With the world at your fingertips

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Sunny woke up from her hospital bed full of energy.
“Hello everyone. I am back… from the tubes,” She said to the doctors.
“Oh, Sunny no wait,” a doctor said for Sunny was about to get up. Sunny jumped out of bed and stretched. “Oh,” The doctor thought she would fall over because of how long she was asleep, but it seemed like Sunny needed no reintroduction on how to walk.

“Where am I? This isn’t my quarters, or my room,” Sunny said.
“You’re in the hospital in HaHa Land. We have an arcade… I'm paid to say that,” the doctor said.
“Huh? Why? How long have I been slaying my evil clones with PaRappa the cyborg?” Sunny asked.
“Over 2 weeks now,” the doctor said.
“Well at least I survived those darned clothes- clones,”
“Do you want me to call your father?”
“Yes… In fact bring the whole world. I want to see them under the blazing sun. The wisest one of them all,” Sunny said.
“Ok,” the doctor said calling General Potter and Sunny’s friends.
“I'll be in the arcade,” Sunny said. forget the night's lonely tomb, the sunshine’s tune is true.

When Sunny’s friends came to the hospital’s arcade they found her playing martial arts beat-em-up game called cyborg reborn.
“Sunny you’re awake!” Matt shouted.
“No i’m asleep Matthew Angel,”  Sunny said sarcastically without looking away from her game.
“What?” Matt was confused. Sunny turned to her friends and smiled.
“I missed you too,” She said sincerely and went up to give a big hug to them all. Her dad was at the doorway with a big ol’ smile on his face.
“Dad!” She went up to him and gave him a peck on his cheek (this required jumping). Looking around the room Sunny noticed that somebody wasn’t present, “Where’s PaRappa?” She asked.

“He’s in PaRappa town!” PJ shouted.
“He got deported because he didn’t do well on his NtN!” Paula said.
“We were gonna go home to find him!” Katy said.
“Oh, when?!” Sunny asked them.
“Right now!,” PJ said excited. They all ran outside in a line to their hotel rooms.

Inside his room Matt tried stuffing all of his bread inside of his bag. This didn’t work, as he had too much bread.
“And where exactly do you think you’re going?” Error asked.
“Well we were going back to PaRappa town to go and find PaRappa,” Matt said. Crowla came in from an open window and stole a loaf of banana bread, “HEY!”
“I thought you said that PaRappa was dead,” Error said.
“Yeah I did say that, and I guess I still do think that, but my friend’s arguments have overwhelming evidence that PaRappa IS alive. At this point I should believe that PaRappa is alive, but I just don’t get it,”
“Well even if you’re friend is alive you’re not going anywhere,” Error said.

“What?” Matt said like a disappointed teenager.
“I need you to stay here on this island. It’s practically a ghost town anyway, and by that I mean almost nobody actually lives here. Except you, you live here now with me until something else happens,” Error said.
“That’s wack. I don’t have enough money to keep living here after my ticket expires!” Matt said.
“I could be of service for that,” Brent said appearing.
“GUH!” Error jumped up at the sight of another chaos beast.

“What bad half? Are you afraid that i’m gonna call the popo on you? Don’t worry I’ve had enough psychos to deal with as of late. Some people just can’t handle help, and need to do things their own way. I don’t think exposing your body to experimental man made organisms that might change your DNA forever is the way to do that though. Whatever, i’m not gonna tell him how to live his life. It worked didn’t it?” Brent said vaguely

“What?” PJ said pausing from packing his things. Brent sighed.
“This is why I have no friends. Just kidding I have one friend :3 TIME TO SUMMON FRIEND!” Brent shouted trying to teleport Agren of the humans and the dorns. Nothing happened, “Huh?!” Brent tried one more time.
“What’s with you?” Matt asked still packing.
“This isn’t working. Oh I knew that curse would be a nuisance. I’ll get rid of it now,” Brent was talking about the chaos star located on Matt’s neck. It was drawing too much chaos, so much so that Brent couldn’t have any of his own to use. 

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