Andy's new dog

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Suddenly words had no meaning again. Brethda came over to dog dog PaRappa and picked him up. PaRappa bit her, “You mutt, don’t you know i’m indestructible?” PaRappa bit down harder anyways, “Ugh,” Brethda teleported them both to the outside door of Dragonbreath’s computer room, “Some..” She kicked open the door, “Body once told me the world was gonna. Hi buttbreath have this wonderful mint condition dog now only 0 nothings,”

“GAHH!” Mr. Dragonbreath was startled, “Brethda! YYOU’VE ESCAPED!”


“What are y-y-you going to do?” The alligator dragon quivered in his swivel chair.

“I’m gonna give you this dog,” Brethda said. She plopped PaRappa on the ground and he ran away from her with his tail tucked. PaRappa hid under Dragonbreath’s desk.

“What’s the catch?”

“No catch. Just a dog. He does dog things. He might be bite you I don’t know. Just take him. I don’t want em. I’m gonna go start a war somewhere so um, have fun?” Brethda disappeared.
Timidly, Dragonbreath looked over at PaRappa who was walking out from under his desk. The dog smelled him. Dragonbreath smelled like fish, oil, brimstone and smoke. His smell was complex and interesting so PaRappa went right up to his leg and inhaled before snorting.

“Oo!” Dragonbreath jumped a little at the snort.

“Hey uh Someone said that *gasp!* IS THAT A PUPPPPPY! Aw boss I didn’t know we were gettin a puppy! you shoulda told me! I coulda helped you pick one out! Not dat I dissagwee with your choice doe!” It was Andy the smoke golem. PaRappa started wagging his tail and rushed over to the more fun loving humanoid. Andy smelled like smoke (obviously). PaRappa jumped up onto Andy and tried to lick his face. It didn’t work as his tongue mostly just went right through him, “Hahahaha!” Andy laughed trying to keep PaRappa from licking the inside of his mouth. The smoke golem fell over on his back.

Dragonbreath found this behaviour rather unprofessional, so he crossed his arms and gave a stern look, “Oh, uh. Sorry sir,” Andy got back up and stood stiff even though PaRappa was still trying to jump on his legs.

“He’s all yours kid. You and him are perfect together cause you’re both trouble. Get out of my sight. I’m in the middle of some important emails,” Dragonbreath turned back to his computer.

“Yes sir,” Andy turned back to the door and beckoned PaRappa to come along, “Aw wow I never thought i’d ever have a pet ever. Just the wildcats out around the factory. I don’t get to see em so much though, but I can see you all the time,” Andy said. PaRappa jumped up on his legs.

“Andy? Is that a dog. Haha! And I thought you couldn't get any more juvenile,” Someone said (Yes that is his name with a capital S) he was crossing his arms. Someone was wearing a tux and a tiny hat like his creator.

“There’s nothing juvenile about owning a dog Someone,” Andy poked his point.

“Well what’s their name?” Someone said raising an eyebrow.

His name... uh, I don’t really have a name for him yet. Just so you know, Dad bought the dog, not me. So if anyone’s juvenile it’s Dad. Now i’m going to guard our house with my very loyal and loving dog… Come puppy!” PaRappa followed Andy down the hall, “If you were wondering, Someone is Arnie Dragonbreath at age 45. He’s a sour golem who’s practically just a clone of Dad. And yes that means I think Dad is sour. I think he just needs to stop taking everything so seriously and have some fun. I have lots of fun on my laptop. I watch movies, videos I even play games. I was thinkin off even making a game too. I’ve been learning code,”

PaRappa panted.

“You know he doesn’t understand what you’re saying,” Eddy said coming out of his locker.

“That’s Eddy. He’s dad at 14,” Andy whispered rather loudly.

“I can hear you,” Eddy was dressed rather colorfully like a 90’s hip hop artist.

“What’s your deal? I didn’t say anything offensive,” Andy shrugged intensely.

“You’re still talking about me behind my back, and doing it really stupidly. I’m right here you dingus,” Eddy said.

“Eddy, i’m talking about you to a dog who doesn’t know you,”

“Doesn’t matter,”

“That’s your excuse for everything,”

“You were still talking to a dog. And that’s pretty dumb. You’re dumb,”

“Uhg!” Andy walked past Eddy, “Come puppy,” He beckoned unenthusiastically. PaRappa came anyway, “Alright puppy, this is my locker! It’s where I sleep and do computer stuff!” It was a small cubby with a door that was just large enough to house a computer, and maybe a dog too, “Don’t worry. I like being in small cramped spaces. I am an alig- I mean a smoke golem after all. I can always fit,”

If PaRappa weren’t a dog dog he would’ve asked how Andy really felt about living in a cubby when Dragonbreath as so wealthy.

PaRappa as a dog dog just thought about the smoky smell of the locker, and how his jaws wanted something to chew on, “I gotta get you a leash and a collar, OH and some food and a name,” Andy grabbed some cash out of his locker and put them in his pocket, “EDDY! SOMEONE! DO YOU GUYS HAVE THE CAR KEYS!!?” Andy was hit in the face with the car keys, “THANKS!” Andy yelled back to them.

“SHUT THE *%&@ UP!” Eddy and Someone yelled simultaneously.

“Shh not in front of the child,”Andy said trying to cover PaRappa’s ears, but PaRappa just turned his head and licked the golem’s hands.

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