Katy's Cheese/Pat Putt

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In the parks denser parts PaRappa stuck his head out to find not the cat he was chasing, but Katy. She was writing poetry while eating crackers with cheese. She was by herself and seemed to be enjoying it. PaRappa walked up to her, and attempted to lick her face. Katy got up from her sitting position and jumped back at the surprise visitor.
"Get away dog!" She waved her hand at PaRappa's face. Despite this PaRappa stole a piece of cheese and started to try eating it a little bit away, "HEY! You can't just steal cheese from me and get away with it!" Katy shouted. She got up and started to chase PaRappa with the intention of the cheese falling out of his mouth. She didn't want it anymore, but she didn't want him to have it either.  
    PaRappa had no fear of Katy, and he thought she was playing. The toy being the cheese. All this running around soon started getting Katy exhausted. PaRappa just wouldn't let go of the cheese. She gave up and went back to where she was; a blanket with a notebook and some multicolored pens. PaRappa still wanted to play though. He trotted over to her with the cheese. PaRappa's tail slowed and he dropped the cheese. She didn't want to play anymore. He barked at Katy while doing the play bow.
"Oh gosh! What do you want strange dog?" Katy asked. She didn't get any answer. PaRappa sat down and then spread himself out in an act of lying down. He whined and started pushing himself towards her.
    A little while later PaRappa was walking around and smelling while Katy wrote. Whenever she asked him if  a poem was good he would always look over at her to show he was listening,"You know strange dog, you're alright. My life's been pretty boring lately, not to even mention that one of my best friends died. He used to do this poetry stuff with me," Katy said. She fell over on her back and looked up in the sky. PaRappa came over to her and started licking her face making her get up again. "Haha! Stop!" She said pushing him off. He just jumped up again. Katy tried her best to keep him from licking inside her mouth. She wish she had something that PaRappa could play with. Katy glanced over to a stick she saw near some bushes. When pulling the stick out she saw a bear trap hidden in the shrub. She honestly didn't know what to do about it. She couldn't just trigger it, because then she had a possibility of getting her leg snapped. PaRappa was curious of what Katy was doing so he headed over.
When he saw the bear trap he literally jumped away at the sight of it. Katy noticed and laughed at this odd behavior. "I guess I gotta tell someone about this," She said to herself. She didn't have a mobile phone with her, so she would have to stay there. Katy looked at the stick in her hand and then looked at the trap. She put her stick into the trap's gaping mouth and it snapped shut as fast as lightning. Katy jumped at this sudden jolt of energy that the trap exulted. The stick was spilt in half like it was nothing.
Katy looked at PaRappa, who was shivering at the trap. She kneeled down to him and petted his head and neck vigorously, "It's ok, the trap can't hurt you now," PaRappa didn't seem so sure of that. A little far off they both heard another heavy snap a little aways. A crowla flapped off into the air in response. Katy followed the sound to PJ, who had gotten his leg caught.
"Katy! Oh my god! This thing hurts like nobody's business," PJ said with his eyes wide open. He saw PaRappa and started spitting trying to turn pain into words, "T-that's the dog I was looking for!" He said pointing.
"Oh, whose dog is it?" Katy asked trying to find a way to disable the beartrap.
"A f-friend of mine's dog," PJ lied hoping he wouldn't say PaRappa by mistake.
"Oh... Are you ok?"
"Yeah I am perfectly fine and dandy. I feel amazing," PJ said sarcastically, yet quickly.
"Ok, ok ok um, let's see," Katy tried to approach with an idea, but none came to her. She tried to just pry it open with her hands, "Help me out won't ya?" She said. Together they pried it open just enough to get PJ's leg out.
"Ohmygoodness thank you," PJ said holding his leg while sitting on the ground, "I don't think I can walk," PaRappa sniffed the air. Sidewalk. Now that he could smell Stone Cold before he got to them. PaRappa decided it was best to run now. Without PJ and Katy knowing why, PaRappa dashed off."PaRappa wait!" PJ shouted he then immediately regretted it.
"Wait what?" Katy said.
"ShhHHH," PJ put his pointer finger to his face and hissed.
"What? His name's PaRappa too?? That's a bad reminder," Katy said. PJ breathed. Somebody turning into a dog wasn't something people just assumed.
"Uh, yeah," PJ shrugged and nodded. Stone Cold appeared to them.
"Well lookie here. Seems you kids
have gotten trapped. Need any help?"


