the truth is hard to swallow

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Sunny's cell started to ring. It was Matt.

"Heya," She answered.

"Where are you? You're gonna miss dinner. Also it's pouring outside. Not really the time to be out on the town right now,"

"Me, Lucio, and PaRappa's dad are looking for PaRappa in the woods ar en,"

"Don't say ar en, also when did PaRappa's dad get here?" Matt asked.

"He's been here, but he was wearing a mask so nobody knew who he was," Sunny explained.

"Why didn't he just take off the mask?"

"Uh," Sunny moved her head away from the phone, "Hey mr. Rappa? How did you get your mask off,"

"PaRappa tried to stab my neck with his chisel but he just punctured my mask," Papa gestured to his neck.

"He tried to stab you?!"

"Nono wait, he tried to stab my leg, but then I took the chisel and punctured my mask at the neck so I could take my mask off. That's what happened," Papa pointed the the puncture still in his leg, "Then I told him I was his dad and then he said I needed to follow this voice to a chamber thingy. I carried him there cause he was bleeding from like, right here," Papa moved his hand like a knife across his abdomen.

"Why was he bleeding?!" Sunny was getting anxious.

"A giant robot was trying to eat him," Papa said it as plainly as possible in order to keep himself from crying.

"Sunny??" Matt couldn't hear half of the things being said, "WHY did he have a mask on? Did somebody stab his face??"

"Somebody was stabbing faces?" Error asked from beyond Matt's cell.

"No, it's just. It's complicated,"

"Want me to put your dinner in the fridge?" Matt asked.


"OK! When do you think you're gonna get back?" Matt didn't have too much to talk about.

"Uhhh. When we find PaRappa,"At least that's what Mr. Rappa said.

"That's an extremely extended amount of time to be mucking around in the rain. Do you even have a raincoat?" Matt ripped open a tea bag.

"Uh uh,"

"An umbrella?"


"You're gonna die out there. Or at least get spooked, or get PTSD or something. Or all 3," Matt said.

"Wow I'm so glad you believe in me Matt," Sunny said sarcastically.

"It's not that I don't believe in you, it's just that in thunderstorms bad things always happen. Just like full moons and being awake after 3 am," Matt began boiling water in a kettle. 


"What?" He stood by the stove with his clunky phone in hand.

"You sound ridiculous. Just because i'm in a thunderstorm doesn't mean i'm in any more danger than I would be without," Sunny said.

"Would be without huh? How much danger have you seen tonight?"

"Well it was a..a shark monster," Sunny decided to be honest.

"Uh huh," He put his hands over the heat of the kettle while holding the phone on his shoulder.

"And a werewolf... I think,"

"Yooo werewolves? Those guys are all over the *Clang clang*"

"The what?"

"Sorry I dropped the phone heh. The werewolves are all over PaRappa town these days. Hey, why does our town have the same name as PaRappa anyway? Did he do something really worth it? I mean, it's been PaRappa town our whole lives. He couldn't of done something that honourable as a baby," Matt took a look into the kettle as a progress check.

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