Traveling down that bloody memory lane

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Just as Matt left, his cell began to ring again. This time no buttons were removed, so Error didn't hesitate to pick it up.

"Who's this?" He asked rather mellow.

"Oh? Where's Matt? I'm Sunny," Sunny said.

"I'm Error," Error replied.

"Oh yeeeah I know you. Where's Matt?"

"I think he's upset. I don't think he can talk right now. Wanna leave a message?" Error tried not to seem ominous. He didn't want Sunny to think negatively of him.

"Humm. Aren't you like a big dragon type guy?" Sunny asked.

"Not exactly dragon, but I guess I'll say yes, unless It involves fire because I can't breathe fire,"

"Doesn't matter. This might sound a bit strange, but can you fight a werewolf and a shark demon?"

"WEREWOLVES?? SHARK DEMONS??? ARE THEY AFTER YOU??!!" Error was incredibly qualified for monster fighting.

"Well they won't let us get near PaRappa without a fight," Sunny said it almost like it was no big deal.

"I'll be right on my way. I WON'T have them change you!" Error stamped out of the kitchen, until he realized that he didn't know where Sunny was. He then went back to the phone, asked and then was on his way again.

He dove down the stairs and through the door into the rainy night. He hated monsters like a poison. Poison because hate was always a killer of character. How was it his fault though? Who held the blame for sentencing his entire species to death? Monsters, and they didn't even give their loss a second thought. No one's names echoed in their heads. They forgot, and for most of the universe Errors homeland had always been a swirling deathstorm of ice and snow.

"Error!!!" A happy squeal from the sky cried. It was Silverwings diving down from the heavens.

"Silver!" Error was then tackled mid air by his other half. The 2 of them then continued to fly in the same direction.

"Where you headed?" She followed his lead knowing something was up.

"I'm going over to fight some monsters," Error growled at the mention.

"Sounds like another brawl. Times like these make me glad i'm made of metal. Too bad there's monsters here. This planet is all I could've ever dreamed," Silver shouted. They were flying down hill so all they did was glide, "Where are the monsters?"

"In the factory jungle,"

"Strange, this place doesn't seem tropical," Silver glanced over at the trees.


The two landed in a large tree. The branch bent and groaned under their weight.

"How are we supposed to find them?"

"We have to find Sunny first," Error said.

"Oh. She's in trouble?"

"Umm hmm,"

"Maybe we should split up and scan the area. I think It might take us too long for us to find them on foot," Silver said. They began to search calling out loudly like lions roaring. It had only been about 2 minutes before Silver spotted them, "Hey I found ZZZZZTT!" She then was struck by lightning, which freaked the 3 tree friends she was trying to save.

"AHHHHHH," Silver screamed in agony.

"AHHHHHH," Screamed Sunny, Papa, and Lucio.

"Oops another rough start," Silver landed in the tree and introduced herself, "Hi there I'm Silverwings and I'm here to save you. I also want to be your best friend. Oh, was that out loud? We don't have to be friends if you don't want. Oops," Her glad face turned to sad.

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