Spaghetti Dinner

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PaRappa woke to find himself still in the attic of a stranger. In a corner was a small pile of bread Crowla had gathered from different various places. PaRappa was not in the mood for bread though. He wanted to sleep relax and melt. The wooden floor was not very compatible with sleep though. Reluctantly he sat up and looked out the window.

A car passed. How peaceful PaRappa sighed. Looking over the jungle he felt a prang of fear and guilt. Fear for the horrors that roam there, and guilt for what he had done to make it any better thus far. He couldn’t just sit there and do nothing while skulls were crushed and children were shot. But what could he do? He was just a single dog with a chisel. Not to mention that he was traumatized. He needed to get help, tell someone.
PaRappa dialed Pat’s number.
“Hello?... Putt?... Who's there?” Pat asked over the phone. PaRappa did not speak, he then hung up. He'll get me caught. PaRappa put the phone down on the floor. He didn’t think Pat would rat him out intentionally, but he needed to lay low.

Crowla flew in the window happily. He crowed with joy. The pinata had a cinnamon roll in his beak for PaRappa.
“Thanks!” PaRappa shouted gratefully accepting the rare gift. While eating it slowly he thought about what he should do. He could sit there like a coward or go back in there like an idiot.

Well isn’t that a positive outlook. There wasn’t too much going for him at the moment anyway. He decided to give himself some time to understand what was really happening to him before he made any rash decisions. Well what do I do now? That’s a very good question.

    Glancing at Crowla snoozing away gave him the idea. What a great idea he thought half sarcastically. Then he fell asleep again for 4 hours of the day. Sometimes he would have wondrous dreams of love while other times he would have nightmarish dreams of the giant’s shadow overtaking him. When he finally decided to awake again the sun was in a different position and he had a sour taste in his mouth. The cure for this awful taste was water, but it seemed all they had was bread.

PaRappa took the need for water as a call of purpose. He hadn’t done anything else that day, it was time to get out of the attic. He called the attic Spaghetti Dinner based off of an old poster advertising a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at HaHa’s high school. He imagined what it might be like at a school. From what movies told him he had to be popular to be happy at school. With spaghetti dinner in mind he imagined himself walking into the event with full swag.

“Wow PaRappa you’re so popular!” Sunny said to him. PaRappa tipped his sunglasses.
“I know,” he said grabbing Sunny over to his side. PaRappa stopped imaging.

Taking action, PaRappa got up from where he spent over 7 hours at, to crawl out of the window he had entered from. He didn’t know all too much about how lakes formed, but he assumed that it was in the forested area. Although he didn’t want to go in there. It was dreadfully dirty and uncomfortable. PaRappa feared he’d come out of it being wet and cold if he stepped in any mud or anything else. Any other day this would’ve been fine. He could just go home, take a shower, and get a change of clean clothes. To ruin the only clothes on his back? Pat must be rubbing off on me PaRappa smiled.

Ignoring his Pat-isms he wadded through the wood until he found a lake. He honestly didn’t know how exactly to approach the water. Then he said to heck with it because nobody was watching and just drank like a dog dog. After all that was said and done he sat down on a rock and just sorta took the landscape in. He thought about abstract concepts like how once a day was done there would never ever be a day exactly like it. He couldn’t of thought of something so divine as a dog dog, yet he sorta felt wild like one.

Returning to civilization he found a poster that said he was missing on an apartment building. This chilled PaRappa’s spine. Shurely Dragonbreath knew that he had escaped, and now he was gathering the community against him. He took the poster off of the wall and folded it into his pocket. PaRappa was not the destructive type.

Looking around Spaghetti Dinner PaRappa spent the rest of his day reading Darkwing by Kenneth Oppel.

(Spaghetti Dinner is based off of a real place named for the same reason. Although, my Spaghetti Dinner is a stairwell that's rarely used in my school.

We eventually got kicked out of Spaghetti Dinner and ran off to a parallel stairwell named after the movie Moonrise Kingdom.
That place was always more eerie, with it’s alien noises, windowless walls, and a strange door that leads to somewhere that does not appear on our school maps)

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