Stone Cold

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The next day was a monday, a school day. Papa said PaRappa didn't have to go to school anymore if he didn't want to. PaRappa went anyway. He didn't care much about grades anymore. He just wanted to be with his friends. He still had to tell all three of the girls about what was going on with him. He didn't look forward to telling Sunny the most.
PaRappa's hands were starting to stiffen up. They were also starting to grow paw pads that were very itchy and hard. PaRappa tried his best to hide them from everyone, but that was harder due to using his hands all the time. His hands were also a grim reminder that he was becoming a dog, as everyone see's their hands more often than anything else. It made him feel quite empty of soul throughout the day. He talked way less, ate way less, and was just generally out of it.
That behavior was also true with Matt, who had lived in the future last night and cried. At this point the girls thought that they were all sick. Especially PaRappa who was sometimes going from super quiet to an excited maniac. During those points in time he just let himself enjoy the bubbly feeling as it was really the best feeling he could have that day.
It was way better than to shiver cold, in the warmth of those days. He was suffering from death anxiety. He felt as if someone was stealing his soul. Life being sucked out of him. He felt so dead he wondered how he could even still even be here, but it was just anxiety and nothing fatal.
His constant scrambled thoughts had made him a little careless. So careless that his tail was showing while he was running around the track during gym. Stone Cold, a rock man who smells like a wet sidewalk and only wore pants and suspenders saw it. He often watched the teens run around it while he was on break. He had watched PaRappa before, and he knew that he had no tail before this. He walked over to the gym teacher.
"Hmm, did that student have a tail before this?" Stone mumbled pointing to PaRappa.
"Who PaRappa?" The gym teacher squinted and tried to get a closer look, "His paper's don't say he's got a tail OI! PaRappa get over here!" PaRappa slugged over.
"Yeah?" He hoped it wasn't anything bad.
"You never told us you got a tail!" The gym teacher said.
"Uh... I don't have a tail," PaRappa said noticing that his tail has out and there was no hiding it now.
"You don't have a tail huh? Right there be a lie," Stone said crossing his arms, "Did you heh, not have a tail before?"
"Well, no," PaRappa told the truth. Stone grumbled his deep voice and raised his eyebrows.
"What are you? Some type a werewolf hehe," Stone chuckled. PaRappa laughed nervously. Too nervously.
"Alright you can continue running PaRappa. We'll have to update your profile," The gym teacher said writing down a note to himself that PaRappa had a tail.
"Heh, you'll have to update it more than once when i'm done," PaRappa mumbled on his way back to the track. Unfortunately Stone Cold heard it. Stone rushed to his shed and grabbed a Polaroid camera. He then took a picture of PaRappa running over to the track.
"What's that for?" The gym teacher gave Stone the hairy eyeball.
"None a your business," Stone said. He went back to his shed and nailed the developing picture into a wall. Next to the picture was four other pictures. They all had an 'x' through them. Stone wrote 'Pa Rapper' in the description of the developing photo.
"That's too bad Pa Rapper. You're gonna be the youngest werewolf i've killed yet,"

(Not so fun fact: I've had a really bad case of Death Anxiety myself. I would wish it on no one because it really feels like someone is stealing your soul. I tried to eat, and I gave up because the taste was like acid, and to swallow created pain.)

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