Brent comes in because he feels bad (aww he's a nice guy after all!)

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(Don't be so smug Silver, I could call the monsters over to REALLY create some chaos here.)

You have no power over me.

(You are  me.)

Shut it so we can get to where-

It's been 3 days. It's also been a sluggishly slow search for Pat. Luckily for them Pat was also looking for his "Putt". He had called the police and told everyone in his area to look for his talking dog. He wasn't really giving them the right description because his "Putt" was more person than just a talking dog now.

It kinda really freaked everyone at the werewolf house out cause they didn't understand what was going on with him. Everything below his neck was perfectly person (So he had to wear clothes). His head was still very much dog dog.

He was watching ultimate Frisbee late at night by himself when Max came over to him wearing his signature sunglasses.

"Hey little man. What are you doing?" He said standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Watching TV," PaRappa said with a straw in his mouth.

"We think that we might be right next to contacting Pat. What do you think he'll think of you like this now?" Max asked sitting down.

"I'm not sure, but I know I never wanna go back to being a dog dog," He said, "I'm kinda scared that he won't think i'm the same person or something. That he won't accept me,"

"Well, If it makes you feel any better, my parents never accepted me even as I am. No matter what I did there would always be something in the way making me a failure. Then I became a werewolf and I never really saw them again,"

"Oh...what happened?" PaRappa asked expecting the worst.

"Werewolves do what they always wanted to do but never had the guts. I wanted to be free, so I ran away," Max said.

"Wow. Why didn't you ever go back?"

"Well, I also kinda murdered them," Max said ashamed under his sunglasses.

"Oh," a mix of sympathy and fear ran down PaRappa's spine, "I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, nobody ever wanted it to be this way," Max said looking away, "Have any memories of being a dog dog?"

"Well yes. But It's vague. I'm too tired to really think about it right now," PaRappa said. Max got up.

"You should probably get some rest boy-o. As of what i've seen, sleep really makes you turn quick, well still not as quick as a werewolf ha ha. See you in the morning," He turned off the TV and walked up into the darkness of upstairs. Living with werewolves really made him scared to sleep. He had been told that if he ever saw a person in their wolf form walking around at night not to move. This only happened once, though it still shook him up. Gently he faded off to sleep.

After a while In the black space of his closed eyes a person appeared. He had a deer's antlers on the top of his head and a rams horns on the side. His legs were one of a goat, but the size of a human. Everything else of him was from a human. You could say he had the body of a faun.

"Hello???!" He waved a hand in PaRappa's face.

"Who are you?" PaRappa asked pushing his hand away.

"I am Brent! Chaos collector and interesting events arranger. I'm here to give my most sincere apologies for what has happened to you," He said while floating.

"What?!" PaRappa was rightfully confused.

"I gave you the hat ties!" Brent said in his face, "Look, I was visiting this 'Earth' Oh what an original name by the way, to collect chaos at a quicker rate and to just watch as I always do. I saw you save the world from noodles! Ever since then I've been watching you for anything interesting but nothing much has gone down. So I went on the internet for a few days and got a really cool idea. Hat ties! Boom boom boom I gave it to you. Then you got super depressed and it made me feel so bad, but I knew you could get through it... until now," Brent scratched his head, "Something just came up, and i'm not sure you'll survive, AND I CAN SEE THE FUTURE! I have a gift for you," Brent pulled a present from behind his back. PaRappa held the unopened box and squinted at Brent.

"What is it?" He asked suspiciously.

"Just some thick blonde hair. I know you always wanted some," Brent said biting his lip and looking away. PaRappa opened the box to find that it indeed had hair in it. It disappeared and then reappeared on his head.

"Oh, uh thanks," PaRappa would of been more enthusiastic if he had his past memories.

"If I were you I would stay with the werewolves, but then you would never get home haha. I have no home to get to anyway. And aren't werewolves just the cutest things. Well anyway, remember to listen to your familiar, he knows about stuff you should stay away from on your adventure,"


"I have one more gift for you," He turned his head to a golden gate leading to a fantastic kingdom. It had just appeared out of nowhere.

"What is it?" PaRappa asked.

"Friendship," Brent said smiling at the gate. He made a friendship rainbow above his head, "Now get on your horse and ride off to the capital! Come on Come on! Get going!" PaRappa looked around to see a horse had appeared. He jumped on.

"I don't even know how to ride a horse?!" He said frantically.

"What are you talking about!? It's just like driving a car. STEP ON THE GAS!" Brent hit the horse in the flank as hard as he could. It in response charged into PJ land.

(You really don't have to read this part if you don't want to)

(This is probably the most editing I've done for a chapter. I'll make sure to minimize Brent as he is the magical spirit of me doing whatever I want in writing.)

"Hey, you know who's a lot like PJ?"


"Sans from Undertale," Brent says while looking at PaRappa through a telescope.

(Oh are they? Tell me how a skeleton is similar to a teddy bear)

"They're both sloths, gluttons and they have a deeper understanding of their r e a l i t y,"

(PJ doesn't have a deeper understanding of his reality)

"Um eh hem!" Brent gets out reading glasses and starts reading a scroll. "In an older version of Rodney Alan Greenblat's Wimsyload while PJ and Sweetly plushies were up for sale PJ had written, begin quote ' Hi. My name is PJ Berri. I am a friend of Parappa the Rapper. You probably know him because he got famous. He's not so famous now. Well he is still an OK guy. I'm hungry. I wish I had a few donuts or maybe a peanut butter and jelly sandwich right now instead of sitting here trying to type on Rodney's funky website. Or maybe I should call him Musho that's funky too. It's hard to type with big furry paw hands with no fingers. Sometimes I have fingers. It's weird being a cartoon character. Some people ask me if I'm naked or wearing a suit. I don't know. The other night at the club some cat comes up to me and says are you naked? I was wearing sunglasses so that was a dumb question which I ignored. Lately I've been hanging out with Sweety Bancha. She kind of drives me crazy, but for some reason we are always hanging out. She is cute even though she is always asking me too many questions. I love to sleep.' end quote,"


"PJ notices inconsistencies about himself, knows who created him, and even knows he's a cartoon character. Also, where's Sweetly?"

(She barely existed to begin with)

"Well. I'm done here now. See you neck-xt  time HaHa! I bet you'll be in for a shock! 4 is an evil number!" Brent disappears.

(Oops... He's gone. I hope I don't regret publishing this.) 

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