I. Metting Katherine

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Katherine was an eighteen year who lived in Clarksville, Tennessee with her 'arranged family' which consisted of Frank, the lowlife deceiving pig, and his two children, Gerald and Rhonda.

The two ended up together because of Katherine's family being in desperate need of food and money, and with it being a worldwide depression, it made it even worse to provide for the family.

Running out of options, Katherine's dad, Richard, found Frank Johnson, a man who seemed to have it all together, a charming man with a giving heart, but they should've known it was something else behind the generous giving

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Running out of options, Katherine's dad, Richard, found Frank Johnson, a man who seemed to have it all together, a charming man with a giving heart, but they should've known it was something else behind the generous giving.

He had money and plenty of food, and they were desperate to do anything to get their hands on it. Frank happily gave and in abundance, but when it was time to pay him back and Katherine's family couldn't come up with the rest, it was like Frank was a whole new person

He wasn't the generous, and charming man they first fell in love with, he had become this cold-hearted bully that wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted and more.

If her family didn't have the money when he asked for it, he began to take their valuable possessions, anything they held near and dear to their hearts, he took it from them.

One day, the family ran out of things to give and all they had were the clothes on their backs and the few they could spare, but that wasn't enough for Frank.

Richard made the hardest decision ever and offered to give Katherine to him, as payment until the family came up with the money. Frank agreed and ever since then, she's been living with Frank and his rotten, hard-headed children.

"KATHERINE!" Frank yelled out to her as she put the scrubbing sponge back in the bucket of water and got up from the kitchen floor

"Yes?" She said reaching the front deck of the house

"Get over here and shave me, I have a date tonight and I want to look good."

"But I shaved you last week."

"And I said I want you to do it, now!" He snapped as he sat down in the chair

She went over to him and applied the shaving cream to his face as he held his head back and next, she picked up the razor that was next to the water.

She went to tilt his head back some more, but he quickly grabbed her free hand. "If you cut me, I'll break every bone in your body. Understand?" He said menacingly with a piercing stare

She lightly trembled as she shook her head yes and he let her hand go. He closed his eyes as she held his head back and slowly began to shave him.

This wasn't the first time she's done this before, but she was more nervous this time. She knew that his threat was serious and he didn't play around

When she got to the lower parts of his neck, she took shorter and slower strokes, out of fear of not messing up.

She finished up as she took the towel and cleaned the rest of his face of any cream that was left over. He got up and touched his face, "Very good, now have my shirt and pants ready and make sure to clean and polish my shoes. I want all the dirt gone from around the sides." He instructed

"Ok." She said as she went back inside the house and picked the bucket up from the floor and sat it on the counter.

She went upstairs to his room and looked inside his closet and picked out his clothes, then laid the starched and pressed clothes on the side of his bed.

Next, she grabbed his shoes and the shoe brush with polish and began to polish his shoes. She made extra sure to heavily scrub on the outside of the shoe, so he won't pitch a fit later

After that was done, she placed the shoes on the floor next to the bed and put the brush and shoe polish back.

She went back downstairs to finish scrubbing the floors as Gerald and Rhonda came running in the house with dirt all over them. "Hey! Stop running! You're tracking dirt in the house."

"You're cleaning anyways, so what difference does it matter?" Gerald shrugged

"It matters because I have to go back and do it over again! I should make you two do it since you made the mess."

"I don't think so," Rhonda said as they both ran off giggling

"Spoiled brats." She grumbled as Frank came inside tracking more dirt and mud on the floor

"Katherine, haven't you done any work? This floor is a mess." He scoffed

"More work than you've ever done." She muttered as he stopped and turned around

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I said nothing." He gave her one last glance as he turned back around and headed upstairs

She blew a sigh of relief as she grabbed the bucket and got back on the ground to scrub the floors once again.

Later that night, it was just about time for Frank to go, as he already had on his clean clothes and polished shoes. Katherine was in the kitchen washing up the rest of the dishes as she heard a knock at the front door.

She looked out the window and saw a new Ford T-model car that was parked next to Frank's, but she didn't recognize the car.

She went to go answer the door but heard Frank going to get it, so instead she kept on washing the dishes and figured it must be for him, no one comes to see her unless it's her family and they don't have a car

All the while she heard the soothing voice of a man, it was a rich deep sound that shook her nerves to the core. She wanted to at least know what he looks like, so she went into the dining room to get the rest of the glasses

When she entered the room, there were two men standing, and one sitting across from Frank as the mystery man's eyes immediately fell to hers.

She felt trapped by his gaze and couldn't look away from his intense, dark eyes. She finally looked away as she gathered the rest of the glasses off the table.

"Don't be rude, get him some water," Frank said motioning to the man sitting across from him as she nodded her head and quickly went back into the kitchen to get a clean glass and filled it with water

She came back and sat it down in front of him, as he slowly leaned forward and grabbed the glass. "Thank you." He said as he held her gaze and began to drink

"You're welcome." She said quietly and quickly leaving the room again.

A few moments later, she heard the door close and next came the car doors being shut. She looked out of the window again to see the car pulling off out of the driveway and going down the road, leaving a trail of dust behind

Never in her life has she felt like that about a man before, especially a white one. In the back of her mind, she hoped to see him again, but she knew that would be a slim chance.

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