PaRappa under anesthetic

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PaRappa woke to his leg aching and his head spinning. He had been under anesthetic before and was still recovering from it's sleepy effects. This hilariously made him act like a drunk about to pass out. He was alone with his leg in a cast. While waiting for anyone to come in he made spit bubbles in his mouth as a pastime. This got boring very quickly. He then started humming a random tune made up of songs he knew and spontaneous noises. He hoped maybe one of these spontaneous tunes could turn into the tune of a song one day.
His dad walked into the dimly lit room.
"Hey son how's it hangin'? What happened last night? You got stuck in a bear trap. How'd that happen?" Papa asked. PaRappa thought back to that night making his face scrunch up doing so.
"I like, walked into it. I was like 'heya what's that smell?' and then BABABABAM! The trippy trap got my leg thing," PaRappa said high as a kite.
"Oh," Papa said.
"Pew pew pew. Hey do you know that the lightsabers in, Uh. I forgot nevermind," PaRappa said trying to pretend that his paw was a space gun. This didn't work though because his hands were paws. "I've got paws," He said in a sort've curious yet disappointed way.
"Yes you do," Papa said acting like PaRappa was five.
"Do you have paws?" Parappa glanced over trying to look.
"No. I have hands," Papa showed him moving his fingers.
"Why can't I have hands. I don't like paws. Am I here to get hands instead of paws?" PaRappa asked.
"No," Papa said.
"AWWWW! Why not!" PaRappa shouted.
"Because even if you got new hands they'd probably turn back into paws," Papa said, "You're here to get your leg fixed,"
"IS IT BROKEN?" PaRappa asked in a very cracked worried voice looking at his leg.
"No but your muscles are ripped apart," Papa explained. PaRappa started to feel the pain on remembering what exactly was hurt about his leg.
"Ow. Last night was bad," Parappa thought about telling his Pa about Stone Cold,"I super hate keeping secrets all the time," He decided to just hint at it.
"You have secrets? Like what?" Papa asked hoping that in this state PaRappa would tell him something he wouldn't tell otherwise.
"I keep telling everyone i'm gonna die instead of telling em that i'm turning into a dog. I just don't want em to think i'm a dog," PaRappa said disappointed in himself.
"Oh really? I guess that's ok," Papa said.
"NO IT'S NOT! It's mean and stuff... Hey look it's Rodney Greenblat," PaRappa pointed behind his pa. Papa looked over to see nobody there. "HAHA you looked but there was no one there! Hehe!" PaRappa laughed hysterically. His father smiled.
"Let's get you back home," He said.
When the anesthetic wore off Parappa hadn't felt so scared in his life. His body shivered like he was still out that night. He also realized the first smell he had wafted was the smell of Stone cold himself. The smell of a sidewalk after it just started raining. He was obliged to stay home, relax, and heal by his father. PaRappa took the opportunity to stay home gladly this time. His leg wasn't planning on shaping itself back to the way it was though. It decided to start on another dog part. The doctors didn't know that though so his cast became useless very soon.

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