Chapter 33. Secrets Unveiled

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Harry also woke up to the sound of a girl's voice that morning.

"Harry!" she shouted. "You will be late for class."

"Okay, Hermione." the boy said. He was not in fact sleeping, he had been awake thinking about the most beautiful evening of his life.

"Harry!" Hermione said this time bursting in.

"Hermione! I am in bed!"

"Sorry, but you have five minutes or you will be late to class once again! You have already missed one."

"Okay." Harry said but he could not help but smile. Even Hermione's yelling could not upset him. The Gryffindor girl observed the black haired boy's odd behavior for a moment.

"Harry, why were you not in the Gryffindor tower until very late last night?" she said curiously but Harry did not answer. He looked down to his shoes and tried to not make any sudden reactions. Hermione grabbed his cloak that was laying on to the corner of his bed and just before she threw it at him she remarked something quite strange.

"That is odd...", "Your cloak has a unique smell, you were late last night and well you seem rather different, different as in over joyful... Malfoy too was late to the Slytherin dungeons I was told and he broke up with Astoria... That is odd. Very odd." Hermione said as an almost diabolical smile formed her lips

"Hermione stop! You are absurd!"

"And Malfoy missed his first class and left school..." 

"Wait... what?"

"So, it is true Harry?"

"Is what true?"

"Is something happening between you and Malfoy?" she declared. She did not need an answer. Harry's visage unveiled all his secrets. The young studious girl was startled. She did not know what to say or do. She could not believe it was happening.. "Malfoy? Really? Out of all people?" she hissed but her best friends face told all the pain. She remembered the first night after Potion's Class with Ron, she remembered his suffering... "Harry I said I will always be here for you... So I am..." but deep down she could never truly accept what was happening.

The two of them walked down the corridors and quickly to their class but none of them knew what was happening behind close doors, and what was going to take place in a mansion not too far away... right under their eyes... to a boy with blonde hair and eyes of blue that would probably go back to silver for all eternity... to a boy no other than Draco, Draco Malfoy...

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