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Katy and Paula were going to Club Fun that night. PaRappa took it as an opportunity to tell one of them. It wasn't exactly the best place, but he didn't want to waste any time. When he arrived the place was already pumping with light, music, and energy. It was a little overwhelming. He had been there before but now he felt the vibrations quake his being and the lights blind his psyche. It was dizzy and overwhelming so he didn't want to be there for too long. He just had to find his friends in the crowd. The music went to a low rumble and PJ DJ went in front of his turn tables.
"Yo How's Club Fun hanging'?" PJ asked the crowd. They cheered their hearts out, "Ah haha yeah! I got a special anocecemet for all of you! Aight, aight, so these two girls have challenged each other tonight on who's the better songwriter. Now I know this is a little bit sudden but I think this will really spice things up. ON YOUR RIGHT WELCOME MILLLLKCAAN! AND ON YOUR LEFT SAY HELLO TO THE NEVER BEFORE SEEN, PAULA FOX! The rules are simple WHOEVER THE CROWD WANTS TO HEAR MORE PLAYS THE WHOLE MATCH. It starts with 30 seconds of time for each songwriter to play! Milkcan stars 3! 2! 1!"
Milkcan started off with a quick guitar and a reading bass guitar. The drums had not yet started it's beat. Katy smiled angrily at Paula from across the room.
"You're a, bad influence dead on the street, Cause i'm a, beast that can't be beat- gonna scrap all the lies that you've told me, but I can't stop your brain-wash-ing.

You think you can keep your secrets under lock and key!? You think you can cheat on me?
Well you're dead wrong to think that I, can't see what you're hiding,"

" It's the end of the night and I've never seen you better, blue hood, nice shoes, warm weather. I follow you to the dead end street, where you say, you come out to eat. It's a, full moon soon, way past afternoon. Black street, dark sky, cold home. You point ever there and say "that's where the werewolves roam"

PaRappa was tired of hearing about werewolves. He wanted to find backstage where it wasn't so loud. Every song rang and bounced around his head. Every echo burned and made him dizzier. Backstage seemed so far away now. There was also too many people in his way making it seem even harder. He had made it up in his mind that he was going to make it backstage. He had to believe that he was going to make it.
PaRappa did, When he got to the guard he let PaRappa in right away.
"I loved your last single," said the guard.
"Thanks," PaRappa said.
"Ohh! Could you do the thing?"
"I gotta believe!" PaRappa shouted happily despite his current situation.
"YES!" The guard squealed. PaRappa walked into the wooden backstage with its candles, numerous small rooms and low lit ceilings. Beams crisscrossed the entire place.
"PJ? It's PaRappa. Where are you?" Parappa thought to himself that saying his own name seemed odd. He had a horrible headache. "Gahh sttttt," He said holding his head. Without any real reason, he had become afraid. He looked behind him but nobody was there. PaRappa then started to move forward. Suddenly the place was unfamiliar to him. He didn't know where he was, but he had been here many times. He walked and opened a door. It wasn't the door he remembered to be in that area. It freaked his out so much he slammed it. He turned around again and went in a different direction to find the same door. The next time he found a different door, but it still wasn't the one he wanted. "What's... going on here," He said scared.
"PaRappa?" PJ said coming out of a door. 
"PJ! What's going on?!" PaRappa was so happy to have found him.
"What are you talking about?" PJ was confused.
"This place! I keep going to the same door, and i'm lost," PaRappa said.
"PaRappa... Are you feeling ok? There isn't anything different about this place,"
"What even is this place. Ohmygod I don't remember. How long have I been here?!"
"PaRappa I think you should go home," PJ said.
"No no I was here for a reason. I just gotta think," PaRappa paced around, "Aha! I'm at club fun to tell Katy or Paula my secret,"
"Oh. Well if you need help getting home I can assist," PJ offered, "I don't want anything bad to happen to you PaRappa. You just got lost in the backstage of club fun. Aren't you scared you might get lost on your way home?"
"I'm afraid I might lose myself on my way home," PaRappa said. Losing his memory really scared him for a second. He was still shivering on the fact that his brain wasn't working the way it usually did. If he couldn't trust his brain then could he trust anything? He knew it was only going to get worse and it was starting to become more and more like a nightmare. "GAH! It's just not fair! It's really not! I just wanted to LIVE and LOVE and, and CREATE! AND NOW I CAN'T DO ANY OF IT CAUSE I'M FALLING APART!... IT JUST AIN'T FAIR!" PaRappa burst out. He kicked the wall. PJ didn't know how to react. Just then Katy and Paula come out from the stage and came downstairs into backstage.
"Oh hey PaRappa did you like our show?" Katy asked.
"I would've won if I had a band to back me up," Paula said.
"Yeah! You should of chose a different type of music. Remember your audience... BOI. These techno freaks ain't gonna like your pop singing," Katy said.
"THEN WHY DO THEY LIKE ROCK!" Paula screamed.
"Woah woah chill it. I gotta go so, uh, watch PaRappa for me ok. I gotta take him home, or maybe you guys can, I mean i'm gonna be here all night-" PJ said getting back on stage to his turntables.
"Watch PaRappa? What are you 3?" Paula joked.
"Heh, We'll take you home if you need any help PaRappa," Katy said.
"Ok, but I'm gonna have to tell you guys something," PaRappa said.
"Huh? What is it PaRappa?" Katy asked.
"I'm dying. I've got 2 months," PaRappa said without lifting his head.
"WHAT!" Both Katy and Paula gasped.
"Who poisoned you? I'll punch em up and keep them alive so they suffer," Paula said punching air.
"Nobody- well?... meh, but that's not necessary. I came here to tell you, but now i'd like to go home now. Don't tell anyone about what I told you today," PaRappa thought of possible people who could've cursed him.
"Ok, your secret's safe with me," Katy said.
"Same here," Paula said.
"Did you get here on your bike? Cause if you got here in your dad's car we might have to get it later," Katy said. Luckily PaRappa got to Club Fun on his bike.
"No. I got here on my bike," PaRappa mumbled. He was getting sleepy.
"Ok good. Let's go," Paula said. Both of the girls had to drag PaRappa out because he refused to go back into Club Fun. Once he was out into PaRappa town again he was still barely there anymore. He was just so exhausted. The girls on the other hand were electrified with energy as they biked their way home. They would sometimes look back worried about PaRappa, but he did just fine following them.
As soon as PaRappa was home he heard his dad was talking on the phone. He was conversing with the doctor.
"You said two months but It seems to be going way quicker than that!... What do you mean you don't know the actual time it takes?! You can't just guess an estimate that imprecise!... Are you sure that's the only thing? Ok well, thank you for your service, goodnight!" Papa said.
PaRappa didn't care too much about the conversation as much as he cared for sleep at the moment. He didn't even put on pajamas or go under the covers, he just fell into bed and slept.

(Fun fact: dogs do not remember things the same way humans do. They remember in association, instead of an episodic memory.

Dogs are most likely to remember a cat does not like them, or that a person feeds them in a certain place rather than that they watched a movie with a person or ate toilet paper yesterday.

Dogs also have bad spatial memory. A dog was put in a star shaped hall with other halls as points. In each point was a bowl of food. By process of elimination the dog should of gone around the star until it got to an empty bowl. Instead it forgot what halls it already went to and got itself confused.)

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