing your spot only to discover they were on the next page already.
“Ah! There he is again! I wonder where he went,”
“Probably somewhere I would go,” PaRappa said. Crowla used PaRappa’s head as a surveillance tower. It wasn’t a very good one due to PaRappa being vertically challenged, but Crowla wanted to stay as close to PaRappa as possible. It was a lot like PJ’s werewolf situation before: There was no time to convince PaRappa out of there, so the only thing left to do was to fortify the land? There was nothing in the current wooded area that could possibly protect them from this.
PJ and Katy had stopped in the middle of their walk.
“I think we should go back,” PJ said.
“Why?” Katy already knew why.
“What if the bird is right and there’s something bad going on over there? That could hurt US.That bird saved my life. I think he’s out to protect me,” PJ laid out his argument.
“But he’s just a bird,”
“A talking bird,”
“Ok, a talking bird. Birds get scared by lots of stuff. It might of just been a fox,”
“Or a coyote, or a pack of wolves!”
“You really wanna go back huh? Katy said.
“Well yeah,” PJ said.
“Alright I’ll make you a bet. I’m gonna go to Henry Jump and if nothing dangerous happens you owe me 20 bucks, but if I go and I almost die I give you 20 bucks. Deal?”
“Humph... deal,” They shook on it.
“Well that was the easiest 20 bucks I’ve ever made. I still think you’re being a real meathead for bailing over some bird drama,” Katy said.
“Better safe than sorry,” PJ said. He put the mini amp down and started walking back to his hotel. Katy continued onward until she finally got to the site. She could see PaRappa and Sunny watching a game of D&D.
“I cast frog spell on the ogre,” Said a teen.
“It backfires and you hit Shema in the face turning her into a frog,” The dungeon master, Anton said.
“Haha! Oh no i’m a frog!” Shema laughed.
Katy couldn’t believe her eyes. She wanted to be as far away from PaRappa as possible, so did Anton, but that’s another story. Katy went aways from the small crowd around the fire and started setting up her bass guitar.
She tried to do this as quietly and unnoticeable as possible. That was kinda impossible when you have a bass guitar that makes noise. Katy knew this. She just hoped that her sound would become background music and nobody would notice. She started tuning her guitar when Sunny looked over and saw her.
“Katy!” She said. Sunny got up and went over to greet her. PaRappa didn’t know if he should follow so he just sat and stayed were he was.
“I didn’t expect you to come so early. I thought you had some party that you were going to,” Katy said trying not to stare at PaRappa too much.
“It ended early,” Sunny shrugged.
“Uh can I ask you something?”
“WHo is tHat” Katy pointed to PaRappa.
“He’s Pat’s adopted kid Putt, but i’m pretty sure he’s PaRappa somehow. I mean he even sounds like em. You can look like a guy, but sounding like em? Pttt! Not to mention that he likes rap music. This is too good!” Sunny chuckled.
“You know PJ said he met this PaRappa in a dream. He even said he had that hair too,” Katy mentioned.
“Wow,” Sunny said.
“You know what he also said?”
“PJ said that PaRappa was never going to die in the first place and he was just turning into a dog dog,”
“THAT’S IT!” Sunny shouted.
“Putt said that he was a dog dog not too heckin long ago!!! He is PaRappa no doubt now! Huhppg- Play a song or something that’ll trigger his memory!”
“UH OK!” Katy sat down on a log and thought for a moment, “Nooooo cuttin' corners!
  She's on the border, now!!! No shedding tears, Goal is real near, Trying to shift, Into gear... That's when I see ya comin', Prevent me from running...” Katy sang looking directly at PaRappa while playing her bass parts. She moved her eyebrows everytime PaRappa was meant to rap. He wasn’t getting the hint. He just walked over to them because it seemed like they wanted him or something.
“What do you guys want?” PaRappa said. 
“We want you to rap,” Katy paused her song.
“I can’t come up with a rap that fast. Besides, the song sounds really good already,” PaRappa said.
“Well does it remind you of anything?” Sunny asked.
“Hmm. Not really,” PaRappa said.
“-All of this hype all around...Seems like, a waste of time,”
“But it’s nice…” PaRappa whispered to himself. Sunny’s smile widened.
“From uptown to midtown trying to get downtown... But I'm not getting close I'm just running running round... Always at my best,”
“I got it!!” PaRappa said.
