The Party

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"Ta Daa! A new outfit! For important events!" Pat said surprising PaRappa with his own tux, "Or just whenever, because everyone loves tuxes in this town." They were sitting in "Putt's room" that was right across from Pat's.
"Wow! Thanks dad! Is this for the party?" PaRappa asked observing the outfit.
"Yeah! You gotta be fancy at Pop's fancy party. It's the rules," Pat said.
"Fancy... Well What exactly do you do at these parties?" PaRappa asked.
"You socialize, dance, eat, and just have a whole bunch of old fashioned fun. I really think you could make a lot of friends there Putt," Pat said.
"Why are you so concerned on me making friends?" PaRappa asked with a small chuckle.
"Um, well when I was growing up friends were really important to me. I don't want you to be bored or lonely. HaHa is one million times better with some great pals that really get you. I just wanted you to get that into motion as soon as possible. Get your name out there ya know?"
"Oh. Well who are your friends?"
"Well there's Pete the Human Scario-" (Firstname the species lastname)
"You don't have to tell me their whole names,"
"Pete, Wishbone, Delcoda. Those are my friends," Pat simplified.
"Only 3?" PaRappa expected more.
"A wise man once said that having a small group of close friends was always way better than having a large group of fake friends... or something like that," Pat said.
"What's a fake friend?" PaRappa wondered how you could fake a friendship. Wouldn't it be obvious?
"A fake friend is a person who is only "friends" with you because they want attention, or they want you to give them something because only friends give friends stuff," Pat said.
"Did you ever have any fake friends?"
"Well yes. I am the son of Lord HaHa. Lots of kids looked at me in awe and tried to be my friend because they wanted to brag that they "were the friend of a prince" Pat said. PaRappa did his best to imagine Pat as a kid. It wasn't that hard.
"Was it difficult to make real friends?"
"Well sometimes. I could tell when they were real though. Fake friends are easy to spot for me. I've had experience,"
"I hope I don't have any fake friends," PaRappa said.
"I'm confident that you won't," Pat said messing up PaRappa's hair. Pat was more worried about NTN and bullies than fake friends. From what he could gather the rumor was that "Putt" was a queer teenage dog that nobody's ever heard of. And queer people don't get fake friends so easily, especially those who don't know their own birthday or where they came from, or where their real parents were. He was a mystery, and anyone can fill in the blanks.
Sunny Funny was having an interesting time filling in the blanks for herself. She came up with a whole bunch of stupid random ideas to entertain herself while putting yellow flowers down to make a giant sun shape.
He's an alien from the dark side of the moon who disguised himself as PaRappa to blend in on Earth ha! He's a PaRappa clone made by an avid fan who just wants free original PaRappa music! Wow!
He's PaRappa's long lost twin! HAHA
He's PaRappa but he lied about being dead and is a secret spy sent to spy on HaHa Land! Oh Ho!
He's a robot built to be like PaRappa!
"I gotta re-re-re I gotta Be-be-be!" Sunny mocked. She couldn't understand how PaRappa could half say words so quickly like a glitchy dog. She also couldn't understand PaRappa's "cool" raps.
"Life life -prprprprpyuldytOOOOOgEEEEEE," She laughted, then she felt bad for laughing.
What if he didn't die and just has memory problems and a wig?... Oh...oh damn. Sunny held onto that thought. She told herself that she would have to see him again, but then again. Rap, that voice, that face. The lemonade robot came over to her and tapped her on her shoulder.
"Lady Bethany told me to remind you to get ready for the party at 7:23, the current time. She also left another message for you. Would you like to hear it?"
"Sure," Sunny liked interacting with the robot.
"You last minute Larry! you've been late for Lord HaHa's last 3 parties! Get into your nicest dress before this place gets flooded with people!" The robot said not as angrily as Beth probably had. Sunny had started laughing as soon as the robot finished saying "You last minute Larry-". That's something only Beth the Rose Bugle would say. After she was done laughing she said thanks to the robot and went into her room to get dressed.
PaRappa was doing the same and Pat was teaching him how to tie a bow tie. Pat and PaRappa were now both dressed and fancy.
"Fancy?" PaRappa asked.
"Fauncy!" Pat said in a funny way. "Uh haw haw!"
"Ah heh hort hehel," PaRappa said just to be derpy.
"PTT heheHHHHE," Pat said trying to be even more derpy.
"HAAAAAAAAAA,"Pat shouted even louder going along with PaRappa.
"WHAT are you two screaming about?" Lord HaHa said barging in. PaRappa and Pat looked ridiculous, and they knew it. They started laughing at Lord HaHa's reaction.

