Mr. Dragonbreath

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The house was quiet. PaRappa had fallen asleep in a hallway, Lord HaHa had fallen asleep in his office, Pat was sleeping in his room, and Sunny was sleeping in her room. Random naps were common in the HaHa house

*Knock knock* who's there? It's an alligator dragon named Mr. Dragonbreath. Next to him are 2 smoke servants he created himself.
“Hello!?” Mr. Dragonbreath knocked on the door again. This woke up PaRappa, so he decided to go open the door. A robot was already going towards it, but went back seeing that PaRappa was going to answer it. PaRappa opened the door.
“Hi?” He asked sluggishly.
“What? Who are you?? A spy? A fox?” Mr. Dragonbreath accused. He had never seen PaRappa before.
“What no. I'm a dog,” PaRappa said really confused.
“Well can you bark like a dog?” Mr.Dragonbreath asked.
“Bark¿?” PaRappa said unenthusiastically.
“You’re not very useful as a dog are you? You’re a person, act like it,” Mr.Dragonbreath said assuming all teens were stupid and irresponsible.
“Ok,” PaRappa said not arguing with him anymore, “What do you want?”
“I wish to speak with Lord HaHa. I'm the CEO and owner of Family Friends ™. My company is based in Haha Land,” Mr.Dragonbreath explained,“Can you please let me in?”
“Sure,” PaRappa opened the door and Mr. Dragonbreath walked in.
“Where is HaHa today?” Mr. DragonBreath said as he walked around looking for Lord HaHa.
“I actually don’t know. I was just taking a nap, so he could be anywhere,” PaRappa said. Mr. Dragonbreath had on a very old style of tux on. He also had a monocle on his right eye and a tiny hat on one of his spikes. He had a very aligatory tail that sometimes dragged on the floor. His nostrils always had smoke wafting out of it like a factory. Mr. D’s scales were rocky and a pale green. Unlike an alligator, he had tiny black dragon wings, and no skin underbelly. The white of his eyes were black and his pupils were white. Lord HaHa came over to a balcony above them.
“Get out,” HaHa said to Mr. Dragonbreath.
“Who is this… Dog man? Does he live here?” Mr.Dragonbreath asked slyly.
“Yeah,” PaRappa said.
“ShhHHH!” Lord HaHa tried to shush PaRappa, but it was too late.
“Another ref?! Wow! You’re lucky! Looks like we here have enough refs to have a extra show. So, so lucky. If there was one less ref all of you would be relocated,” Mr.D’s nostrils pumped out a little more smoke. PaRappa’s mood changed drastically. I just got here! I don’t wanna get relocated!
“He just got here! He should not compete Dragonbreath!” Lord HaHa shouted down.
“Ha! Suit it yourself,” Mr. Dragonbreath said starting to walk out. PaRappa couldn’t stand to see so many people be forced from their homes.
“No! I'll complete,” PaRappa said. He had a bad feeling about this.
“You've got two weeks dog boy,” Mr.Dragonbreath said. He had came to talk about the refs, but that seemed settled now. His smoke golems opened the door on his way out. While the door was open PaRappa Putt Crowla launched himself into the house and on top of PaRappa’s head.
“Ahaha! Putt! I missed you!” PaRappa laughed at the sudden reappearance of his grumpy familiar . Crowla cooed a relaxed crow at first, but then he remembered something.
“Ohhh! Pe Jaa!” Crowla screamed trying to tell PaRappa that PJ was on the island.
“Haha What?!” PaRappa said picking up the bird off his head.
Pat came onto the balcony next to his father. They both looked at each other.

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