Dark blue

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Around 2 am Sunny returned to PaRappa’s room. He was deep asleep. Sunny closed the door behind her and sat in the dark. A short while later the moonlight of the night shone through the window illuminating things in a subtle way. Unlike what most people thought, the night was blue, not black. Sunny reminded herself of that and thought it was beautiful. She looked in the doorway to see 2 yellow eyes floating there. She was not startled. Pat had sleepwalked before. She was invisible to him anyway. Pat walked back to his room. Sunny could hear the soft creeks of the wooded hall creek under his feet. She wondered if she should stay a little while longer or go back to her own room. She feared that she might fall asleep if she stayed, and who knows what Pat would think if he found her sleeping there. 
She had forgot something from her room anyway. Sunny went to her dwelling and returned with PaRappa’s skateboard. While roaming around HaHa at midnight, which was a very different place, she had gone back to the ashy site of Henry Jump to collect it. PaRappa was very fond of skateboarding.
There was a lot of things people miss while they sleep. For people like Sunny, the night time was the best time to be alive. It was designated for rest, but she would protest that it was the best time to be awake. A lot of the place was deserted making the whole place inverted from its original form. The complicated crowds reduced to those interesting enough to stay awake.
Daytime is so overrated. It’s just nighttime but brighter. Sunny thought. She got up. Despite her claim that the day was dumb she still had responsibilities under the sun. Sunny went out from PaRappa’s chamber and down the hall. Afterall, her rebel nature couldn’t stop that fact that like us all we, still fall asleep… eventually.

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