Not very good

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If you are wondering how PaRappa's dad is doing, it's not very good.
Every day he would go out looking for PaRappa, and he always came home asking himself if he should call the authorities. After that he would convince himself that he could find PaRappa without them. Pinto would always ask where he went, and in a response Papa wouldn't say anything. Sometimes some of PaRappa's friends called asking about him. Papa would only listen to these for a short while before hanging up. 

He was really in the dumps and Pinto tried her best to cheer him up.
Pinto herself felt as though all things  in life were not permanent, and that one day PaRappa would just come home. Nothing in her life had really stuck for a long time, but this seemed to be sticking to her Pa.
"Where do you think PaRappa is?" Pinto said sitting down at the table where her dad was staring at some blueprints. He didn't answer back and just sorta glanced at her. "Pa? Where's PaRappa? You never tell me," Pinto was getting a little frustrated. Papa took out a pencil and traced over his blueprints another time. "Don't be sad Papa. What if PaRappa is just lost. Someone'll bring him back and it'll be cool," She said hopefully.
"That would be nice," Papa breathed.
"I'm gonna go into my room, but I gotta tell you a secret before I go in," Pinto leaned over to her Pa's ear, "If you're ever gonna find PaRappa, you gotta believe. And also be responsible," She whispered. Pinto then hopped out of her chair and went into her room to play.
Papa reflected. 
He used to play, but now all he did was think big thoughts. Now he could think big he rarely did anything else. Believe, be responsible. He sighed and decided that her outta call the authorities.

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