Maybe he shouldn't of done that

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“See there he is!” PJ said looking at the escape pod with his binoculars.
“Phew! I don’t know how much longer I could stand this awful music!” Paula said finally hanging up on 121.
“Wait! There’s someone else following him! Wow look at those red wings. What are even made of?” PJ said looking at Error.
“Let me see!” Paula said grabbing the binoculars.
“Rude,” PJ said.
“I think they’re red feathers,” Paula said. Just then Matt’s escape pod hit the earth so hard the buildings jumped. He landed in the road in front of the hotel. The door opened.
“Tadaa!” Matt said exiting.
“Oh hi Matt!” Paula shouted from out of the window.
“Hi! I just figured out some stuff about myself,” Matt said causally.
“Like what?” PJ asked.
“Maybe i’ll tell you right after I throw up,”


At the same time PaRappa and Sunny were being driven to the skate park by Hue.
“Wow did you see that?” Hue’s card read.
“I guess we have another visitor from space,” Sunny said looking at Matts escape pod.
“Space!? From what planet?” PaRappa asked.
“Um, I don’t know. Probably mars,” Sunny said looking back to PaRappa. She was sitting in the passenger seat.
“Wow! Look over there! What’s that?!” PaRappa said pointing to a giant black building emitting smoke.
“That’s Dragonbreath’s giant robot factory. The skate park’s kinda close by to it PaRappa,” Sunny said.
“ ?! I thought his name was Putt,” Hue’s card said. He made a little trumpet sound in alarm first.
“Uh well he has 2 names. PaRappa Putt,” Sunny said.
“Is PaRappa some sort of nickname or something?” Hue asked.
“I hope so,” PaRappa said.
“Oh gush! What’s the matter with being PaRappa?” Sunny said.
“I just don’t know him all too well is all!” PaRappa said.
“I’m really confused right now,” Hue said.
“Putt IS PaRappa but PaRappa choses to totally block it out just because he doesn’t remember,” Sunny said. PaRappa sighed.
“Ohhh kayyy,” Hue said parking the car beside the road.
“What’s wrong?” Sunny asked.
“Nothing. We're just gonna start out here,” They were on quite a nice steep hill. There were others using the slope for fun too.
“Does every place you hang out at in the middle of the woods?” PaRappa asked, as they were indeed in the woods yet again.
“Ptt! Yeah kinda,” Sunny said getting her bike off of Hue’s car. PaRappa had his skateboard in his arm, but he didn’t know where to begin using it. He put it on the ground and placed a single foot on top of it. He then tried moving the skateboard a little. It didn’t seem to be like snowboarding (which he had done ok, with Pat) at all.
“Maybe you shouldn’t start with that slope PaRappa. You’ll probably hurt yourself.” Hue said to PaRappa. He was leaning on his car while smoking. Hue got his new board out. On the back of it was a giant squid attacking a pirate ship.
“Cool board Hue!” Sunny said. PaRappa looked at his own board. It wasn’t as “cool” but it was his own, and with that he gave his board respect. Hue started going down the hill on his skateboard followed by Sunny on her much faster bike.
“Cool,” PaRappa whispered to himself. He imagined himself flying with his skateboard.
“Wow PaRappa you’re awesome!” He imagined Sunny saying.
“I know,” PaRappa imagined himself saying. PaRappa stopped imagining.
“Well how could I ever do that? OH I know…....Huh I guess I don’t,” PaRappa was believing in himself whether he knew the correct wording or not. He ran down the hill to join Hue and Sunny.


“So you wanna learn how to skate do ya? It’s really more simple than you think. Come on! Just follow my rap,” Said Greg.


