a chapter you'll read eventually but it's been translated so much you can't-

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Figure out what it's trying to say.

"Do not be afraid" the red voice said.

"Wait, let's do something," the black eyes said. Music of the orchestra began to play a bit.

"I do not think it is such a monster," the red eyes said. Music stopped.

"OK OK, let's scan," the black eyes said, "Can you talk?" Matt nodded,

"Oh, hello!"

"Yeah?" Matt said. He sat and said, "Where am I?"

"S P A C E" she said. Have you ever been in a room?

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"It was a pleasure because there was a tip on my head," the black eyes said.

"I will do it!?"

"Unless he wants to eat bread forever, you can spend it ... you control ... probably pirates, probably pirates, monsters, "said monotonous red eyes He is disgusting

"You were kidnapped by a dwarf?" Black eyes said.

"I think someone kidnapped me, a bit I listened, both eyes closed tight.

"It is much of a mess!" Black eyes said.

"If you want to kill us quickly, believe me, it's fun!" Red eyeball

"You have seen him in the head, he just wanted to lead a normal life,

"Ordinary?" Have you ever seen a planet? We have been compromised for 5000 years and are crawling around in confusion. Please rinse the brain to make a subtle game and kill me. I am encouraging you."

"The mistake, you are afraid, do not understand, you want me to live," the black eyes said. The woman made a whining and burst into tears.

"Can you ask me what is going on?" Matt is sitting in the corner.

"You have a lot of confusion in your body, it does not seem to be known to you, you will not receive, as there is a great presence of confusion and malice in your area,

"Oh, I know how to give it out" said in a familiar voice, "I saw you cutting me, I care what you do with it No,"

"No, wait," Brent told the counter.

"You can not go with me," Matt Matt said. "You are less than 47%," Please phone me, how many people can you see now? "

"4" matte was added.

"It's technically Jesus, but it's just Silver Wing and Human Error," Mitt said.

"Who are you?"

"I give you a hint, I will see you through the screen"

"I will leave here and kill all of us, I will just go out," Brent said.

"Please look at him with eyes," Mitt said.

"Do not look, still!" Brent shouted.

"Gar!" Error when you leave the mat by jumping over the wall. Matt screamed for insects three times more and for frogs (dragon masses). The fault was white with a red contour, completely made of metal, so it was Silverwings, but it was a black outline. Matt grabbed the tail of his shirt and ran away from the room as soon as possible. Matt did not understand what happened when he wanted to see his house. Despite the metal silver and scratches, it looked comfortable. Mat and door code where the error number has dropped.

"Mistake, where are you going?" Silver asked the carpet.

"Planet Flatlands See Fools", Escape as Escape Doors and Escape.

"Can not you fly there?" Silver.

"Yes, I will probably kill," Mistake Sleeves said. The mat held a red nail and put it on the sleeve. "You can go alone to hell, I will be behind you, I will stretch my wings," the error raises the sleeve and presses the button on the dashboard It was.

"Oh, SpaceCookie, you can see it!" That is easy! "Oh, I give up" Mitt cried from the switch in the questioning room.

Have you ever seen eyes? Silverwings asked

"Yes, I do not understand anything about them, but confusing animals seem to be able to see them, I have no tendency to think about it," said the error. He pushed the button and the mat and vagina were fired into space.

(Wtf!? Vagina!? Here's another joke chapter for your entertainment)

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