A brothers friendship was never set in stone

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On his way to his home John Cold's mobile phone rang. It was his brother, Stone.
"Howdy. I thought you were dead," He said after he stopped walking.
"No, I've got a job for you," Stone said.
"Hold on... I saw you die. How are you calling me? And why should I trust you?" John said confused.
"That doesn't matter now. I need you to go-"
"No no no no no. Tell me. Answer my question,"
"I'll give you a hundred dollars more if you shut up about that,"
"Ugh You've always been cheap Stone. What's the job? Then we'll talk cash,"
"I've been tracking a young werewolf. He's really close by to you, just a town over, Bat Town," This was news to John. He didn't want any werewolves in his town whether he was getting paid or not, but he needed money so be had to be tricky.
"Eh, I don't know. Werewolves be risky business. Like how they ATE you. I don't wanna get bit. Maybe I'll do it for... 500$,"
"Er, fine. I'll fax you a picture of him, his name, and where he might be headed. Send me a picture of his head, and i'll mail you the cash,"
"You want me to chop off his head?! That's gruesome!"
"Well it shows me Pa Rapper is dead. You can't fake that,"
"Eww ok. I'm on my way home right now,"
"How many silver bullets do you have?"
"A lot," John hung up. He walked into his house as the fax was printing. It had photocopies of two pictures printed by polaroid cameras. John sat on his couch and looked at the paper. "Another celebrity? Really? I oughta get more than 1000 for it If i'm going to go through with this," He got up and stopped for a moment. "I can totally bribe Stone now that I know he's a werewolf," He whispered to himself. John called Stone again.
"What? Did the fax not go through?" Stone said.
"You're a werewolf aren't you?" John caught Stone like a fish in a barrel.
"..." Stone's stomach fell down like, well a stone. 
"OHHOHO Give me 10,000 bucks and I won't tell!" John said getting excited.
"John what is wrong with you?! Don't you care about me at all? I don't have that kind of money just hanging about me! And i'll surely be killed if you tell!"
"Haha. You think I care about you? Awww All I care about is your hard earned cash becoming mine, and killing those damned werewolves. I'll kill your singer hound just because I don't want my people getting bit, but after that I'm gonna have to kill you too. Now thinking about it, if I killed you I could take ALL of your money. I would also be a hero to dad killing my own brother to secure to welfare of your town," John said laying it down like hot coals.
"Dad is a @!3%8! I can control the welfare of my town as I am. I've killed THREE WEREWOLVES GOD DAMMIT! Don't you care about all that i've done?!" Stone shouted steaming mad.
"Like I said all I care about is your, and all of my other costumers money. But it looks like your time on this earth is up. It ended when you were dead the first time. See you at the end of my gun Stone Cold as a corpse," John said with an itch of sass. Stone hung up, and then proceed to smash his phone to pieces.

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