Mission Impossible

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The next day PaRappa wondered if he should even go to school. With the new and different changes everyday, missing a day could possibly ensure that he wouldn't be able to tell Sunny. She would just figure it out by his looks. He also didn't want to risk getting lost on his way to and from certain areas. Not to even get started on the fact that his gym teacher knew he grew a tail. PaRappa didn't even tell him to keep it quiet. It was very possible that the whole teacher network knew.
At that point he considered if it was even worth it. His friends would surely tell Sunny about why he wasn't around anymore. With all of them knowing it wouldn't be hard for them to figure out that they all shared a common secret. All except for PJ who knew the truth. He would probably tell unless PaRappa told PJ to just leave them thinking he was dead. Outside of PaRappa's window he spotted a small flying monster. It made him jump so much he fell out of bed.
"Everything ok up there sport?!" His father called.
"Yeah! I'm good," PaRappa yelled back.
PaRappa decided that it was worth going. He told himself that it was going to be the most epic school day of his entire life. A perilous journey to reach out to two of his friends in a world that was prone to fall apart- his world. He thought of himself as a spy. Telling a secret code to a group of select individuals across treacherous gaps of lava on his horse.
He got out of the house feeling pumped but soon up on his way to school he suddenly got lost. The world seemed like such a bigger place now that he was in it. He could go anywhere and get even more lost than he already was. Luckily for him he saw a schoolbus. It had students in it so he knew it was going to school. He tried his best to keep up, but the bus was much quicker than him. Soon it out rode him. PaRappa was considering going home... If he knew where that was. There was no other way. He had decided that he must get to school. There was no ifs ands or buts.
"Heh, butts," PaRappa said to himself immaturely. Despite the bus being far away, he still knew where it was. He could hear it. He could smell it. PaRappa thought this new ability was odd, but it was useful. He went with it and continued to follow the bus until he had made it to school. PaRappa arrived way later than he usually did, but at least he wasn't tardy when it came to school times (He usually came to school early to hang out with his friends).
He rushed into school for homeroom just in time.
"PaRappa why are you here so late?" Sunny asked, "And why is everybody look like they've gotten like zero sleep. They won't tell me what's wrong with them," From behind Sunny, Matt gestured his hands kissing each other and then pointed to PaRappa.
"Uh, I'll tell you sometime today. It's really important that we, uh, be alone," PaRappa tried his best not to look directly at Matt.
"Oh. Where should we go?" Sunny asked.
"Uh haha where do you wanna go?" PaRappa asked blushing.
"Umm, I guess my place maybe," Sunny said. She started to blush too. Matt in the background was freaking out cause of all the blush.
"Ok, I guess i'll meet you there right after school," PaRappa said avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah," Sunny said. She smelled like sugar water, Matt smelled like paper, or a new book, PJ smelled like french fries, and Paula and Katy both smelled like an over saturated amount of perfume. PaRappa took in these new detailed smells. He could smell where they'd been before they got into class. He could hear other conversations in the halls and in other classrooms. He sneezed. Sidewalk smell. Stone Cold walked into the room.
"Hello boys and girls. I am Mr. Cold. Your teacher isn't here today, so I insisted on helpin you folks study or somethin," Stone said smoothly and softly.
"Where did he go? Is he sick?" a student asked.
"He's on vacation. Piñata Island to be exact," Stone gave the student a card to Piñata Island. He then put on his reading glasses and looked at the teacher's note."Ok so your teacher gave you some word search to do. I'm guessing ya'll know how to do one of these, so take one and pass it," Stone gave a counted number of papers to a column of desks and they passed it back. When he got to PaRappa, Stone started up a conversation. "Hey Pa Rapper how's your day?" He asked while aggressively counting papers.
"It's a 'meh' mostly," PaRappa said.
"A 'meh' huh? Mine's been way better," Stone Chuckled.
"Ok," PaRappa said uncomfortable in his seat.
"Do you like to plan for things Pa Rapper? Or do you just let stuff happen?" Stone asked.
"I guess I just let stuff happen most of the time," PaRappa said honestly.
"If I were you I would plan stuff more often. Do you have any plans tonight?" Stone asked. It was getting really awkward.
"Uh, yes actually, I do have plans tonight," PaRappa said.
"Bummer, I was hoping you could help me garden some things in my lawn. I woulda given you a lot of cash in return," Stone said.
"Sorry teacher, but my plans are set in stone," PaRappa said.
"And what plans would that be?"Stone asked.
"To hang out with Sunny... at her place," PaRappa reluctantly said.
"Oh I see. You got the girl now! Good fer you," Stone said taking note. He then finally walked off back to his desk.
During lunch PaRappa found the time to tell PJ.
"I told everyone else that I was going to die. So please don't tell them, ya know," PaRappa said in the out door area of lunch.
"I don't know If I should keep that promise PaRappa. I feel like they should deserve to know. Why would you want them to think you were dead anyway?" PJ asked.
"I want to separate the dog dog me from the normal me OK?!" PaRappa said.
"I don't really understand where you're coming from dude," PJ said
"Well what if this happened to you?-"
"Then i'd tell them the TRUTH," PJ pushed.
"Ok then... Tell em! I won't even care cause i'm a DOG back, bak, bork! I could care LESS about how people think of me bick bak!"
"Alright then I won't tell... god," PJ said. He was upset now. He did not like fighting with PaRappa. PaRappa went back inside with PJ. The both looked extra grumpy as to annoy one another.
"What's with you two?"Paula asked.
"Nothing," PJ and PaRappa said simultaneously.
"Well It's obviously not nothing, you guys went outside just to be away from us. You come back and now you're both salty. It's not nothing. Nobody get's upset over nothing," Katy said.
"You'd be surprised on how many people get upset over nothing," Paula said.
"I think she means literally nothing not nothing nothing," Matt interjected.
"WE KNOW WHAT SHE/ME MEANS MATT," Katy and Paula shouted.
"Ok ok I get it," Matt said putting his hands up to his chest.
"It's private stuff ok? Just let it be," PaRappa said.
"Alright we'll let it go," Katy said.
"We will?" Paula looked at Katy.
"Yes we will," Katy responded.

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