PJ Berri

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PaRappa didn't exactly know what to do. He was sitting in his room feeling unsure of himself. What would he even be like when it was all over? He would be a dog dog, but what then? Would he just sorta be a dog dog and just sorta live doing dog things and whatnot.
He had to tell his friends, or maybe he didn't. He wondered if he should say something else other than 'I'm gonna turn into a dog dog'. It seemed dishonest but PaRappa did not want them to see him in such a distressed state. He got up out of bed and decided that he was going to tell PJ first due to them both being very close. He rode via bike over to his apartment. PaRappa parked his bike on a bike rack and locked it. Upon arriving at the small apartment of PJ Berri he knocked on the door. PJ answered it.
"Hi PaRappa. You didn't tell me you were coming over," PJ said softly.
"Forgive me for impoliteness, but I got to talk to you about something. It's about my shrinking," PaRappa said twiddling his opposable thumbs.
"Come on in then, I have tea," PJ moved backwards into his house without moving his legs, he then walked towards the kitchen/living room. That was basically the entire apartment. The whole place was in need of a good clean up. Most of the mess was made up of food stuff. PaRappa didn't really mind though he was used to it. He walked in and closed the door. PaRappa then sat down in a comfy chair facing the tv while PJ got the tea. PJ came from the kitchen area with 2 cups in hand and sat down in another chair. He handed one of the cups over to PaRappa. "So what what's up with your shrinking?" PJ asked.
"Uh, ok so I went to the doctor the other day and apparently... Ha, um," PaRappa stuttered. PJ sat up in his chair as to send a message to PaRappa that he was listening. PaRappa took a deep breath, "I'm gonna turn into a dog,"
"But you are a dog," PJ said.
"Yeah I know, I mean like a dog dog," PaRappa said. PJ widened his eyes,"Don't tell anyone about it. It's enough stress on it's own. It's like i'm gonna die or something,"
"You're secret's safe with me, unless it's not," PJ said smiling.
"PJ!!!" PaRappa shouted.
"I'm just kidding," PJ smiled.
"Also, guess what," PaRappa hinted.
"What?" PJ was still smiling.
"I got a tail now," PaRappa said as if it was some sort of new videogame.
"Wow really? let me see," PJ leaned in. PaRappa grabbed his tail from behind him so that both of them could see it.
"I usually hide it under my pants, but I kinda like it now. It's also super weird how I just sorta grew it though," PaRappa said fiddling with it.
"I wish my tail was as long as yours. Mine can't even move. It doesn't have any purpose to exist. Well, When I have a tail. Sometimes I just don't have one," PJ said.
"How does that happen?" PaRappa asked tilting his head. PJ shrugged in response.
"Back to the dog thing. Are you going to have the mind of a dog dog too or just the body," PJ said. He seemed a bit more active now that he was involved in conversation. Before PJ was just sleeping while reruns of Friends went on for 3 hours.
"Well the doctor did say that a part of being a dog dog is to have the mind of a dog dog," PaRappa said.
"Oh, that's AWFUL aren't you scared!? How'd this happen?!" PJ said genuinely concerned. It surprised PaRappa.
"I am a bit scared, but I don't worry about it for now. I think I would crack if I did, and then I would have no more happy days left in my complex person life. So Meh. And it doesn't really matter how it happened anymore. It wouldn't change anything," PaRappa said with an empty voice.
"Well, I'll miss you. The you, you are now. And I won't ever stop being your friend just cause, ya know. If you ever need someone to talk to before it's all over my phone service is always being paid by my parents," PJ was fully awake and emotional. PaRappa didn't exactly know how to react. He looked outside of himself to realize that this was like telling his best friend he was going to die without warning. He was just a kid starting his rap career. Such a bright start with a quick grim ending. He then stopped looking outside himself and saw that kid was him. He wasn't going to see the ending of the story. No, he was going to see it with new eyes. It didn't stop it from being scary and mysterious. He was trapped in a body that was canceling his 'humanity'. Nobody wanted it to be this way. Nobody.
"Don't cry PJ I'm still me right now. Let's just watch some tv, and spend some quality time," PaRappa tried to calm PJ's sudden stress.
"Ok... but you pick what we're watching and OH!" PJ got up and went looking for something in a pile of clothes he never wore. He grabbed out a camcorder.
"What's that for?" PaRappa asked.
"To remember you by," PJ put the camera up a shelf and positioned it to look at PaRappa.
"Are you just gonna record me watching tv?" He asked. PJ nodded. "Well ok. Is Jet baby the animated series on?"
After about 4 hours of naps, tv commentary, and food raps PaRappa was on his way home. He started humming, and then he started singing. It was peaceful, yet so dark. "In the end of times, it'll be just you, and me. We're all alone, waiting for one more show. Just me and the band sitting here playing through radioactive sand. So take our hands it'll be alright, let's melt away tonight.
It's the end of days! And no one's going anywhere! but that's ok, take our hands and melt away- in the audience," He sang atop his bike. He was starting to shed tears. He didn't know if they were happy or sad tears.(SONG-"The end of times" by Chaoticcanineculture). It was going to take a lot of courage to tell his remaining four friends this. He decided that he was just going to tell them that he was going to die. He made this decision based around how he wanted to be remembered

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