Love Together

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Arriving at Club Fun PaRappa realized the place was underground. He could already hear bass leaking out of the walls.

“This seems shady,” PaRappa commented outside the door, “You said you know people who work here?”

“You work here PaRappa,” PJ said monotone. He had calmed himself for the most part, but every once in awhile he would twitch.

“I work here?! Aw I'm probably fired aren't I,” PaRappa said.

“No, you just come here and do shows, or you don't. I work here too yaknow,” PJ opened the door letting all the sound out and into PaRappa’s ears. They walked to find the twirling lights, booming music, and a crowd jumping and dancing to every other beat. PaRappa was filled with awe. His many joyus times there gathered up on his shoulders, and melted with a sense of euphoria. He leaped, just a little bit.

“PARAPPA!” Sunny screeched over the music. She rushed over to him. Katy, Paula and Matt followed.

“Guuuuuys why are you late! You had a little worried there!” Sunny said. The bass drop of a song fell  
shaking the entire room. Everyone had all landed back on the dance floor at the same time which was a tradition when it played.

“Daw I missed it!” Paula said looking back at the crowd.

“Sorry, Me and PJ were talkin about-” PaRappa was hit in the stomach by PJ to keep him from saying another word.

“Let’s just forget about that,” PJ said.

“Hey PJ, If you aren’t the disk jockey tonight then who is?” Katy asked.

“IT’S MISTER COLONIAL NEW DEAL!” Matt screeched. He then began to dance in a very wacky way.

“What’s up with him?” PJ asked as Matt danced closer and closer to the floor.

“He’s drunk, and he’s also trying to faze into ‘Reality’ ” Sunny explained.

“There everyone has the face of a god! And nobody watches you like the TV SHOW YOU ARE. I WANT TO BE REAL! PHYSICAL! I AM ALREADY STARTING THE PROCESS! I WILL LEAVE YOU ALL BEHIND TO BECOME TRULY ALIVE, FEELING, AND MOST OF ALL FREE FROM CHAOS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He was just crawling around on the floor now.

“He was here a few hours earlier. I don’t even know how long he’s been here to be honest,” Paula said.

“Maybe it wasn’t just alcohol he’s had,” Sunny joked.

“Do not mock me with your ignorant words! I will return as the one true creator of PaRappa the Rapper! THE RIGHTS WILL BE MINE! And we will all be transported to reality! I’ll be the head writer and teach you all how. BUT FOR NOW I MUST DANCE!” Matt jumped up and began to dance again.

“Well uh, I wanna dance too,” PaRappa said playing along.

“I shall, also dance,” Sunny followed in suit, along with Katy, Paula and PJ.

    They danced for hours. Most of it was jumping, but it never took away from the emotion. At first it was just songs that nobody knew, but nobody cared. By the end everyone had ran, stomped and high fived with the force of the entire town. PaRappa himself felt a place of belonging amidst the jumping folk. Everyone’s feet burned but they just wanted to jump so that they would fly, and they wanted to dance because they knew they could try. Nobody ever had a bad move to bust. Nobody was a judge. They just all joined together to be a part a magical night of living on the floor, and the music was the magic. It was powerful enough to make anyone cry.  
By the time it was midnight PaRappa and his crew were getting tired. They started to slow down and their feet were on fire due to landing on them so hard so many times. Matt had calmed down to his usual shtick, but with a flare of party. Katy slowed down her dance into a complete stop. She took a moment to breathe before asking the group;

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