"Thank goodness you're here on time!" Beth shouted at Sunny as she came in. They were in the main hall.
"Thank's for reminding me," Sunny said.
"You have to get into the swing of HaHa's parties. He throws them randomly you know," Beth said.
"I know, I know," Sunny said. She sometimes wished they didn't occur so often. The hall was flooded with people now. That included PaRappa, who was secretly eyeing Sunny. He thought she looked lovely, but he didn't want her to catch him staring. He was also becoming nervous. He didn't even know why. He was, happy and light, but was also trying to avoid what was making him so.
Sunny was actually trying to find PaRappa. She had already ignited a friendship, so she wanted to continue it. That's when she saw him. Her idea had been illuminated. She had seen PaRappa in a similar outfit before and it just clicked. That IS PaRappa. How?? What happened? Is he not telling me something???
"My God my heart beats faster, and my mind is racing. Could it be...?
Could it be that you've come back to life?...
I know those eyes- following me
Dark and familiar and deep as the sea
I know that face, strange though it seems
Younger and kinder it haunts all my dreams
How can you stand there?
A whisper from me
Yet, somehow be so far away...
In eyes once familiar a stranger I see
With so many words left to say," She sang softy. (SONG: I know those eyes/This man is dead from The Count to Monte Cristo). PaRappa went over to her like he was going to say something, but then he went back.

Up in the attic of the manor there sit PaRappa Putt Crowla looking down into the hall through a hole in the floor/ceiling. He was with a Parrybo, the parrot pinata. He remembered the "odd" feelings he also had that day and chuckled as much as a crowla could chuckle.
"Who... you be?" The parrybo asked to the best of it's ability. They had both entered this attic from a broken window. Crowla didn't know if he could answer. He just glanced at the multi colored pinata and then looked back down into the party. "You happy?" The parrybo didn't see too many happy crowlas.
"Aw," Crowla honked a positive response.
"WhY?" the parrybo asked. His voice cracked.
"Mee hee," Crowla tried his hardest while pointing at PaRappa. The parrybo didn't understand. He flew up to a box filled with rocks and started flinging out stone spheres in a very parrot like manner. He then threw a chisel on the ground as well. Rolling a rock that was about the size of four marbles fuzed together. The parrybo stopped right in front of the hole and flexed where his eyebrows would've been if he had any. Crowla made the same expression back to him. Then the parrybo pushed the sphere into the hole. Seconds later the stone hit the ground with a loud clang.
"What the?!" a gentleman shouted. He was startled by the sudden hit next to him. He was lucky not to get hit. Crowla had a flashback to Stone Cold getting hit with a bowling ball. It wasn't pretty. He tried to stop the parrybo from tossing another rock down the 3 story drop. The parrybo didn't want to give up so easily. They hopped around spreading their wings at each other. The pinatas squawked, one with delight and one with annoyance. The parrybo kicked the chisel down. It hit PaRappa on the head and bounced off to the floor.
"Huh?" PaRappa said. He picked it up and put it in his pocket. The two birds watched this happened. Crowla went berserk on the parrybo. Despite Crowla's stern intention the parrybo still thought this was hilarious.
"WAAA HAWAAA! YOU CRAZY!" He laughed as Crowla chomped at the parrybo's wing. Lord HaHa bust into the attic.
"WHO'S THERE?" He boomed.
"AHHH!" The birds shouted. HaHa rushed over to them to try and shoo them away but the floor cracked. Lord HaHA stood very still. The boards in this attic was very brittle, not to mention old. HaHa took a long deep breath. He didn't know what to do. He glanced up at the birds and tried to take a step back.
The floor below him snapped like a tortilla chip. Like all cats, he landed on his feet, but he still broke them big time. After the initial shock the pain seeped in like a poison. Lord HaHa couldn't stop yelling. Everyone just stopped in their tracks. PaRappa covered his mouth. He didn't this legs were supposed to bend that way.
"SOMEBODY CALL 121!!" Pat shouted tending to his father. Sunny grabbed PaRappa's hand and dragged him away into the halls.
"What are we doing?!" He said. He felt that it was disrespectful to just leave.
"The party's over. I was thinking we could go someplace else," Sunny said.
"But, what about HaHa?" PaRappa said looking back twiddling his fingers.
"He'll be ok. He's got 9 lives. Well 7. Lord HaHa will be perfectly fine he just needs some space and medical help,"
"Medical help?!"
"Look there's nothing you can do for him so let's just bail,"
"Bail, bounce, leave? OK?"
"Uh, ok,"
"Alright just wait here. I'm gonna go change. I'll be right back," With that she left. PaRappa considered changing himself, but he didn't know where they were going. PaRappa Putt Crowla swooped down onto PaRappa's head.
"Hello crow," PaRappa said. He gently picked the crowla off his head and held it in his arms. It relaxed and gave out a sigh. PaRappa pet Crowla on the head soothing him even further. Sunny then rushed back.
"Why do you have a crowla with you?!" She asked surprised.
"He's my familiar," PaRappa said.
"Aw he's sweet. His is a he right?" Sunny asked looking at the bird melt in PaRappa's arms.
"I have no idea," He said.
"Alright well, let's get going!"

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