ready for tomorrow

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It had been about about a week, (PaRappa has been at HaHa Land for 12 days now) and Sunny was still sleeping, but alive. Her father had come all the way from PaRappa Town to keep an eye on her. PaRappa had become grounded for the sake of his safety as, every time he went out he hurt himself and “ruined his clothes” as Pat had specifically stated. Lord HaHa was back governing in a wheelchair. His legs would heal, but not for long.
Being in the house most of the time led PaRappa to go internet surfing and frequently nap. Eventually though PaRappa decided to brake the rules and go out while Pat thought he was asleep. There wasn’t much to do except wander and watch people. Without Sunny he had no connection with others leaving him to become soft spoken. He still felt guilty still, especially when General Potter was around. PaRappa loathed the idea of the tight man letting loose how he felt on him. PaRappa just avoided eye contact with the man as much as possible.
    To keep himself safe, PaRappa carried around the chisel that the lemonade robot stabbed himself with. It wasn’t the best weapon ever, but PaRappa felt like bringing a knife or even a gun came off as murderous to those around him. A chistel was a tool used to chip rocks. Nobody would assume it was meant for protection. He kept a good hold of it in his pocket.
He was looking out of his window when he saw Hue again. He seemed to be searching for something.
“Hey Hue!!” PaRappa shouted out the window.
“Hi Parappa. Have you seen Sunny? She’s not answering my texts. Is she still mad about before?” Hue said.
“I can’t read your card!” PaRappa shouted. Hue flicked his card and it steadily floated over to PaRappa’s window. He read it promptly. “Oh! She’s at the hospital!!” PaRappa yelled casually.
“WHat! Why is she there!?” Hue honked. His card stayed in front of the window.
“It’s a long story… but she’s like in a coma or something!” PaRappa yelled hoping that Hue wouldn’t  pry for details.
“Can I come in?” Hue asked.
“Sure,” PaRappa went to the front door and let the toony wolf inside the house. Hue moved his mouth and nothing happened. He snapped his fingers and the card appeared in front of him again.
“What’s wrong with Sunny?” Hue asked. He was wearing a “Shut up” muscle shirt.
“She gotta concussion while skateboarding that one time,” PaRappa said.
“And she’s in a coma? Do YOU have something to do with this?!” Hue started getting angry.
“Kindaaa?” PaRappa said looking away.
“AHH WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Hue honked.
“We were just riding up a half pipe, but it was too big and we got shot up into the sky! Then were in Dragonbreath’s factory and these guys were trying to kill me and it’s all my fault because I was the one who said we shoulda gone on that half pipe in the first place!” PaRappa said, “I feel really bad about it, I really do,”
“Well you should be! You coulda killed her! Why in all the world would you go up the giant pipe when you JUST LEARNED HOW TO SKATE! There’s literally a sign up there telling everybody that only the best of the best should go on there!”
“I guess I didn’t see it,” PaRappa said.
“It’s not like it’s the first thing you haven’t seen! You’re sooo ignorant It’s incredible,”
“Oh,” PaRappa said. He wish he wasn’t here right now.
“Uhg… I’m outta here,” Hue walked back out from the house he just entered. PaRappa went into his room. He felt as if he had been shot. Before he could start to do anything Pat walked into his room.
“Woah. Are you ok Putt?”
“Yeah, it’s nothing,” PaRappa didn’t mean that.
“Did you finish your NtN? It’s due tomorrow,” Pat said.
“Yeah. I got it done like 3 days ago actually,” PaRappa said, “It’s on that USB,” He pointed to it on top of his dresser.
“Oh, good job! Are you worried about tomorrow?” Pat asked.
“I feel like I should be with you worrying about it so much. I practiced, I have notecards and everything in the powerpoint. You don’t need to worry. I’ve survived a lot so far. This is just another thing that I’ll get through,” PaRappa said trying to calm Pat’s nerves. He sighed, “Hue was yelling at me because of what happened to Sunny,”
“Oh Hue...don’t beat yourself up about all that Putt. It was just as her fault that she got hurt as yours. Sunny could’ve chosen not to go you know,” Pat sat down on the bed.
“Yeah well it’s still mostly my fault and I bet her dad hates me,” PaRappa said.
“Well actually he says you look like his friends son-”
“PaRappa. PaRappa PaRappa PaRappa! They keep callin me that!” PaRappa butted in.
“Who keeps calling you that?” Pat asked.
“Everyone,” PaRappa said kinda grumpy.
“Do they call you that because you look like him?”
“No. They call me that because they think I AM him,”
“Ha! Well did you tell them you were a dog dog?” Pat chuckled at PaRappa’s odd situation.
“I did! And then they just said PaRappa was turning into a dog dog when they last saw em. I think they're just pulling my tail- er leg,” PaRappa said.
“Well does that bother you?”
“It confuses me,”
“Hmm. Well what if you were this famous PaRappa? Like if they had evidence to support that you are their friend after all,” Pat asked because he didn’t really know what to think of it himself.
“It would change my whole world,” PaRappa said, “It also means i’m not where i’m supposed to be, and i’m deeply flawed, and not to mention lost… What would you do If I was PaRappa?”
“I’m not sure. I would probably have to give you back to your real father,” Pat really didn’t want to do that. PaRappa imaged saying goodbye to Pat to a strange man he’s never seen before and gulped. Then again he never thought about his birth parents before. It didn’t really matter until now. “I’m sure those kids just think that messing with you is funny. Just don’t let it get to your head,”
“Ok,” PaRappa said.

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