She couldn't fall harder

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A ride in a train that went through a rollercoaster later PaRappa and Pat made it to HaHa manor. Into the first floor of the house PaRappa's eyes dazzled at the high ceilings. It was a lot to take in.
"Hey dad! I'm home!" Pat shouted as the door closed behind him, "Come on!" Pat ran up the stairs as PaRappa joyfully followed. They went into a large room there lay a dark purple cat with a light flame blue mane that blended ever so nicely.
"Heyya!" Pat shouted. He rushed over to his father and gave him such a big hug he picked him up.
"Hahahaha! It's good to see you too son! Ho ho!" Lord HaHa said. He was dressed like an old fashioned king, "How was your journey around the world?"
"Exciting! I did so much! And I had a lot of fun too! There is something even more exciting I MUST tell you!" Pat placed PaRappa in front of him, "This is my new son Putt!"
"Hi," PaRappa waved. He was a bit nervous. Lord HaHa seemed like a person with a big personality.
"A NEW SON!? Hello Putt!!" Lord HaHa shouted happily.
"Uh, Lord HaHa?" Someone knocked on the doorway at the side of the room, "I have the west garden plans complete," It was Sunny Funny. Lord HaHa got up and accepted the paper plans from her.
"Thank you my dear," Lord HaHa said softly.
"Who are they?" Sunny asked looking behind him.
"They're my son and my grandson. They're back from a wonderful vacation AROUND THE WORLD!!!" Lord HaHa boomed with his epic voice.
"Oh. Sounds exciting. Well have a nice day HaHa," Sunny said. She went down the hall out of sight and then fell over on her face with shock.
Oh PaRappa, I see you everywhere I go She thought. She walked back towards the throne room again to take another look. She squinted her eyes and tried to imagine him with PaRappa's clothes. Sunny then went back into the hallway and continued to trip and fall over as she went outside to the other gardeners. Outside everyone could see that she was feeling down.
"Oh Sun, did he not like your plans?" Beth, a rose asked.
"No, It's even worse," Sunny said seating herself in a gazebo.
"You can talk to me about it if you want dear," Beth said sitting down next to her. Sunny sighed.
"You know that PaRappa I told you about?"
"Well Pat has an adopted son that looks just like him so now i'm gonna be reminded of him everywhere. Seriously, he looks exactly like him," Sunny ranted.
"Well maybe you should get to know him better so you can see him for who he actually is rather than who he reminds you of," Beth suggested.
"That's actually a really good idea! Thank you Beth!!" Sunny said springing upward.
"Well that was fast. I'm glad to help. OH! You could probably talk to him during that ball Lord HaHa is having. You gotta be the first to talk to him though,"Beth suggested.
"Why?" Sunny asked.
"So that he has his priorities set on you. He probably doesn't know anybody here except Pat," Beth said.
"Oh well that's sounding better for me. I was worried I'd never get over him," Sunny said relieved.
"You're only 18. You've got all the time in the world to get over him," Beth reassured. Matt ran up the hill along with Paula. Matt's hair stood on end for a second as he ran, and then he got struck by lightning. He stopped in his tracks covered in ash. Matt coughed.
"Oh my gosh Matt are you ok?! How did you even survive that!?" Paula asked poking him in the face gently. 
"Uh...ow...ow...ow...ouch... owie," Matt said looking like a silhouette freeze frame. Sunny rushed over to them. She looked up into the air.
"There's not even a cloud in the sky!" Sunny gasped.
"Weird," Paula said taking a good look in the sky herself. 
"PAin," Matt's voice cracked as he fell on his knees and then onto the ground.
"Hey Matt you have a thing on your neck," Paula pointed out.
"Yeah. Wait I can't see all of it," Sunny smudged some ash off to reveal an image on the back of Matt's neck.
"Ow, what is it?" Matt asked getting up.
"It's uh, like a bunch of arrows going out from one middle point. There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8- 8 arrows!" Sunny counted, "Wait. I saw this before. Follow me!" The group of 3 followed a winding brick path to a garden maddened with thorns, trees, and bushes in a sectioned off square. In the middle of the madness a rusting 8 arrow statue sitting atop a concrete base sat.
"What's that?" Matt asked.

"It's our chaos garden

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"It's our chaos garden. Oh oh! The symbol! it's the chaos star!" Sunny said snapping her fingers to remember.

"Chaos," Matt whispered rubbing his neck.
"Lord HaHa had it commissioned so that there wouldn't be too much order in his yard. We just sorta throw extra seeds in there and water it every now and then," Sunny explained.
"Interesting. I really like those flowers growing up the tree there," Paula said.
"Oh thanks. I honestly don't know how those got there though," Sunny shrugged.
"Uh, going back to what I was going to say before, thank you so much for getting us tickets to HaHa. I really appreciate it!" Matt smiled.
"Yes thank you! I could never of dreamed to be able to get here, and we'll now I want am!" Paula said.
"Oh you're welcome. You guys are making make blush," Sunny said smiling.
"Well, now that we're here... What are we doing?! Let's get going on some rides!" Matt shouted.
"Haha! Yeah!" Paula shouted.
"WOOOO!" Sunny shouted as she ran down the hill to a country of rides along with her friends (don't worry she's allowed to go).

(You've got me under your spell, baby I couldn't fall harder)

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