Phone call

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The telephone rang in Sunny’s room so she went over to go answer it.
“Hello?” She asked.
“Heyy It’s Katy!” Katy said on the other end.

“Oh hey Katy. How’s being in PaRappa town? OH PaRappa isn’t in PaRappa town he’s still at HaHa Land. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” Sunny said.
“Oh that’s ok. I kinda figured that he wasn’t there. Or he was a werewolf because PaRappa town is flooded with werewolves. The whole place is on lockdown,” Katy said.
“Oh my! Are you guys ok?” Sunny asked.

“Yeah. We all live in PaRappa’s house since nobody’s home,” Katy said.
“Nobody’s home? How did you get in then?”
“PaRappa’s window was unlocked,” Katy said.
“We’re all just trying to stick together and PaRappa’s house is pretty big so we’re all just in there. It’s Paula, PJ, Lammy, Ma-san and me. We’re going just talking and eating everything left in PaRappa’s fidge. I really feel like Papa Rappa is gonna be mad at us, but what’s done is done already,” Some screechy mouse screaming was heard in the background.

“Oh ok you can have it! Sheesh!” PJ said letting Ma-san have the last slice of pie.
“Haha! um, what are you up to?” Katy asked.
“Well I went on a mission yesterday with this kid named Anton,” Sunny said.

“What type of mission was it?”
“It was a preventing a tragic future mission. And i’ve got to say… don’t tell anyone but I think Anton’s pretty hot,” Sunny whispered.
“OOOOH! What’s he look like?” Katy was curious.
“Uh ha! I actually don’t know,” Sunny laughed.
“Well how can you say that he’s-” Katy was interrupted by Lammy tapping on her shoulder.
“Uh Katy I gotta go pick up some stuff from my place. Could I, uh could I go?” Lammy asked.
“Sure. Just be back before sunset ok? Also, you don’t have to ask me to go out you can just go,” Katy smiled.
“Yeah yeah right, um, i’ll be back. See ya!” Lammy said giving thumbs up before waving goodbye.

“I thought that werewolves only come out during full moons?” Sunny said.
“Well they definitely come out during full moons. Other times they come out from emotional distress or by the call of other werewolves. Knowing is half the battle,” Katy repeated from PaRappa Town’s informational conference.

“But how can they come out by the call of other werewolves if they have to be called first?” Sunny asked.
“Some werewolves with a constant relaying emotional distress can lead to a berserk werewolf that has no chill. And berserk werewolves are werewolves until they get their chill back,” Katy explained.
“OH OH and during a full moon no one ever dies from werewolves because the venom is so strong that it can even regenerate the dead… but into more werewolves,” Katy liked to talk.
“Cool! Um, so back to Anton,” Sunny said.
“Well how could you think he’s hot if you don’t know what he looks like? Also did you meet him on the internet or something?”
“Well first of all I met him when he just showed up on my window sill. He wears a like a japanese mask and a black cloak to hide his identity. I think he might be hiding from me especially because he said he saw me before while I was out in public and he said he wasn’t wearing his mask then,”
“Do you have any guesses as to who he might be?” Katy asked.
“Well I honestly don’t know. He’s from the future so he’s probably a stranger to this entire world depending on when he will be born,” Sunny said.
“Well how old is he?” Katy asked.

“I knew you would say that, but he’s way more mature than most nine year old boys,” Sunny said embarrassed.
“Ok OK, well what do you like about him?” Katy wanted to have Sunny justify this attraction.
“He’s just such an interesting character. I never thought I would meet some, time traveling masked hero in my entire life. He lives in the woods too. He saved my life the other day too! How could I possibly skip over that?!”

“What happened?” Katy was interested.
“Well we were looking for PaRappa so we asked this other masked fellow if he had seen the house we were looking for. Then this big brute gabs my mouth and pulls me back into an alleyway with this giant knife,”
“I know right? Anyway I thought the dude was gonna slit my throat when  He climbs up the alleyway onto a roof to ambush Anton. Anton comes in with a knife and when the big dude tries to tackle him Anton stabs his gut and he just folds up in pain,” Sunny said.

