Everyone dies

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The next day was the extra show for the NtN presentations. It was held in an old timey theatre and was filled to the brim with scaly audience members. PaRappa didn't think he was going to be performing in front of so many people. The pressure was on, and he really wished things were going to go as he imaged. He had his USB and a phone in one pocket, and a chisel in the other. Such an event with so many people had to attract chaos.

He expected something crazy to happen like the place setting on fire, but what he was worried about was something that would interfere with his presentation more. PaRappa was in the backstage area being numbered when they threw a recognizable face into the lineup.

It was none other than Hue buckling and honking at the police carrying him in.
"Hue!" PaRappa shouted.
"Hello PaRappa," Hue grumbled a honk.
"What are you doing here?" PaRappa asked.
"UH, What do you think. I'm here to be deported to who knows where. What about you?" Hue said avoiding eye contact with PaRappa.
"I'm gonna do my presentation. It's a powerpoint on how music can change people at HaHa Land," PaRappa said trying to be extra positive to get Hue to feel better.
"And i'm guessing that your dad Pat HaHa helped you out with it huh?" Hue said. PaRappa nodded.
"I wouldn't a been able to do anything let alone put it on this USB without his help. I don't really know too much about computers," PaRappa said taking the USB out of his pocket.

Hue glared at it for a moment before launching himself at the USB in PaRappa's hand. PaRappa gripped tighter and thought about his chisel. He didn't have any time nor hands to try and repel Hue with it, but in his heart he knew he would never use it on him. Hue was starting to loosen PaRappa's grip on the USB.
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!" PaRappa shouted at him.
"Shut up!" Hue knew that what he was doing was wrong, but he was so desperate. The two boys shuffled around the backstage until Hue finally got the USB loose. It dropped from the four brawling hands onto a floor vent. The USB fell straight down into the abyss.

PaRappa was speechless. The other kids in the room had been watching the whole thing.
"HYPTAGAAAA LOOK WHAT YOU DID!! NOW YOU'VE DRAGGED ME DOWN WITH YOU!! WHEN WAS THIS EVEN ABOUT YOU?! NOW I'M GONNA BE DEPORTED TOO!!" PaRappa screamed. Hue didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't this.
"I-I'm sorry-" Despite being way taller than the small dog Hue was intimidated.
"No, You're NOT. You're just saying that because you didn't get my presentation nether. You don't care about me," PaRappa was starting to tear up. He was going to be put who knows where and and to and to top it all off he was going to be humiliated by the crowd. PaRappa fell over on his face and wallowed in in his own pity. Hue felt like a horrible person for doing such a thing. Now there wasn't just going to be one, but two people being deported if he had not been so arrogant.

He wanted to kick himself, or go back in time and undo what he had done. Hue instead pinched his arm and bit his lip, hard. You're such a spaz. He thought.
As the manager let kid after kid go up and do his part PaRappa's turn neared. He was last to go, Hue was third to last.
"Hue Jass?! Dohh! Tricked again!" The iguana manager said.
"No, That's my name" Hue said walking on stage, "I got nothin" He said with big letters so everyone could read it. He then fell into a trap door. PaRappa shivered. What a shame.
"Josh Pachet!" The iguana manager called. PaRappa practically fainted, he was next in line to be humiliated.
Josh Packet's presentation was on transportation, as HaHa desperately needed some more trains. It was about a two minute long powerpoint. For a moment PaRappa imaged himself as this studious fellow.

The crowd then politely clapped and it was PaRappa's turn.
"Putt HaHa?!" The iguana manager said. At those words PaRappa realized that he would not only be letting himself down, but his family name. With a cold deep breath he walked on stage to all those eyeballs staring at his head. He didn't even have the will to be creative.
"I got nothing," He said looking at the floor. The trap door engulfed him into darkness. At first he thought it was over, but the feeling of being a disappointment did not flee him. His stomach felt cold and empty like he had taken a shot of milk. Oh the shame.
Hue honked. It was too dark in there for PaRappa to see his card.
"Oh, hello," PaRappa said bitterly. For some reason PaRappa felt more like this was his own fault. He felt that, but he knew in his head this was all Hue's fault. Someone turned on the lights to reveal the two in a room full of paper eyes glued to the wall. The someone who had turned on the lights was Pat.
"Let's go," he said sternly. PaRappa did not hesitate to get up. Although he did so looking to the ground with shame. Hue followed quietly behind. Going down the wooden hall, Pat opened up a door into a garage with a car.
"Ok we need to-" Pat started. He was interrupted by the rapid stomping of a heavy man. Bursting into the room was a giant man dressed completely in metal armour. His dome helmet only showed his tiny eyes. Around his helmet was barbed wire going perpendicular to one another. Before Pat could do much of anything but scream the large man bashed him into the floor.

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