The next day PaRappa ran around the same block over and over. He was just burning up energy. While he was doing his roundabout he saw a cat man jogging. He was a very dark purple with yellow eyes. He also had a tail that bounced with every one of his bounds. This tail practically beckoned to be caught. Before PaRappa could do the thoughtless task of catching the cat's tail, the cat noticed him and turned around.
"Oh hello dog!" He said delighted, "I LOVE DOGS!" He picked up PaRappa and nuzzled his face. The cat saw a pet store across the street and put PaRappa down, "Wait here dog!" The cat ran over into the pet store, grabbed a rope toy, and waited impatiently in line jogging in place. He didn't want PaRappa to leave.
"You know you can just bring him in here with you," Said the cashier. The cat then left the toy in the store and leaped outside of it to get PaRappa. He then successfully bought the toy and brought PaRappa back to his hotel (that was ok with pets btw).
The cat was lying down on his bed with PaRappa sitting right in front of his face."What am I going to call you," He asked himself, "I am Pat and you are..." Pat looked around the room to a golfing trophy he won when he was 6,"You are PUTT. Hello Putt! I'm a bodybuilder! I also like high fashion, and costumes. What do you like Putt? 'I like you Pat! Thank you for getting me out of the city! It's really dirty there! I want to sniff you,'" Pat said for PaRappa. Pat wondered if PaRappa really liked him or not. PaRappa just sorta looked around while twitching his eyebrows in a very dog like manner.

Pat got up and reached to a shelf with a bowl of mints. He grabbed one, unwrapped it and put it in front of  PaRappa's face to see if he would eat it. PaRappa sniffed it, licked it, and then ate it whole. "I like mints too," Pat said. PaRappa yawned. His breath smelled minty. It was a little overwhelming for him, as he was very sensitive to smell. PaRappa sneezed. "Bless you," Pat said politely. He then grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.
The Terminator was playing. "Nice! Hey Putt have you ever watched the Terminator? 'No,' I think you'll like it. I'm gonna get some food for us ok? Stay here, I'll be back," Pat said the last line and then laughed as he walked out of the room. As fun to watch as the Terminator was, PaRappa wanted to be active. Instead of going for his rope toy that he had been given, he started ripping up the bed sheets.
When Pat got home with chinese food he was a little upset with PaRappa, but he found his new dog to be more interesting than disappointing no matter what he did.
Pat was only at PaRappa town for a bodybuilding competition he was in audience for, and to just travel in general. He had money from his parents that he could really spend. His family owned a small country that was made specifically for tourism, they got thousands of dollars every day. Pat had lived there his whole life but now he wanted to be a bodybuilder, but he also wanted to be a fashion designer. He was spilt at the ideas he had, so he decided that both of them could just be hobby's. He didn't need to make any money anyway.
He had been traveling a lot, alone. Pat was so happy that he had found PaRappa to accompany him on his adventure. He hoped to find love, magic and wonder on his quest. Nothing really seemed to be quite as good as he had dreamed though. It was still fun to do so, but living in HaHa Land his whole life really blurred his view the real world.
At least he had PaRappa now. He was something Pat had to care for and he was something Pat could talk to.
Wherever they went, the energy was there.

(This was originally 4 short chapters but combining them was rather nice.
:3 Pat is mostly based around Pat of PopularMMOs and my uncle J)

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