The Play

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When the props were prepared and the audience was sitting in their log seats a girl walked out on stage from inside a play hut. The theatre was outside and it was towards the end of the day so it started getting buggy.
“Uh, so me and my friends played out this play in the summer of Steven Watch. It is the story of an kid who was treated badly, due to his purpose as an experimental weapon. Enjoy,” The girl went back into the play hut that was a part of the stage, and came out a minute later carrying a prop baby.

The Tragedy of Dog

As the play went on the baby was put into adoption, where it was then adopted by scientists.

Those men of science wanted to create a monster weapon, and they wanted to use to child that they had adopted as the pilot. To them, the child was nothing more than an animal. They never even gave him a name. Although the narrator called the child, Dog, due to his only friends being dog dogs, and how he was treated, like a dog dog.

PaRappa tried very hard not to relate to this.

When Dog was 12 the scientists were noticed by the  government. The monster weapon was getting recognition, and the government said that it could be used to help construct the moon colony.

With the mechanical beasts fire breath he could melt steel beams, with its electrical claws it could save lives in the unlikely event of a power outage.
What the government did not know was that the whole thing would be piloted by a traumatized child.
When Dog was 17 the weapon was ready, but Dog was not. There were some complications, and the scientists had to break Dog and put him back together so he would be able to operate the monster.

Dog inside of his new robot shell was presented to the public as a nice gentle creature. Dog was being controlled by a remote for good behaviour.
He was then sent to the moon, but unfortunately for the citizens of the moon Dog was tired of being pushed around. With his fire breath he roasted everyone he saw. As the flame grew hotter the cuddly face melted off. With his electric claws he sent shockwaves like lightning in a pool. The moon colony was mostly metal too. Anyone on the floor nearby buzzed and burned inside and out. 

Inside the vents and in underground secure locations lived many hyper intelligent rat rats. Since there was no one left to burn Dog had loads of fun towering over the rat rat villages like king kong. The rat rats still managed to fight back with some of them riding on the backs of hyper intelligent bird birds.

The government was outraged about all of the dead on the moon, they ordered the scientists to create an army of droids to kill Dog. When Dog was 21 the droids were complete. That was also when Dog’s mother returned to see her baby again to find that he had been abused.

She was furious snd wanted to see her child right away. She had been looking for her son ever since she had to give him up for adoption.
Secretly the scientists made a deal with the mother that she could sneak onto the ship housing the droids to get to the moon and confront her son.
The mother just had to keep quiet about her son’s abuse. She agreed even though she did know the dangers of her ultra violent son. She also told the scientists to have the droids deactivated so they do not kill her son.

When she arrived on the moon she was confronted by the monster almost immediately. He was bored, and wanted something to hunt. The mother had studied a lot about “how the brain works” so she copied the monster’s behavior so that he would have someone to relate to.

It worked and her and her son became friends. He even began to talk to her, but when she started to say that he was wrong about the way he hurt people, his anger bottled up.

Dog hated people, he was convinced he was something else. Why would the scientists treat him so wrong? It was because they were people. They had transformed him into a killing machine, and he had killed very nicely.

Trying to understand his mother’s talks about the peace on earth disturbed him. He believed that people were bad, and that the peace did not really exist. A Trick a lie. Dog turned on his liar mother, grabber her shoulders and gave her a critical shock. He killed her just like that. It was truly devastating for the audience because they had hope for Dog.
The play went on anyway.
The droids sent to kill Dog were activated and they went totally ballistic. The habitat of Dog became a living hell as the droids set fire to everything that could be set fire to. They marched around like soldiers, and shot at anything that moved.

When they caught Dog they blocked the exits and made the place so hot that his monster suit melted off. For a moment he realized he was a person too under the suit. He started to cry as he was shot in the head by the leader of the droids Katdroid.

The End

      The cast bowed as the audience clapped and threw dandelions their way. PaRappa turned to Anton.
“I’m sad now,” He said trying to take it all in. Being done by improvising children made the whole play have a bit of a corny charm, but the fact that it was performed by children wore off as the audience became more involved in the story.
It was night, and stage torches had been put up. Although it was an overall inconvenience, it made the mood more dark and eerie. The crowd dispersed and started all walking down a path created by the constant up and downs of feet.

(A little break from the main storyline with the play. It's a WIP for an original thing I have going on, I doubt I'll really get back to it)

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