Pat's breakfast

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It's been 2 months.
Pat and PaRappa had practically traveled the most fantastic places on the planet. From the zero-g library to the monster's cave. Pat and PaRappa had bonded to be best of friends. PaRappa, or "Putt" needed no leash to be glued to Pat's side. He just simply followed wherever the cat man and his tail went. They were sitting outside of a dinner in the american midwest eating breakfast when PaRappa started noticing more things.
The scenery was quite calming to him. He looked around. Some of the things in front of him had names. He didn't exactly know how to use these names, so he just sort've acknowledged that they were there.
"What's the matter Putt? You look like you just saw a book fly out of it's shelf. Haha. Eat your pancakes quickly. If we don't we won't be able to go horseback riding for this town's special tour. I know that's a little weird that this hour is gonna close so early, but the residents are mostly nocturnal. I can't really understand that though. I sleep all night so I can do stuff the next day. They probably do the same, except they sleep during the day. Huh, I guess I can understand that. Sorry you won't be riding any horses. They just don't allow you're type of dog to do that stuff. It's not like they've speciest or anything. I mean, if I were them I would be afraid that the horses would get spooked. Ok That totally sounds speciest, but you're not a person so it makes sense. No offense, but you just aren't a person, it's a fact," Pat said his thoughts out loud to PaRappa as he usually did while PaRappa messily gobbled up his pancakes. "Sometimes I wish you were a person. That would be neat... But then maybe you might not like me anymore or something like that. You seem pretty chill with me currently. I'm sure you'd never hate me haha. I think after this trip we'll head to another timeshare to just chill for one or two weeks. I'm super exhausted from all of this exciting travel, ya know? I'm sure you are too. They have a pool so you can totally get out energy easy while we're there if you need to," PaRappa was now licking the syrup from his plate. The waiter came over to the two customers. He was amused by PaRappa sitting in a chair and ruffled the fur on his head.
"Are you two ready for the bill?" He asked politely.
"Why yes, thank you for your service!" Pat said.
"Oh! well you too!" The waiter said. He then went red in the face when he realized what he said made no sense, "Uh here," The waiter put down the bill and went back inside feeling rather dumb.
"Haha did you see that!? I don't know how many times before i've done the same thing," Pat said handling the bill. PaRappa tilted his head. He understood of what Pat was mostly saying, but he still couldn't relate due to the fact that, to PaRappa, he'd never talked before. The noises coming from his friend's mouth now had meaning. He still was not creative enough to conjure up his own sentence though. He was getting there.
(I think you all can see where I'm going with this)

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