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They started off down the hill into town.
"Sooo, Where do you think we should start looking?" Sunny asked. Her flashlight's beam bounced up and down as she walked.
"Look for a house with a balcony that goes to an open window," Anton said.
"Is the window always open?" Sunny asked.
"Yes, and the window is at the front of the house," Anton said. Sunny looked over the many houses in HaHa Land and winced.
"Oh boy. That's a lot of buildings. I don't think we'll ever find him in time..." Sunny stopped walking and let her flashlight beam droop.
"Oh don't think like that! You've got to try! It's as easy as a walk. I'm going whether you're coming with me or not, so let's hoof it and give ourselves a good chance,"
"Ok," Sunny said unethuthsiastically. She began walking again.
"You know what you gotta do?" Anton looked back at her.
"What?" She asked
"Believe!" Anton said flailing his arms.
"Haha! Hmm. You must be very close to know that one," Sunny said.
"Well I'm sure any fan would know that one,"
"Ooooh, are you a fan become friend?" Sunny said starting to walk a little faster.
"Maybe," Anton said.
"Then that's a no then huh?" Sunny said. Her curiosity was keeping her determined.
"Hmm. How'd you meet PaRappa?" Sunny asked smiling. Anton chuckled.
"Uh, heh I don't remember," Anton hinted.
"You must of been really young then," Sunny said
"Uh huh," Anton said, "Well enough about me. I wanna know about you," They had made it into town, so they were looking around as they walked now.
"Well what do you want to know?" Sunny didn't think anything about her was all that interesting.
"What do you like to do?" Anton asked.
"I like to garden, hang out with my friends. I love music. I'm not all that good at making it though, but that's what I think makes it even more wonderful to me. Oh! And I also love animals. The strange similarities to people makes them really interesting. And not just that but the way they aren't like people really makes me curious too," Sunny said thoughtfully.
"Good answer," Anton commented.
"What do you like?" Sunny asked.
"Oh, well I feel the inner walls of my personality hasn't revealed enough about myself to me to truly give you a proper answer until I am 21," Anton said.
"What? You're thinking too much. I just want to know what you like currently,"
"Well I like mechanics, videogames, BOOKS!!!?" Anton jumped.
"What was that?!" Sunny looked up. She saw it too. A black shadow dashing above the roofs. A bloodcurdling scream was heard like someone had stepped on a screaming snake. At that moment the two looked at one another, and then took cover underneath a balcony.
A top of a roof stood a giant raven with empty white eyes and a metal collar with a small chain leash. It's wings were almost like giant hands with it's five points.
"Reaper the Grim!" Anton gasped.
"What should we do?" Sunny was awestruck, yet petrified.
"Make some noise," Anton went over to 2 metal trash can lids and smashed them together like cymbals.
"ANTON WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU'RE GONNA LEAD IT RIGHT TO US," Sunny yelled as loud as she was willing.
"It can't hurt us as long as we're awake. Making some sort of alarm will wake up other people too," Anton explained calmly.
"CaN yOU STop THaT i'M TrYiNg tO slEEp!" Someone yelled from a window.
"Yeah!" Someone else shouted out. Other heads popped out from their windows to see what the commotion was about.
"Well that worked out better than I expected. Hello residents of HaHa Land!-" Anton said.
"GeT tO tHe PoInT!" Someone yelled.
"A sleep demon is here for your children so stay awake or you'll find your soul trapped in a metal prison!" Anton said.
"Sleep demon? Here for our children? Ptt!" The someone responded.
"No mom. He's telling the truth. My friends have died sleeping during this night," a young girl said walking up next to her mother.
"Who's been telling you this crap? Your friend probably just got deported," The mother said.
"No one in HaHa Land ever get's deported. They share the same fate of those who sleep tonight," Anton said.
"What?!" Sunny turned from looking at the mother to Anton.
"Sunny, EVERYONE, listen! Mr. Dragonbreath's factory eats the souls of this population's citizens. By either killing them himself or waiting patiently for you to be buried here. You're immortal soul is on the line of being enslaved permanently! And captured into the batteries of his machines," Anton emoted with his arms like some sage.
"Turkey talk!" The mother shouted.
"IO!" A turkey yelled from his window.
"Sorry..." The mother said turning red.
"Well if you won't believe me just look yonder! See there's the monster sent here to collect our souls!" Anton pointed to Reaper the Grim who had conveniently stayed put. The crow almost seemed like he understood some parts of the conversation.
The crowd gasped at the monster. They then went back into their houses without another word to Sunny and Anton.
"Anton?" Sunny was confused.
"I have an idea," Anton was avoiding telling Sunny the full story to focus on the task at hand.
"What!?" Sunny didn't understand.
"You see those announcement thingies? We should get to a call center and make some real noise. I think we should also try to find PaRappa too just in case but I don't know exactly how we'll succeed with that,"

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