“Got what?” Katy and Sunny shouted.
“I know what my Next to Nothing presentation should be about! Music!! HaHa Land needs more music!” PaRappa said showing them the back of his skateboard. Sunny ran up to a rock the size of her head and threw it in the lake. It made a bloop sound it was so large. It didn’t even seem easy to do for her. Katy sighed.
“I guess we’ll try again tomorrow,” Katy smiled. PaRappa looked around.
“What?” He didn’t understand the girls’ motives.
“Don’t you know the song she was playing?” Sunny asked.
“Kinda. Why?”
“We played that song once, together. It was a while ago, but ya’know,” Katy said.
“What? But I’ve never seen you before,” PaRappa said.
“That’s where you’re wrong. We’re Milkcan plus PaRappa!”
“Oh this PaRappa stuff. I know I look like PaRappa but i’m not,” PaRappa said.
“You can’t know for sure,” Katy said, “You barely even know anything about yourself do you?”
“How old are you?” Sunny asked.
“I, don’t, know?” PaRappa said slowly.
“YOU DON’T KNOW HOW OLD YOU ARE??” Katy almost fell over. PaRappa felt bad for being ignorant. “Oh PaRappa, you’re 18,” She stood up on the log she was sitting on “And I won’t rest until you realize that! We’re MILKCAN!” She had a glorious yellow spotlight over her. Katy then proceeded to throw her bass into space, but it instead broke into a million pieces right after she tossed it. She looked up, the yellow beam of light shown from the eyes of a giant dragon centipede. Twisted Ted. He was looming over the top of the waterfall looking down on them. Crowla and PaRappa shared the same face of terror. The deep dark throat of the vast metal beast began to glow. Fire.
“AAAAAAAAAH!” Katy said making a run for it while flailing her arms. The teenages got up and started to skuttle around in an unsure panic as well. Anton took out his smartphone to take a photo. PaRappa and Sunny followed after Katy and so did the teens. A terrible smell. Flames burst out of the metal mouth of the dragon. At first PaRappa thought he was far enough, until he was encapsulated in flame. First it was hot, then it burned and wouldn’t stop. He shuffled around to try and decide something. PaRappa jumped into the lake. He tried to stay under to hide, but the metal monster just thrust its head under looking with those eyebeams of his. PaRappa immediately swam out of the water to the opposite side of the lake he had jumped in. He didn’t stop to look but Crowla had gone up to Twisted Ted’s face distracting him. PaRappa Putt Crowla was absolutely terrified of Twisted Ted.
    Twisted Ted was what killed him. Not during this occasion, but another time. Looking at him rocked the small bird to his hard candy core, but PaRappa Putt Crowla had died before. The crazy mystery made it not so scary as it had been before. Then again that didn’t mean Crowla didn’t fear. Something he might see, something he might hear. The dark was still the scariest thing for him.
    PaRappa in the meantime, was rushing as fast as he could in the direction Katy had come from. There was no path to follow and he feared he was getting lost. He didn’t want to die, but what he feared most was that he’d die alone.
He noticed the light reflect on the flat lake. He hadn’t strayed too far from the original path as he had thought. He could hear his friends running somewhere across the lake from him. PaRappa wanted to regroup with them because they seemed to have a direction in mind. He also just genuinely wanted to be with other people. He didn’t really care about getting wet anymore so he swam across to them.
    Once across PaRappa saw the shapes of his friends dashing way ahead of him. He rushed as fast as he could to them. Sunny looked back and saw him.
“PaRappa!” she stopped to give him a big hug. She then looked him over to see if he was ok. He honestly just looked like an actor in a movie after an explosion. His tux had seen a better part of the day. It was wet and burned like some sort of oxymoron. PaRappa himself had a little smile on his face. He was extremely happy to have survived, and also that Sunny had hugged him.
“Should we call 121?” Katy asked with her phone out ready to call. PaRappa shrugged, and he was the one who caught on fire.
“You smell that?” PaRappa said. Everyone started to sniff the air. Smoke. Crowla came back with  a burnt stick. He gave it to PaRappa. “Uh oh,”
“Yeah i’m calling,” Katy called punching the numbers into her flip phone. From far aways PJ was looking out on the wooded area though his hotel window. He could see the fire light up the place.
“She’s never gonna hear the end of this,” He smiled.

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