Chapter I: A Familiar Smell

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B/N: I started this book at 14 and I'm now 21. The grammar sucks and the storyline is definitely far from perfect. I apologize in advance.

Cover artwork from: upthehill!

That morning Harry was the only one left in the Gryffindor tower. The dormitories and the Common Room were completely bare, not a person in sight. His four-post bed had covers tousled all around him as he laid in bed still fast asleep.

The house colours were depicted in every inch of the room. Chandeliers let off warm golden glows, like the fire that represented Gryffindors, and crimson bed sheets and curtains were scattered everywhere. The room was quiet and only the sound of the rustling winds outside pierced the room of The Brave. A cold rush of air overcame the room and revealed the wizard's forehead, where his renowned scar laid.

At this movement, Harry shuffled over and opened his emerald eyes. Ron, Neville, and Seamus were nowhere in sight, he sighed. The time read 9:30 a.m. This information took him a second to process before saying to himself, "I cannot be late to Potion's Class again. Snape is going to kill me!" He quickly got out of his bed and put on his clothes, his black shoes, and his house robe. His black hair was all knotted, and he still had dark circles under his eyes from continuous nightmares. Nightmares where he saw Voldemort or imagined the death of the ones he loved.

Harry quickly went through the Common Room, down the mahogany staircase and out of the Gryffindor tower. He walked at a fast pace towards Potion's Class, hoping that nobody would truly remark his absence, especially Snape. Most of the school was pretty empty, all the students were supposed to be in class at this day and hour. Harry could hear the sound of his footsteps echo around him.

Once Harry finally arrived in front of the classroom door he could feel a slight limp in his legs. He was scared of Snape's reaction. This would now be his third time being late in a row. He slowly opened the door and was greeted with Snape looking directly at him and a very familiar smell...

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