“If you want to be Tha skating king then you'll have to let me teach you how to ride this thing.
People may notice that you’re short in stature, but you can show them, come on be the skate master.
“Toss!” Greg tossed his skateboard a short distance in front of him.
“Toss!” PaRappa said mimicking the action.
“Walk!” Greg commanded. Walking up to his board.
“Step on, step off!”
“Step on, step off!”
“Find your place don't wanna cough!" Greg put his right foot down first.
“find my place I don’t wanna cough!”
PaRappa did the same.
“See It’s simple, time to glide,”
“See it's simple, time to glide,”

Sunny was looking over at PaRappa. Hue followed her gaze.
“What’s he doing?” Hue chuckled.
“He's rapping,” Sunny said.
“What? Nah that isn't rapping,” Hue said.
“Who cares? It’s fun. That’s the whole point,” Sunny said.
“Ptt! Who cares about the point,” Hue said.

“A lot of the times I get lot of phonies who care about money and fame only.
They always wanna do tricks and stunts first, but they always end up getting crippled worse. I can see that you have potential to be the best border i’ve ever seen. I might even bring you to the X games, although I don’t know how that fame would do with your brain. Now that you’ve got gliding down It’s time to ride round town.
“Skate up, come on kick it!” Greg said pushing himself up a half pipe.
“Skate Skate up, come on kick kick kick,” PaRappa jambled doing the same thing.

“He’s about to do it,” Sunny said.
“Do what?” Hue. Sunny turned over to him.
“C o o l  m o d e ,” She said.

“Find your balance and just wing it!” Greg said.
“Find your balance balance and just wing it wing it!”
“Welp I give up. You’re too good! I’m out!” Greg floated away on his skateboard.
“Wing balance skate kick come on come on balance on skate glide glide glide glglgllglglglglglglglglgl,”

“I’m not even sure what that is,” Hue said.
“Pure poetry,” Sunny said.
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Well can you do that?” Sunny asked.
“I can’t even talk except for trumpet noises Sunny. That’s kinda insensitive,” Hue said, “Maybe I even could do that. Hey look at me! I’m saying what somebody else just said! Let me blow you away with my ability to understand what words are cause I can’t seem to figure out anything else!”
“Dude what the heck,” Sunny said.
“It’s true! He’s sooo ignorant It drives me crazy!”
“He has memory issues ok,”
“Well It seems to me that he just has issues” Hue Said. Sunny crossed her arms and grunted at him.

“Wow you’re a fast learner! Have you done this before?” Greg asked.
“Muscle memory?” PaRappa shrugged. He ran then over to Sunny and Hue.
“Hey guys! I got skateboarding down so we can try some tricks or, or even race down the road. I know I was slowing us down before, but it's a lot easier than I thought,” PaRappa said. Hue got up and started to leave.
“Hey! Where are you going?!” PaRappa said.
“Don't worry about him PaRappa, he’s just a Hue Jass,” Sunny said.
“Oh,” PaRappa said. “Well I was thinking that we could try out that half pipe,” PaRappa said pointing to a ridiculously tall half pipe behind him. Nobody seemed to be on it.
“Um... I think i’d d i e  if I went on that,” Sunny said slowly.
“It know it seems scary, but I'll be right there with you. Have you been on a halfpipe before?”
“Yeah yeah. Ok let's go!” Sunny said charmed. They climbed the the top with a ladder. Sunny had folded up her bike and put it on her back while climbing. At the very top Sunny looked down,“ do you think a fall from here would kill me?” She said.
“Stop being so paranoid. Why would they put this here if it was dangerous?” PaRappa’s confidence level was about 95% unlike his usual 37%. He put his board on the edge and so did Sunny. He went down. Sunny immediately regretted the decision of going down along with him. When they were at the other side of the half pipe they didn’t seem to be slowing down. Just like that they were both launched into the air.
“Maybe I shouldn't a done that,” PaRappa said. He looked over at Sunny who was scared stiff. She had separated herself from her bike. PaRappa wondered why exactly he didn’t scream, or even panic. Maybe it was the fact that he was in denial about the whole thing. He grabbed Sunny’s hand just do that they would stay together. He wasn’t falling down, but sideways at the moment. He looked down for a split second. Nope! He kept his head up from now on. They were just about to arc and start going down when Sunny smashed into a window. PaRappa followed slamming into her, and then the bike, and then the skateboard. They both were knocked out cold immediately.

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