Heavy Metal

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PaRappa had a dream. A very odd dream. He was standing there in the rain with an umbrella. He was in PaRappa’s signature clothes.

He checked his watch. It didn’t seem to give any reassurence to unravel anything new in him. He was just standing there in the dreary dark, waiting… for what? He got out an ipod. PaRappa picked a song that fit the mood and just stood there. It was a sad song. He wasn’t at all sad, PaRappa himself stayed melancholy. It was probably just the atmosphere that made him pick such a sad song.

I won't lie to you folks, this dream isn’t all that important. It’s just a slice of a life long forgotten that appeared randomly like many things do.
    PaRappa thought his watch was ticking weird. Click Stomp! Click Stomp! Watches don’t make such a loud sound. PaRappa opened his eyes. He was limp, and face first into the ground. He was being dragged on the ground. PaRappa looked up. A robot was dragging him. The robot’s head depicted a horse with a broken jaw. Only the top half of him was covered in skin, while the rest was a metal skeleton. It was Bart, the repair man. Bart looked back at PaRappa.
“Sorry. I thought you were dead,” He said putting PaRappa and Sunny down. They were in a vast place walking along a metal bridge. The sun did not shine down there, but rather the pool of lava underneath.
“Maybe I am dead,” PaRappa said noticing where he was.
“I was gonna toss you into the pool. If you were dead you would thank me. I don’t know about her though,” Barn said looking at Sunny. PaRappa flipped her over. 
“To be honest i’m surprised you survived the slide. I saw a kid fall down there once. He snapped his neck and died,” Bart said.
“The slide?” PaRappa asked.
“Fastest way to get all the way down here. It’s made for robots,”
PaRappa looked at Sunny worriedly. She had been bleeding from the nose, but not anymore.
“Uh uh uhhh hmm,” PaRappa said shaking and then covering his mouth. He had mixed feelings about all this. Bart loomed over him.
“I’m sorry but I honestly can’t tell if she’s alive or not. I don’t have that much feeling in my hands… or anything,” Bart said.
“H-h-how could I tell!?” PaRappa shouted.
“Feel for her heart beat,” Bart said.
“On her neck, right there,” Bart pointed. PaRappa tried to feel for a beat but he was too shaky and negative minded to take an accurate measure.
“Ahhh! She’s dead!” PaRappa shouted covering his face.
“You’re not feeling it carefully enough. Give it a good go before you make your final judgement,” Bart said.
“Ok... ok,” PaRappa said. He began to cry.
“What?!” Bart wanted to know what was the cause of his tears.
“She’s alive!” PaRappa cried. He was so worried she that she was dead.
“Well i’m guessing you wanna get out of here,” Bart said.
“Um where exactly am I?” PaRappa asked. 
“We’re at the bottom most level of Family Friends mining department,” Bart said. PaRappa noticed the other kooky looking robots chopping through stone. In the distance.
“I didn’t know this place was also a mining facility,” PaRappa said. He got an another emotional spell for a split second and whimpered.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about this place. OK!” Bart clanged his hands together, “The surface elevator is right over there!” He pointed across the bridge to a tube. PaRappa looked at Sunny. How was he going to bring her? Bart followed his gaze, “Ah! I have a solution!” he picked Sunny up and placed her on PaRappa’s shoulders.
“Thanks!” PaRappa said. The only problem with this piggy-back method was that Sunny was limp. She couldn’t hold on to him so PaRappa leaned forward to keep her from falling back, “Bye!” PaRappa shouted to Bart.
“Bye,” Bart waved. He wished it was that easy for him to get out. PaRappa approached the elevator only to realize that it wasn’t an elevator in the original sense. It was a giant black tube made out of plastic garbage cans that had an extreme suction going up. It was dark in there.
PaRappa didn’t know if he wanted to put his trust into this tube. It looked rather rickety. He looked back at Bart. Bart gave him a thumbs up. PaRappa looked back at the nightmarish tube and took a step in impulsively. He tried screaming but it was too loud in the tube. He soon realised that Sunny wasn’t on his back anymore. He blindly reached up and gabbed her legs. At least there was one thing familiar in there. The tube spit him out onto a metal walkway many stories up.
