Stone Cold sings a song

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Stone Cold was sitting in a cool cave as the sun went down. His emotions were spicy and scrambled. He burned up inside. His brother John was going to kill him after what had happened. His family were skilled hunters of monsters. A werewolf clan was in PaRappa Town. Him and his 2 brothers were going to find them, and wipe them all out. It was supposedly going to be easy. They had armor on so they wouldn't get bitten. They had underestimated the amount of wolves and got ambushed.
He was really scared because he was really close to death. Being mauled on all sides while being forced against the ground was something he'll never forget. He could hear his bones snap and he could see his own flesh be ripped off like they were chicken wings. And the blood, oh the blood. It painted itself on every tooth, hair and eye those wolves had in a deep crimson. Those wolves grabbed tugged and took so much, but it still wasn't enough to kill him. He was lucky enough to have had the attack on a full moon, so when he was deep dead and cold his body reanimated itself into a monster. He wasn't dead, but he was starting to think that he would be better off so.
Stone took a hold of his silver axe and looked at it. He really didn't want to die. He was afraid to kill himself. Stone put his axe down. Sour crowlas walked and popped behind him, playing. Looking at them gave him an idea. He had an army, a vast one at that. They always had his back, and they had never let him down. He turned his back to the cave's entrance and began to sing.

"In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning," He started softy
"And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be --" He picked up his axe and took a step deeper.
"It scared me out of my wits --
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare!!

I was once the most feared man in all Transylvania.
When the wolves turned me they made a mistake!
My hunt made each of them pay
But one little boy got away!" He threw his axe at the cave wall
Little Pa Rapper, beware,
Stone Cold's awake!" He started his decent into this once booming coal mine with the crowlas following in song.
"In the dark of the night evil will find em!
In the dark of the night just before dawn! Aahoo," The crowlas sang
"Revenge will be sweet" Stone continued.
"When my/his hunt is complete!" They all sang, "In the dark of the night-"
"He'll be gone!" Stone got into a minecart and pushed it off into a steady water filled cavern.
"I can feel that my strength are slowly returning," He eyed his muscles, "Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell!" The crowla's took note to this command,"As the Pieces fall into place
I'll see him crawl into place!!" The minecart suddenly stopped
Do Svidaniya, Pa Rapper, Your Grace! Farewell..." Stone stepped out of the cart and walked on into the wilderness.
"In the dark of the night terror will strike him!" The crowla's shouted.
"Terror's the least I can do!" Stone responded going up a hill.
"In the dark of the night evil will brew-ooh!" the crowlas harmonize.
"Soon he will feel that his nightmares are real!" Stone said finally a top the hill.
"In the dark of the night-" The crowlas started.
"He'll be through!" Stone said to a bunch of crowlas living at the foot of the hill.
"In the dark of the night evil will find him!" The crowlas behind Stone sang.
"Find him!" A rather large deep crowla said.
"Ooh! In the dark of the night terror comes true," the chorus sang.
"Doom him!" The deep one said yet again.
"My dear, here's a sign --" Stone started.
"It's the end of the line!" They all yelled. "In the dark of the night... In the dark of the night... In the dark of the night..." They harmonized, preparing with the soon smoother next line.
"Come my minions, Rise for your master, Let your evil shine! Find him now, Yes, fly ever faster" Stone commanded them swirling into the air.
"In the dark of the night... In the dark of the night... In the dark of the night..." The crowlas sang as they rose away.

"He'll be mine!" Stone shouted. (Song-  a parody of "In the dark of the night" from Anastasia). He was alone now. It was quiet. Something was different. Stone touched the top of his head to find that some perky ears had appeared, "Uh oh,"


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