the future's like a lake

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After he finished changing Gabe and Jessica looked him over like something was missing. PaRappa copied their thinking faces involuntarily. Gabe put a generic cap on PaRappa's head.
"There," He said.
"Neat," PaRappa tweaked with it. He turned it backwards and left it that way.
"Aw cute," Jessica said. PaRappa had no reaction.

                      At the park was a mini trail, a big wide field, and a lake surrounded by picnic benches. They had a special private place to eat that they had discovered. It was across the lake on top of an abandoned car. The car was on a hill so they could see most of the lake swimming people.
"Why do you guys like to sit up here?" PaRappa asked looking out among the people.
"It's secluded. As anger induced werewolves we can blow off steam up here," Gabe explained with dog gabe in his lap.
"Oh yeah. Remember that one time I was so angry I started dragging you around by your leg," Jessica recalled.
"It was by my foot. Ya'know, more painful than just my leg," Gabe said.
"You know what's more painful than getting dragged by your foot?" Jessica asked.
"What," Gabe could practically hear it already.
"Getting your EAR ripped off," Jess laughed. PaRappa laughed with her despite not getting why it was funny. 

"You know what's more painful than getting our ear ripped off?" Gabe asked about to just burst.
"What?" Jess asked.
"25,"Gabe howled out laughter and then accidentally rolled off the car. Jessica started laughing too and laughed even harder with PaRappa as Gabe fell off, "Ha! Ow haha!" Gabe laughed on the ground. Jessica checked her cell phone.
"Oh! Pat is here. He's wondering where we are," She said looking at a text from him.
"Say we're at the picnic area near the lake. When you see him tell me Putt so we can get our boat and greet him," Gabe said, "What type of man is he anyway?"

"Oh, he's a purple cat man. Very dark purple. He's also got yellow eyes," PaRappa said.
"He sounds like a real cool cat heh," Gabe said. Jessica finished the text and looked out across the park.
"Maybe we should go across the lake so he can see us," PaRappa suggested.
"Ok," Jess slid off the car and started walking back. PaRappa and Gabe followed to their canoe. They paddled across to the more active side of the lake. It was filled with little kids playing and people sunbathing on towels thinking it was a beach. They passed a sunburned fat man barely wearing anything. Gabe cringed.

"This is exactly why I don't like this side of the lake,"He whispered. They went farther out away from the shore where there was more active people such as frisbee throwers and football players. The grass was also greener and softer underfoot.
           That's when they saw Pat jogging up the path that follows the lake. PaRappa saw him first. Jessica and Gabe followed his gaze.
"Is that him?" Jessica asked. PaRappa nodded he was getting nervous, "Hey! Hey over here!" Jessica waved. Gabe followed by doing the same. Pat rushed over.
"Are you the guys with Putt? !!!"  He noticed PaRappa who was trying to hide behind Jessica.
"Oooh you're like a person now!" Pat squealed.
"Yeah I guess," PaRappa chuckled, embarrassed. Pat looked up from PaRappa and into the eyes of Jessica and Gabe.
"I can't thank you enough for taking care of Putt though all this," Pat said sincerely. He then went in close and gave both of them a very large bear hug.

"Your welcome. We're just happy to have found you. Putt really missed you," Jessica said.
"No prob bob,"Gabe said. Dog gabe barked.
"Well bye, I guess," PaRappa said shyly.
"We aren't going yet! Look around! This place is awesome! You got lake, you got fresh open space. What's more to love?!" Pat shouted, "Come on Putt let's cannonball!" He rushed into the lake as PaRappa followed smiling again.

         They spent the rest of the day splashing around in the lake. Happily laughing away with no worry or care. As this all happened PaRappa Putt Crowla sat high in the dark tree tops gazing down on them. He was delighted to see such a familiar joy, but then again was not completely engaged in it. He needed to find the date of that current day. Crowla twitched violently as he felt like watching his old self play around was wasting precious time. He had to get going, but he didn't want to start until he knew he really needed to. Knowing what day it was would really help.
    He flew down to the people hoping that they would ever say what day it was. Crowla sat on a picnic table looking down into the lake that PaRappa was playing in. PaRappa saw his familiar and was reminded to tell Pat about it.
"Oh Pat! I've got a familiar now too!" He shouted while doggy paddling.
"A what?" Pat said after emerging from under the lake.
"A familiar see! It's me but I'm a crow!" PaRappa said pointing. The crowla remembered saying these things and it was very odd to him to hear it again.
"Oh, hi crow!" Pat waved to him.
"Waa," Crowla tried to say that he was a crow-la, but it didn't come out right.
He was really doubting that they were ever going to say what day it was. He couldn't remember if they had that day, or any future days. Crowla decided that it was best to make the journey now when he knew he was still early. PaRappa would surely survive while he was gone. He was with Pat, the sweetest and most innocent man to ever live. He was also a bodybuilder. PaRappa would be fine without him. The crowla flicked and flapped his way into the air to start his journey back to PaRappa Town to protect PJ from his incoming death.

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