“Phew! I’m glad I don’t have to do that again!” PaRappa said too soon because the walkway went to another dank tube, “Darn,” He said disappointed.  He walked right up to it because get was afraid he would be too scared to go again if he waited. While in the tube this time PaRappa just relaxed and tried not to think about the whole thing too much. The fault in that is if you keep thinking “don't think that” you're gonna start thinking that. Instead of thinking about how dangerous the tube was PaRappa thought about how guilty he felt. He got Sunny hurt, and he didn’t know how much so. In the back of his mind he worried that she would die as he got out of there. Why would she not wake up? The tube spit PaRappa out once more and now he was on a floor instead of just a walkway across a large area. It was claustrophobic to say the least. Water was leaking from one of the walls. He was in dirt tunnels. They oozed all over the place. It made PaRappa uncomfortable. There seemed to be a staircase up ahead. How could he not see it? It was the only thing that was illuminated. PaRappa went up the stairs and felt a chill on his neck. He turned around to see eyes in the dark. He did not hesitate to rush up the steps. He was now in a long dark hall with windows. Though the windows PaRappa could see a nice hall with wallpaper and lamps. The door into this nice hall was right in front of him, but there didn’t seem to be an way to get into it.
“Doesn't look like we're gonna get outta here as quickly as we hoped Sunny,” PaRappa said. He started walking down the cold metal hall. PaRappa then saw a human walk down the clean hall. He put Sunny down and knocked on the door as hard as he could. The man glanced at PaRappa and talked into a walkie- talkie. He then left PaRappa alone, or so he thought. A few seconds later a buzzer was heard. A small door the size of a cat opened in the wall a little way off.
    A small metal creature walked out. It had two legs and tiny light eyes. On closer inspection it was a metallic fish with chicken legs. It walked up to PaRappa and nipped him on his ankle.
“Hey!” PaRappa took a step back. He took a look his injury. The bite had sliced into his skin a lot like a potato peeler. It bled a little. 2 more of the fish things walked out of the cat sized hole “Uh oh,” PaRappa said. He picked up Sunny again, clumsily, and then started dashing down the hall. A walking fish ran up in front of PaRappa so he hesitated a sec and punted it. Kick! It hit the ceiling, but PaRappa didn’t have the time to look back at that. The hall led to a walkway over a wearhouse. The place was filled to the brim with robots standing in parallel lines. They were probably waiting to be shipped off somewhere. As PaRappa rushed past this area he couldn’t help but notice that all the bot’s individually clicked their necks to look at him. How creepy. The next room contained boxes and boxes of toys. PaRappa stopped to look at one of them. It was a false vampire bat remote control toy. “It can lift up to 8 pounds!” The box gleefully depicted. PaRappa thought about how kids could hurt themselves by dropping 8 pound things on their heads. He chuckled.
The fish with legs were lagging behind him. They often stopped to twitch like chickens. Above the box room there was light of another nice wallpapered hallway. PaRappa ignored it this time.
“Hey! What are you doing here!?” PaRappa was surprised by a smoke golem wearing a sweatshirt.
“UH uh! I’m just seeing myself out sir!” PaRappa responded shaken.
“Oh you’re not leaving this place, well not alive anyway. HaHa!” The smoke golem bellowed. PaRappa dashed away immediately. He hid behind some boxes. “You really think you can hide from me?” The smoke golem appeared behind him.  PaRappa jumped.
“HEY! What is going in down here!?” Dragonbreath said up high in the clean hallway door in the box room, “Putt? What are you doing here with that flower girl? And what's wrong with her? Were you 2 here do for some private business??
“No sir,” PaRappa said standing completely still, “We had an accident at the skate park,”
“Well I don’t want anything to do with it. Golem! escort him out,” Dragonbreath said starting to eject smoke from his nostrils. He went back into the clean hallway. The smoke golem glanced at PaRappa disappointedly. He covered PaRappa’s face with one hand and covered Sunny’s with the other. This forced both of them to breathe the smoke making up his body. PaRappa struggled, but he still ended up doing as he was told. Walk up that way. Yes there. PaRappa heard this and involuntarily walked up the stairs to the clean hall door. The smoke golem opened it with a key card and PaRappa goosesteped in with Sunny on his back. He could feel his eyes leak out smoke. It was incredibly uncomfortable. Walking up another stairwell PaRappa went on ‘his own’ until he came upon a broken window on the surface. It had many cats in it due to the room connecting to a wooden cat walkway going off into the jungle.
PaRappa coughed and the smoke dispersed. He was free. The sun shone nicely and the cats relaxed with such charm that he couldn’t help but feel relieved. This was ruined with a sour thought of guilt. He sighed, it was time to go home starting with walking on a narrow platform while carrying a person. They call me the wanderer, yeah I'm a wanderer, I roam around a rou-. The smoke golem had a song in his head. It got quieter and quieter as the effects of the smoke wore away.
“I guess we’ll start on our way home,” PaRappa said to Sunny. The sun was starting to set.
With help from pedestrians he eventually got his way home (although the pedestrians tried to avoid him because he didn't look too good).
He opened the door to HaHa manor and placed Sunny down.
“Oh Putt…” Pat said.

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