Dogs will be dogs

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PaRappa was up late looking in the mirror again. He was very tired and was at the very edge of becoming a dog dog fully. He had some fear about the new him, but not as much as before. His thought patterns were losing the last of their words. He only felt fear due to the stress he had before he lost his memories. He did not know what he had to fear at all. He already behaved so much like a dog, and he didn't remember how he used to be, so he just did whatever felt right.

He had a vague haze of a dream that perfectly illustrated who he exactly was. He felt so good in the dream. It was like for after a long time of being lost he had found a bright light in the dark of night. Now only the feeling was left, like warm honey oozing out of his brain. PaRappa was slipping. Sometimes for a moment he was fully a dog, but then he came back and shivered that he dare let himself go.
He heard a noise coming from his closet. He twitched his ears over in it's direction. It opened with Stone Cold inside. Stone gasped.
"I KNEW IT! You are a werewolf!" Stone said. He slowly approached with his axe being held with both hands. PaRappa was concentrating so much on staying himself that Stone Cold threatening him was too much. He didn't want to say goodbye to himself yet, but he also didn't want to be murdered. PaRappa barked. He barked again. Stone laughed.
"Stupid dog! This'll be quick," Stone took his axe and swung it horizontally instead of down. PaRappa ducked. He then ran behind Stone and noticed that the window was open. PaRappa jumped out of it despite it being a stupid reaction. A tree broke his fall, but it still hurt. PaRappa didn't stop running though (I once saw a dog get hit by a car, get up, and keep running).
He didn't know where he was going or what he was doing. He was a dog now and nothing mattered. Running felt good, he wanted to keep doing it.
The next morning was brisk with dew sitting on top of PaRappa. It woke him up because it was cold and wet. There was also the drone of grass bugs around his ears. It made them twitch. He was sleeping under a park bench. It felt secure to him.
PaRappa was hungry, so he decided to go look for food. He stretched his body out and yawned just to get started. He could already smell some fried foods towards the left of him. He got himself up and started trotting on his way to the fried whatevers.

On the journey were many different smells that he just had to know about. He followed his nose to a group of cats eating breakfast. It wasn't the fried food, for that was a little while off, but it was still food. He ran happily though the angry cats and got to the food bowl where he ate vigorously. The lady giving out the food was surprised. She had never seen this dog before.
    She tried to get low so he would come over to her, but he got excited and ran away to the fried stuff. He didn't follow any more distractions after that. PaRappa made it to a food truck selling fried chicken, and other things. He went over to the window of the truck and jumped up.
"Oh, hello there!" Said the cashier. She looked over her shoulder and called to the chef, "Haha! Looks like we've got a customer! Aren't you a customer!?" PaRappa barked in response.
"Aww. I'll give em a chicken leg,"  the chef said. He threw a steaming chicken leg out of the window. PaRappa chased after it and started to eat lying down on the sidewalk. His tail was wagging, as this was way better than cat food.
    When he was all done with it PaRappa went over to the truck for more.
"Sorry pup, but you only get one," Said the cashier. PaRappa barked and whined, "Oh, shush you'll survive,"
"Honey, maybe he wants water," The chef suggested.
"Ah. I'll get you some water doggy! You have any spare bowls?" She asked the chief. He gave her a bowl and she filled it to the rim with cold water. PaRappa barked. "Alright alright, I'm coming hold on haha!" she said trying not to spill the water as she walked out of the truck. PaRappa jumped on her making one fourth of the water spill all over her. She started laughing and the chef followed laughing harder.
PaRappa was confused, so he barked at them both before lapping up water. After the water he felt  full and being full made him feel sleepy. He did as his body wanted and napped next to a building the sidewalk. When he woke he was pumping with energy that he wanted to use. He saw that the food truck was gone, so he must of been sleeping for quite a while.  He wanted to play, but there was no one around to play with. He needed to find someone to play with. He caught the scent not to far off of somebody he knew. PaRappa started on his way with a scent in mind that he associated with good times.
It was PJ, he was leaning on a building asleep. When PaRappa saw him he ran right over and jumped up on him. PJ was jolted awake.
"W-what!?" PJ pushed PaRappa off him. His eyes widened when he realized who he was dealing with,"P-PARAPPA!" He shouted, "Ohmygosh you're a dog," PaRappa was well aware of that, although he didn't understand what PJ said other than 'PaRappa',
"What are you doing out here? You aren't with anyone. I should take you home," PJ didn't know exactly how he was going to take PaRappa home. Stone ran over to the two of them.
"Uh, that's my dog," Stone lied. PaRappa put his ears back and went behind PJ.
"Uh, no it's not. This is um, my friends dog," PJ said feeling a little skeptical of Mr. Cold.
"I was going to return the dog to him. I'll save you the trouble, really! The pleasure is mine,"
"Ya no I don't really trust you," PJ crossed his arms. Stone Cold knew he had been defeated. His lies were obvious.
"Gah! Ya got me! What do you want with that dog anyway? You know he's not really a dog. He's a werewolf," Stone said making sure to show that he was much taller than PJ.
"I don't care what he is, but i'd like you to leave please," PJ stood his ground while PaRappa peeked from behind him.
"What's with you teenagers and not caring about nothing?! You're gonna wanna care when that werewolf boy snaps on you!" Stone warned. He poked PJ in the chest, "Then you'll have to deal with ME," Stone started to walk away. PJ turned around to see a very shivery PaRappa.
"He really scares you doesn't he..." PJ said. PaRappa got up and started shyly licking PJ's hands. PJ in response pet his head, as he wondered whether this was appropriate. He didn't want to treat PaRappa like a dog. He assumed that it didn't really matter anymore.
    PaRappa saw a bag blowing in the wind and chased it around. When he caught it he started ripping it up into little plastic pieces.
"Come, PaRappa let's take you home," PJ started walking towards PaRappa's house while trying to keep PaRappa's attention on him.
While they were by the park PaRappa saw a cat and chased it into the bushes. PJ didn't see this happen, so at one point he turned around and PaRappa was gone.

(PaRappa's dog dog personality is mostly based on my own dog, Ramona.

I also recently figured out that Stone Cold is the name of a wrestler. Well so is Matt Major so I guess that's ok)

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