Lucio vs Bugger Plus

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After a much more comfortable night's sleep later (He found a blanket in a chest) PaRappa decided to be stupid and go back the factory. He made this decision without emotion so that he would almost trick himself into thinking that it was no big deal. He just felt so empty in Spaghetti Dinner all by himself.

It was more honorable thing to do than to just do basic dog dog nonsense like looking for more food than bread or getting water. In following the pathway he had dashed from just a day ago, PaRappa found something familiar. It was the wooden cat bridge that he sometimes saw striking the sky. Following it he found the starting point. This was the exact walkway he had escaped the first time as he followed it till he got to the skatepark.

"Hello!" a lickatoad, the frog pinata said.

"Oh! Hi there!" PaRappa was started at the sudden voice. He hadn't spoke in a while, "You're a pinata!"

"That I am! Hey check this out! Bo-bo-bo-bo bo bo bo bobobobobo," The lickatoad beeped.

"Cool! Who are you?" PaRappa asked.

"It's a me! Lucio! I'm a pinata now somehow!" Lucio shouted. Despite him being a lickatoad he still had dreadlocks with little speakers on them.

"Don't we all change," PaRappa chuckled, "Do you know anything about that factory over there?"

"I know that it's full of omnics. There's a giant one out here but I think he's sleeping. I wouldn't touch him. There's also this big dude who comes out of there with his shotgun. I wouldn't go up to him eather. He roars really loud, and that's how you get tinnitus," Lucio said starting to breakdance for no reason.

"Do you know of any ways out or in that I could use? I need to get in there... and out," PaRappa asked.

"Uh, I don't usually go in there, and when I do I only get in using really small holes. Maybe the-" Lucio's eyes dilated, "Somebody's following you,"

"What?!" Lucio's eyes dilating really spooked him.

"They're coming this way real fast. I can feel the beat in the ground," Lucio was firm, "Maybe you could go up there," He pointed up on top of the cat path.

"Yes, thank you,"

"No prob. Hey what's your name?"

"I'm called Putt, but my friend's call me PaRappa," He said climbing the rickety wooden structure.

"Ohh I like PaRappa, I'll just call you that!" Lucio shouted up to him, "Why DO they call you that?"

"Cause it's my name," PaRappa said. He was walking down the thin cat path now He waited for a response as he continued across the perilous walkway. There was no reply. Turning around PaRappa got to see the mysterious... thing that was chasing him. It was taller than him, as most people were and was person shaped. It was a man? machine? PaRappa did not know.

From what he could gather, it had a double gas mask with a short snout so it couldn't of been human. The mask went all the way down his neck to the start his rubber suit. On his chest he wore a badge on his left side that said "Bugger+". His rubber arms and legs were so baggy that they would properly fit a person twice his size. The only difference between the arms and the legs was the striped cautionary orange of his arms. His shoes were solid, black, and laced. Going back up to his expressionless mask, his antenna that sat at the top of his head protruding from one spot like a tv's twitched sideways.

Bugger Plus sprinted as fast as he could seeming to completely ignore the fact that he was running so high up on something so little. PaRappa tried to get away from him, but he didn't dare run.

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