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A knock at the door of HaHa Manor was heard.

"I've got it," Pat sighed. He went down the steps in a rather dull way. When he opened the door he almost couldn't contain himself.

"AHHH BBB PUTT!! YOU'RE A-LIVE! HAHA! AND YOUR A DOG DOG AGAIN! How'd that happen?" Pat wanted to fly, but even he liked PaRappa better as a person.

"I'm not too sure, but we know how to get him back to the way he was. You guys have wishes right?" Sunny said.

"Yeah! But we have to ask my dad to use them," Pat said.

"Who's this kid?" Papa asked.

"He's Pat. He was taking care of PaRappa when he was a dog dog, and when he suddenly wasn't," Sunny explained.

"Oh, well nice to meet ya. I'm PaRappa's father," Papa put out his hand to shake. Pat knew what this meant, but he shook the old man's hand anyway. I'm gonna miss that small dog, I really am.

"Nice to meet you. Make yourself at home, I'll be right back," Pat went up to a side room and was out of sight.

"I know a place where we can sit," Sunny led them up to the quiet room, that at the moment was Matt's room.

"Oh hey!" Matt got up from the couch he was wallowing in to greet the group, "You guys got PaRappa," He pet the dog dog who was being held by his father. Sunny closed the door, so Papa placed him down to relax. Matt chuckled, "He's so small!"

"Well hasn't he always been?" Papa joked. Sunny snickered.

"Have you seen Error?" Matt asked.

"Him and Silver said they wanted to stick around the jungle and find the monsters we were being chased by," Sunny explained.

"Oh," Matt looked back to PaRappa, who was exploring the room with his nose.

PaRappa caught his friend's eye, and walked over wondering what the cause of this staring was.

"Does he... know me?" Matt asked booping PaRappa in his nose. PaRappa just licked the finger.

"I don't know. He is just a dog now," Sunny said. She never had a dog of her own, so she didn't really know how they worked.

"I don't believe he remembers you. Before he ran away he would always come down from his room and see me as a stranger, every time," Papa said while relaxing on the couch.

"Oh, that's too bad. He had his whole life ahead of him," Matt said solemnly. He huffed out a single cry.

"Oh Matt, don't be sad. We're gonna make him better you just wait and see," Sunny was surprised at Matt's cry. Although she did not know his more prominent cause of tears.

"Yeah...ok," Matt said calming himself down, "How you gonna do that?"

"Here at HaHa land the leaders have wishes. Little orbs that can grant you just about anything. They are used for emergencies, and are hidden in HaHa manor somewhere," Sunny explained.

"Sounds too good to be true. How do you even know these wishes aren't traps?" Matt was skeptical of where the plot was headed.

"Well people have used them before. You just have to be very specific, and have zero regrets," Sunny explained. Her phone started to ring.

"Hold on. I gotta take this," Sunny went out of the quiet room into a quieter hallway. She could hear the other gardeners playing apples to apples downstairs.


"Sunny!" Katy whispered loudly.


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