The wonderful world of computers

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PaRappa had woken up to dream where he drove Sunny Funny to the moon, but the car broke down when they tried to go home. He cused at the car in a foreign language and kicked it. The car then burst like a balloon and flew away. PaRappa was just disappointed at that point. He honestly didn’t expect that to happen.
PaRappa chuckled to himself recalling the dream. He noticed that the robot was gone, but he didn’t get up. PaRappa had had a long night. He just sorta sat there in his bed waiting for a reason to go downstairs. The one reason not to get up was that the room was chilly. He looked to the window to see a big red sour crowla looking at him. It startled him so much that he jumped out of bed. The sour crowla chuckled and flip flapped away.
Now that PaRappa was out of bed he got used to the chiller air like he had been thrown into a pool. He walked over to Pat’s room, he wanted to tell him about his idea for NtN. When he entered Pat’s room Pat was already awake. He was watching a fashion competition show in bed.
“Good morning Putt,” Pat said. His tail was curled up close too his body and the tip was twitching. PaRappa knew that this meant Pat was worried or angry about something. For all of Pat’s talk about HaHa being a wonderful place PaRappa assumed that he loved it here. He could see more clearly now. Pat didn’t like being in HaHa Land ever since he returned. He was always pushing PaRappa away and had a lot of tension between people he spoke with.
“When did you get up?” PaRappa said noting on the fact that Pat was already dressed.
“Like, an hour and a half ago. I was running,” Pat said.
“Oh. Are you ok?” PaRappa hoped he wouldn’t strike a nerve by asking.
“Yeah why? I always run in the morning,” Pat said. His tail relaxed.
“Nevermind. Um I wanted to talk to you about Next to Nothing. I figured out my topic, but I don’t exactly know what to do with it,”
“Well let’s hear the topic,” Pat said all ears.
“Music. I think we need more music in HaHa Land,”
“That’s a wonderful idea! Now we just need to put it in a powerpoint type essay,” Pat said. The phrase went right over PaRappa’s head.
“What?” PaRappa said.
“We just need to create a powerpoint presentation that talks about what you want to do,” Pat explained.
“Well, how do we do that?” 
“Come on follow me to the wonderful world of  C o m p u t e r s,” Pat said getting up and exiting his room. PaRappa followed him. They eventually came to a small windowless room with a single boxy computer. An insomniac flower currently using the device looked behind her while simultaneously deleting her tab. She jumped out of her seat and offered the chair to them.
“It’s all yours m8,” She said. She then took a step and fell over because she forgot how to walk.
“Alright, first we need to research. The internet is the biggest place for information in the world. It’s time we get connected,” Pat said. Sunny passed the doorway with a cup of coffee in hand.
“Don’t type in XXXX into the computer. It’s cused. I was trapped in the digital world for a week,” She said.
“Ok!” PaRappa and Pat said happily.
“Good boys,” Sunny said leaving.
“Let’s begin. Click on the web browser.” Pat said overseeing PaRappa.
“Which one?” PaRappa was confused.
“The one in the middle of the screen,” Pat sighed.
“Oh yeah… I knew that,” He clicked on the web browser. Website after website started revealing them to him every .01 seconds,“WOAH HO HO HO HO AH HA HA IT’S BEAUTIFUL! I CAN FEEL IT! I’M TOTALLY LEARNING SOME- THING THING THING THING,” PaRappa.exe has stopped working. In reality PaRappa had just fallen off of his chair at the sudden flash of information at his face. He was more confident than ever and hopped back into his chair. “Where do we begin?!”
    With the help from Pat and the wonderful world of computers PaRappa got to a confident pace of work. After a while the lights of the windowless room were blurring his perception of time, and the computer’s screen burned in his retina. He had gotten done a lot of research. Pat had gone due to him having to work as the king of HaHa while his father healed his legs. He was getting lonely. Something that dogs and humans had in common was being social after all. He saved his data, closed, his tab, and looked at some other programs on the computer. One of them was Pony Island. He clicked on it only for it to crack and crumble like a physical object.
The next item was what looked like another web browser called A.N.N. He skipped over it because he was just on the internet. A little notification appeared on the bottom right corner. It seemed to be an email. It said ‘I had nothing to do with that Twisted Ted unit, or the le…’. PaRappa clicked on it before it disappeared because he was curious like a lot of people on the web. It opened up to a full on chain of emails.
“I had nothing to do with that Twisted Ted unit, or the lemon bot. The sooner you accept that the better things will be,” It was sent by a user called PaRappa went up the email chain so he could read it properly.

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