Matt Major

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The next day the friend group met up at the basketball court to play some knockout. Both PaRappa and PJ were out of commission as they had both stayed up crying. Despite their dramatic situation, their tired, bloodshot-eyed faces cracked up Paula Matt and Katy ever so often. The faces had a different effect for Sunny. She thought the look made them look hotter, especially PaRappa as she already saw him to be attractive before.
This out of commission didn't last very long for PaRappa. He went from zero to a hundred as soon as he made his first shot in. Soon he was shooting baskets like a maniac. So much so that sometimes he would ignore the rules and just play around. He also started staring at Matt and wanting to challenge Matt more than anyone else when it came to the game.
"ANd he shoots... OH OHHHH FIRST TRY," PaRappa said he ran out of his spot in the line and ran around in circles with his hands up in the air.
"PaRappa what's with you? You're acting really weird," Sunny said. Everyone else nodded.
"You're not usually this excited, about basketball, or anything," Katy said.
"And you keep running around in circles. Weren't you just really tired a little while ago?" Paula said.
"You also keep staring at me," Matt added honestly,"Why, do you keep doing that?"
"Uhh, I wanted to know if you wanted to play video games at my place," PaRappa wished he hadn't staired.
"Sure," Matt shrugged with his hands in his pockets.
"Ok, LET'S GO," PaRappa switched from a standing position to a running transition so fast he fell over. He got up like it didn't happen, but before he could get to his bike PJ gabbed his shoulder.
"Are you ok?" He asked sleepily but with a worried twang.
"You guys keep saying there's something wrong with me. I'm just a little jumpy,"
"Yeah jumpy, like my uncle's pet dog," Katy said. This struck a chord with PaRappa. He was acting like a dog. He fell on his knees and yelled.
"What's wrong?" Matt asked.
"Let's just go," PaRappa said suddenly out of energy.
At the Rappa household Matt and PaRappa were playing WipEout 3 (ps1) together.
"PaRappa, you don't usually invite me over by myself. Is there any reason why. You're acting really strange. If you've got any stuff going on you can talk to me about it or whatever,"
"I'm dieing. I'm going to die in about two months," PaRappa said grimly yet dishonesty.
"PaRappa! I had no idea! I'm so sorry!" Matt was not expecting that.
"It's ok, just don't tell anyone," PaRappa said.
"I won't. I pinky swear, the real pinky swear where I cut my pinky off if I tell," Matt said showing PaRappa his pinky finger.
"You don't have to do that. Just don't tell anyone until i'm gone. It's ok after that," PaRappa explained.
"Well?" Matt started.
"What?" PaRappa was confused.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! You gotta do all the stuff on your bucket list! You're sitting here playing video games when you could be doing so much other stuff!" Matt barked. PaRappa realized that he was staring and playing with Matt because he was the only other dog in his friend group. Everyone knows that dogs love playing with other dogs. PaRappa felt embarrassed that he had let this instinct tell him what to do. "So? What's on your bucket list?" Matt was looking straight in his eyes now awaiting a response.
"Uh. To date Sunny," PaRappa said.
"Uh huh," Matt nodded, "Anything else?"
"Not really. All the other stuff I want to do takes up time I don't have. I wouldn't care about those things if I could just get Sunny to be my girl. Or at least tell her how I feel," PaRappa said.
"OK. Let's get started," Matt got up and started looking around the room.
"What are you doing?" PaRappa asked.
"Looking for paper. If we're going to do this properly than we have to plan it out," Matt said.
After about ten minutes they had this procedure put in stages.

Stage one: have more quality time with Sunny. Just the two of you hang out together and try to understand one another.
Stage two: get closer physically and mentally. Do that hug stuff and when you sit next to each other be able to feel the warmth of each other's body heat.
Stage three: Start telling her you love her. Make it true. And when the time is right just ask her. You gotta be honest with yo girl, and if you're not ready to tell her then you ain't ready to date her.

"Hey PaRappa could I ask what terminal illness you've got?" Matt asked.
"Uh, Hat Ties," PaRappa said.
"That doesn't sound like an illness. That sounds like an outfit," Matt joked.
"Why don't you seem as sad, or scared, about all this?" PaRappa hoped he didn't make him feel bad.
"Oh, sorry if I seem insensitive. I just like to live in the present. I also just wanted to focus on the bucket list. It's better that way you know. Oh, and some advice, don't force the relationship. The last thing you wanna do is die with a fake relationship," Matt said as he left for home.
"Bye! Thanks for the advice," PaRappa looked at the list. He then smelled it. It smelled like Matt. "Hmm," He said.

(Fun fact: The advice was put into stages because of how the story was planned. Stage one of the story was shrinking.)

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