Anton Nonoame

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On the other side of HaHa manor lay a restless Sunny Funny. It might of been due to her recent coma, or just her usual sleeping habits that kept her up. She hated it like she hated death. Her coma had opened her mind up to have a talk with their planet's star, the sun. At first her dreams depicted nothing but pain. Real pain she was having illustrated into her worst nightmare. She was chased until she was outside to see the faceless, blazing sun. The sun told her demons to back off. And then the Sun gave Sunny real dopamine to calm her down.

She spent 4 days with the Sun while he filled her mind with propaganda about how terrible the night was. The sun resented the moon, and told Sunny that she should do anything in her power to stop people from living in the night. She currently was living in the night, and she hated it.

She thought she would be stuck in this sleepless limbo forever when a tap on her window occurred. Surprised anything would happen at this hour Sunny turned and looked over to her window. Sitting on the sill stood a rather short individual cloaked with a black cloak, and masked in a japanese style mask.

"Ah you're awake. We must make haste. PaRappa stays in one place tonight so we mustn't delay," The masked individual said.

"But it's night time, and as I know villains like you come out then. Why bother. PaRappa is in PaRappa town,"

"You might be right about villains coming out, but heros also come to the cover of night to stop them. PaRappa is not in PaRappa town. He is in a "Spaghetti Dinner" somewhere in HaHa Land.

He is in danger, and not even the strongest at camp are willing to help me. Their dear friend Ann has perished and they weep that the ogre will come for them too. Tonight is Reaper the Grim night. He collects children souls for the factory and I know without a doubt that he will come for PaRappa!"

"Will Reaper the Grim kill PaRappa!?"

"No! Much worse! For you see awake children are immune to Reaper the Grim. PaRappa woke up in the middle of Grim's evil deed to find his right side dead! Luckily it did not reach his head, but still all he feels is pain. And it's expensive as hell to keep him alive all the time anyway. Yes I did the math. I also hate cleaning out his lung every saturday. It is gross!"

"Well you seem to have met this PaRappa, and you're very close?" Sunny said.

"Uh huh...," The stranger flicked his eyes back and forth.

"Who are you?" Sunny asked. Not an inch of the individual was showing but his eyes.

"Anton Noname," Anton said.

"Is Noname really your last name? And what's your species?" Sunny asked.

"I will tell you neither," Anton stated firmly.

"Well how old are you?"

"I'm 9. But relative to you I am not born yet so that would make me, zerooooooo," Anton said taking his arm out of his cloak to make a zero with his hand. Sunny observed that his arm was a tannish yellow before it went back in his cloak, "Enough questions. We must go now or all of my hard work will be for not,"

"Oh, but... eh. Well, oh what the heck. You said those asleep could be taken?"
"Don't worry about your friends. They are not due this night," Anton said taking a second to look down from where he was standing.

"How do you know?" Sunny squinted her eyes.

"I'm from the future if it wasn't obvious before, adoi!" Anton said like a 9 year old boy.

"Oh yeah. Well where do we begin?" Sunny got up from her bed and looked in her dresser for something to wear (She's not going out in her pajamas after all).

"You begin by meeting me outside, once you're done with that,"

When Sunny had gotten herself ready she met the masked, cloaked, Anton looming at the front door.

"I brought a flashlight," Sunny said turning the medium sized thing on and off.

"So as did I," Anton said turning on his extremely small hand flashlight with LED lights.

They started off down the hill into town. It glowed with ride lights. Screams from distant touristis

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