The werewolf house

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They drove for hours into the night where the sun didn't shine. The dark dropped its temperatures drastically. They started going into deep woods. Shadows in the trees made PaRappa frightful.
"Wa-where are we going?" PaRappa asked, chilly.
"A safe place, well at least for me, ha! The law says that killing werewolves is a crime. So I have to go where the law can't find me," John explained. Something lightly landed on PaRappa's back. It was a crowla, not just any crowla, but a tame one. It was half the size of a sour crowla. It was a chalky purple color with a bone white beak. On the top of its head sat 3 long feathers protruding from the same spot bending forward. It's eyes made it look angry with a red skin ring around each eye.
"Shhh," It said bringing a wing to its beak. PaRappa was startled but he remained silent. The crowla flip flapped itself back into the woods.
Glowing eyes started flashing in the woods. They were exed out like a dead cartoon character. PaRappa started to whine with fear. John noticed the eyes too, and stopped the car. He got his gun out and shot up in the air 5 times. Hyena like laughter was heard.
"You sons a b&$#@s" He said under his breath. He held his gun out patrolling the truck.
"What's going on!?" PaRappa asked scared stiff.
"Shut it!" John said. PaRappa started tearing up. He was surrounded by people that wanted him dead. He couldn't even run due to him being tied up, and he couldn't fight because his teeth were locked in a muzzle. PaRappa was a sitting duck.
    Out of the bush walked a skinny werewolf. His eyes bulging out of his skull. His mouth was agape drooling a  hideous spit. He growled snapped and groaned. PaRappa screamed and tried to free himself just by pulling on the rope. "Let's dance demon," John said. He took a shot at the werewolf and missed. More werewolves came out from the woods. John was out numbered.
From up above the crowla spiraled down to the panicked PaRappa. With it's sharp beak it quickly sliced the rope PaRappa was attached to. Without hesitation PaRappa jumped out of the truck and sprinted away. He could hear behind him some more gunshots, and screams. He didn't dare look back. Right in front of him a werewolf leaped and tackled PaRappa. The werewolf had him pinned and looked him straight in the eye. It tilted its head. It then pushed PaRappa back and it rapidly changed into a human girl.
"You're not a werewolf!" She cried.
"I guess i'm not," PaRappa said. At this point he was very confused about what he was. The crowla landed on PaRappa's back.
"Why would he want to kill you if you aren't a werewolf?" She said to herself, "Oh whatever, i'll take you somewhere safe,"
PaRappa followed the kind madam into a trashy, but not overcrowded city. Her name was Jessica, and she was a real werewolf. She brought him to a big house full of other werewolf roommates. She explained that they were on a rescue mission looking for him, and that they would protect him even if he wasn't a werewolf.
He was getting bigger, and some hands by the next day. His crowla watched over him always.
"What's with that crow thing? It keeps following me," He asked Jessica.
"Hmm, Oh Oh! Hey Gabe!" She shouted across the hall.
"Yeah?!" Gabe shouted from the living room. He was playing super smash brothers with the other dudes in his pajamas.
"Show Putt Gabe!" Jessica called. Gabe paused the game and begrudgingly walked up the stairs. He was not alone. Beside him a tiny white dog followed.
"Hello I am Gabe. This is my dog, Gabe. We are the same person," Gabe yawned. The dog Gabe slumped over on the floor while sticking his little tongue out.
"Gabe and Gabe share the same soul. Dog Gabe is Gabe from the future, it's his familiar," Jess explained.
"You think the crow is my familiar?" PaRappa said looking at the crowla in the rafters. The crowla had tucked himself tight in one of the rafters corners. He was looking at them grimly.
"Maybe, or he just likes being around you. Although if he is your familiar i'd wish for a familiar to come," Jessica said.
"You have to wish for a familiar to get one, but the first you, does not get one. The first you becomes the first familiar after it dies. It goes to another you in spacetime and becomes an animal. The mysterious part is, is that the animal can predict what'll happen to you. They've lived your life, and know you like a memory," Jessica said. PaRappa looked up at the crowla in a new curious way. What would've ever caused him to act in such a grumpy secluded manner?
"Woah," He said, "Can you... come over here? Putt?" The crowla looked and him and took a freefall down. He opened his wings for a short time right in front of PaRappa to stop the free fall. The crowla then simply flapped in place.
Gabe walked over to it.
"Eh I don't think that's a crow. It looks like a pinata. I don't know what type though," He said while eating hint of lime chips.
"You're probably right," Jessica said looking at the paper feathers. PaRappa's ears pricked up. He heard something that sounded, good. He got up and limply started trying to find the source of the sound, the music. "Where are you going?" Jess asked.
"Uh, somewhere," PaRappa said halfheartedly. Jess looked at Gabe and they both shrugged. He went upstairs (yes there are 3 floors) to a hall with just bedrooms. PaRappa opened one slowly to a man hanging upside down off his bunk bed wearing sunglasses and shorts. His room was blaring rap music. "WHAT IS THIS?" PaRappa  asked slowly yet loudly.
"WHAT?!" Said the man. He took off his sunglasses.
"IT'S RAP MUSIC," The man said.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" They both screamed. Gabe and Jessica could hear them.
"I think we lost Putt to Max," Gabe said while smiling. Jessica snorted and fell over a bit. The crowla rolled his eyes while sitting on the head of a chair a little away.

(I draw PaRappa Putt Crowla way too much. As a side note all the werewolves are human people)

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