Ending Extras

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Hi there, it's me your friendly neighborhood rapping dog fan fiction writer Silverwings here.

As of this post this fic is one year old (Currently 2018. PHT's unoffifial B-day: Jan 17)

These extras are for those who can't let the story go, so let's get on to the fun bits.

Table of contents:

•After the fact (what ever happened to them?)
•PHT spinoff 'Matt gets Existential' Amino guide
•Missing songs and why
•Art I forgot to post

After the fact

(What ever happened to them?)

Pat HaHa

Pat kept his promise of telling the world about the evils of his land. Out of shame Lord HaHa declared that he was no longer the King of HaHa Land, but that Pat was. 
Out of rage towards the lies the people had been told, they led a revolution of anarchy until a dragon came and burnt the entirety of HaHa Land to the ground.
Feeling a need to bring HaHa Land back together, Pat got buff and headed out to slay the dragon, along the werewolf/monster problem that had become to arise. He needs to gain a lot of EXp helping villages with creature problems before he can even begin to approach the dragon though.
He's got his friends and his horse by his side, how could he fail?

Lord HaHa
Universally hated amounst his people after Pat's speech, Lord HaHa set out to send messages to neighboring islands asking for help. Unfortunately they took him for a completely different Lord HaHa.
"Well you're both pretty evil, and will be killed for treason," the other countries joked, "What idiot named you anyway?"

Wendy and Andy
With Dragonbreath turning into a dragon and HaHa Land going medieval Andy is finally free from his father and toxic siblings. Wendy and Andy grow very fond of each other, and began dating. Out in the HaHa Land rubble they survive off of the friendship of all the dog dogs from the Rescue Center. They make money off of dog sitting hours.

Leaning on the support of HaHa's greatest survivalists Lucio lives in peace and happiness with Anton and his camp of kids. Years later he goes on to search for a way to make him human again, and he succeeds. But he only is taken back home when Tracer returns and tells him that there was something very wrong with her chronal accelerator and the world they lived in at the time. With that Tracer took Lucio back to where he belonged after a teary goodbye to his camper comrades.

Golden Anton
Trapped in the past several years older than his counterpart of this timeline, Anton grows up to be what many kids dream of being, an astronaut. During one of his missions to Mars Anton is borded by monsters and is affected in a state of being trapped in the 4th dimension. He returns, after falling in love with a ghost, to babysit, and hang out with his counterpart. Dispite how fearful he may be around the younger Anton.
(Golden Anton called golden due to the element Gold being AU [like alternate universe] on the periodic table)

Stone Cold
Unable to find PaRappa or his grip on reality, Stone Cold starts up another outbreak of Lycanthropy amongst the people of HaHa Land. In a attempt to hang himself he is rescued by Andy and Wendy. He turns back to himself, but unable to speak. In a state of depression would often wander around and sleep. He is discovered by Pat, who offers him a chance to ride with Pat's party of knights as a werewolf is rather valuable. Stone accepts, but has trouble fitting in at his age, and is often cranky even with the inability to speak.

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