John makes things complicated

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At their new timeshare PaRappa was swimming in circles, while Pat was doing burpees to The final countdown. He finished his workout and jumped into the pool to cool off. PaRappa swam right over to him.
"Good boy Putt," He said to his little speed boat. It was funny to see only the very top of PaRappa stick out of the water all the time while the rest of him worked real hard to get moving invisibly. Pat tossed a tennis ball to the other side of the pool. PaRappa got going to get it steadily. When he reached it he opened his mouth got it, and turned around to return it like a good boy. He liked being a good boy, it was nice. "Yay! Great job!" Pat shouted clapping. It was super hot that day. The concrete around the pool was so hot it burned his feet, and the sun was so bright not even shades could keep it out. The dry air didn't help either.
Pat wished he hadn't worked out so much. He almost felt sick because of how hot he had made himself. The pool was refreshing, but not for long. It too was heating up. "Oh my goodness Putt it's super hot out. I feel like i'm right next to the sun!" He said before going under the water and pushing himself off the wall. PaRappa tried to follow him with his eyes, but he dipped his snout into the water which caused him to sneeze.
"Ow," He said to himself. Pat emerged on the other side of the pool unaware that PaRappa spoke.
"Ah," Pat shook his head a little to get the water off him, "Wanna get some food Putt? I'm starving. I rented a movie for us to watch while we eat. It's a spooky one! Don't worry i'll be at your side the entire time. I'm sure you can handle it," Pat underestimated PaRappa's comprehension abilities. He thought that PaRappa wouldn't understand the movie, and therefore wouldn't be afraid. He was wrong.

In the movie the protagonists were being chased by a ghost. They were trapped in the catacombs of some ancient race that was very angry and restless. Both PaRappa and Pat watched stiff and wide eyed.
"A door opened over here! We can get out!" Said Jonny racing, and for a moment pointing at the exit.
"No Jonny it's a trick!" Said his girlfriend, Jenna. Jonny went on in anyway. The flash light flickered and Pat and PaRappa saw Jonny getting choked by the ghost for a split second. After that the light was completely gone.  Nothing could be heard but the sound of the girlfriend's panicked breathing. Pat and PaRappa tensed up. The girlfriend's flashlight turned on again revealing nothing there. "Jonny?" She turned around to find the ghost staring right at her. She screamed and so did Pat and PaRappa. Pat saw PaRappa scream like a person and pointed at him while screaming and falling off the couch.
"Haha! You screamed. Wow I didn't know you could do that!" Pat said fascinated, and on the floor. He got up, grabbed the remote and paused the movie. "Do that again!" PaRappa then proceeded to shout a very unenthusiastic scream. "Haha!" The sound was irreplaceable. "Can you say... HaHa Land?"
"Ha Ha Land," PaRappa said without difficulty.
"Wow! You can talk!?" Pat said just beaming with curiosity.
"I guess I can," PaRappa said twitching his ears as he heard his own voice. He started getting the happy from Pat, so he started wagging his tail.
"WOOOOOAH! THAT'S AWESOME! SAY SOMETHING ELSE," Pat was practically jumping up and down.
"hmm...This movie is scary," PaRappa said looking back at the screen. Pat followed his gaze.
"It really is Putt. How long have you been able to talk?" Pat sat himself back on the couch next to PaRappa.
"I'm not sure, but I don't know why I couldn't talk before. It's so simple," There was a knock on the door.
"I'm gonna go get that. I'll be right back," Pat went over to the knock out of sight. PaRappa using his words had started a chain reaction in his brain. He could now think of more complex thoughts. Words were revealing themselves to him at a rapid rate. He looked over to where Pat had gone.
PaRappa wanted him to come back so they could talk.
    Out of the blue somebody from behind grabbed his snout and wrapped an arm below him tight. PaRappa couldn't scream. His breath quickened as the intruder picked him up off the couch. He couldn't even see who was doing this to him, or what he was going to do with him. They made it to the back door, which was wide open. They went to a pickup truck. The kidnapper put a muzzle on him, and tied him to a metal rod protruding out of the truck's back trunk. He was lucky to not be tied in a way where he would be dragged.
"Heh. I was expecting a little more kick. You're the weirdest werewolf i'm ever gonna kill," John said.
"Please don't kill me!" PaRappa said with his tail in between his legs.
"Oh boohoo! What you gonn do cry? Monsters like you are the reason there's evil in the world," John said starting his truck and driving off.

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