“Ok, that is pretty cool for a nine year old,” Katy said agreeing with Sunny.
“Uh huh. He saved my life, how could I not like him? He also saved PaRappa and a lot of other people by waking then all up so they can avoid Reaper the Grim. Reaper kills sleeping people,” Sunny said.
“Scary! Well I gotta go. I’m making lunch!” Katy said.
“Oooh Whatcha havin?”
“Mac and nothing because PJ ate the cheese. Oh! We have some tomato sauce, maybe I could make it better with that. Hmm. PaRappa did say he won a lifetime supply of cheese. Maybe I could add it if I can find it,”
“Well, good luck with that. Make sure to give me updates ok? I miss you,” Sunny said.
“Daw! Alright. I’ll call everyday. Bye bye now!” Katy said.
“Bye bye Katy!” Sunny then hung up.
“You said Putt’s still in HaHa Land? There’s a Reaper the Grim who kills people in their sleep!?” Pat said walking in to Sunny’s room. He was asking as if it was false.
“Well that’s what i’ve been told. I did see Reaper the Grim fly above me,” Sunny said.
“And he kills people in their sleep? Is that why we were told to stay up?” Pat was acting strangely.
“Yeah. I think it would be too hard to explain the whole Reaper the Grim thing so we just said it was gas. Also gas is more realistic,” Sunny said.
“That’s it, THAT’S IT! My whole life is a lie! Nobody ever tells me nothin’....NOTHIN! NtN must be one thousand times worse than I ever could imagine if that giant man is taking em. And taking em where!? Hue, I still haven’t heard from Hue. Or his parents. What? did Putt escape or something or was he just never going to be deported to PaRappa town in the first place? Why is your town called PaRappa town anyway? Isn’t Putt, PaRappa, or am I mistaken? You call him that for a reason don’t you?” Pat wanted answers. He seemed distressed.
“Well I don’t know why PaRappa town is called PaRappa town, but Putt is PaRappa no doubt,” Sunny said.
“Uhg, I knew it! I’m guessing he was a person before?” Pat said. He sat down next to Sunny.

“A very shy and slightly naive person. But he’s adorable. He’s a rapper too. He spends so much time making songs, and even longer time calling people so they can do collabs with him. I have one of his CDs here with me. It’s really old, but I still like it,”
“Could I get a listen?”
“Sure!” Sunny had no more saddening thoughts towards these songs anymore. She put the CD into her boombox and let it play Chop Chops song again.
“.... So he just says what the other guy says?”
“Yeah. Well Chop Chop is one of PaRappa’s many teachers. He copies them to learn from them. These songs actually happened. The recordings are just PaRappa calling the teachers back to do it again,” Sunny explained.
“Oh. Does  PaRappa have a family back home?” Pat wanted to know.
“Yeah. He has his dad. His name is,” *Matt and Error screaming because of a horror movie in the other room*,“but everyone just calls him Papa Rappa. He also has a sister named Pinto. She’s real sweet,”
“I guess i’m gonna have to give him back to them…” Pat said disappointed.

“Well just because you aren’t his dad anymore doesn’t mean you can’t visit him anymore. I’m sure he would miss you just as much as you would miss him,” Sunny said.
“Aw... thanks Sunny. You’re right. I shouldn’t be acting like this is our last goodbye. But one question. Where’s his mom?
“Well, nobody really knows,” She shrugged, “All I know is that she was a firefighter and that’s about it,”
“Do you have any contacts with the dad?” Pat asked.
“Just his home phone, but he’s not home,” Sunny said.
“Where’d he go?”
“I’m not sure, but there’s werewolves all over PaRappa town so... I think he just headed for the hills,” Sunny said.
“Werewolves… I think PaRappa talked about werewolves once. I think he stayed with some when he got separated from me a while back,”
“And they didn’t kill him or anything?” Sunny was surprised at this statement.
“I’m sure I would’ve noticed if PaRappa was a weewolf. PTTT! WEEWOLF HA!”

(Sunny you need to stop liking Anton, it's not gonna work out :\ )

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