The opposite of BIG

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It’s been 2 months, and nothing much has happened (Well, if you call Hairdresser Octopus’s red side joining a gang while his blue side knows nothing, Matt getting abducted by aliens [Don’t worry he’s back on… Earth?] and Milkcan traveling 20 years in the future and becoming famous only to come back to the present, is nothing)  That was monstrosity of a sentence. I bet you didn’t notice the random 3 in there. There is no 3, come on you’re better at reading than that. You would've noticed it.
    Like how you didn’t notice a non existing 3, PaRappa didn’t notice that he was getting smaller.
But someone as short as PaRappa has got to notice at some point. It took him five inches to finally notice, Well, PJ noticed. They were going to go do competitive skateboarding with just the two of them that saturday.
“Have I gotten taller… Or are you getting shorter?” He said sleepily.
“Hmm? Maybe you’ve gotten taller,” PaRappa suggested, “People don’t shrink,” PJ raised a brow. “Ok people shrink sometimes, but why would I just shrink for no reason?”
“I don’t know, maybe you need to eat more,” PJ had now unintentionally made himself hungry.
“Are you even sure i’m shrinking at all? You would have to give me some proof,” PaRappa said. PJ shrugged.
“We don’t have anything that could help us really, unless you have your height written down somewhere. I sure don’t,” PJ said. He craved the mineral. PaRappa imagined what would happen if he shrank infinitely. He saw himself in a massive multi colored void. A germ walked up to him.
“I’m a germ and even i’m taller than you,” Said the germ. PaRappa felt bad. He stopped imaging.
“Well I guess we’ll never know,” PJ said. He then got onto his skateboard and rode into Phat Donut with 0 effort whatsoever. PaRappa followed.
    Later in the day he did start to notice that some things he used to look down at were much closer to his face than ever before. He was afraid that they might soon be looking down at him. He decided to talk to his dad about it.
Papa was in the dining room tinkering with some small gadgets while listening to a radio show talking about toasters.
“Uh dad… do you think i’m getting shorter?” He asked.
“Hmm? You know I don’t really know if that can even happen. Especially at your age. Why do you ask? Are you feeling vertically challenged?” Papa said. PaRappa sat down at the table and started fiddling with some used tape.
“I guess I do. I don’t think I could stand to be any shorter,” PaRappa stuffed his face around his arms and laid his head of the table.
“Well, just because you’re short doesn’t mean you’re any better or worse as a person,” Papa said.
“I know. But this isn’t about how I act, It’s about how I look,” PaRappa said.
“Well make short people look good,” Papa said. PaRappa smiled.
“I sure will,” He said, “But, hmm do you have my height from before. I want to see it, just to be sure,”
“Well ok, I’ll go look in your files,” Papa went over to his computer and went to the clinic’s data on PaRappa. PaRappa got up out of his seat and put the tape back on the table.
“Ok so this is your height from 2 months ago. Now we just have to measure and compare,” Papa went over to a closet and took out a tape measure.  “Take off your shoes and your hat please,” He said. PaRappa did so. Both of those objects made him look taller. He hoped nobody was watching while he was most vulnerable. Papa put the 0 end of the tape measure down on the ground, and held it there with his foot. He looked at the current measurement then he looked at the data from 2 months ago. He tried to hold in a laugh.
“What?” PaRappa said getting back on his shoes and blue hat (I don’t think anyone can stand the gold hat for too long).
“I don’t really know how to tell you but, you’ve declined in size more than most people GROW in 2 years. You’re shinking A LOT,” Papa chuckled.
“And how is this funny!? THIS IS AWFUL!”
“Oh sorry son, it’s just not what I was expecting. It was so ridiculous it was funny. I’m not laughing at you I swear,” Papa still thought it funny, but he tried his best to hold in another laugh.
The front door was kicked open to a human dude singing.
“-and OOOOOOOOOO! The places I go! ..Imagination without, calculation is as fun as it’s absurd. It’ beauty that’s unheeeeeard! I was bored in the real world but now that’s out of the picture! If i’m ever going out i’m doing it like a hipster. If I can dream than I can make, why ever calculaaaate?! And OOOOOOOOOO! The places i’ve been, the places i’ll go, I won’t ever go home-” He waltzed out the back door.
“Who was that?” PaRappa asked.
“I think his name is Rodney,” Papa said squinting.
“How do you know him?”
“I have no idea,”

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